捕获,并以更具体的输入方式使用强制转换为<Object, Object>
public class EventBus {
// Ideally I would like something like:
// Map<Class<EventType>, Map<Handler, BiConsumer<Handler, EventType>>>
// So that it is guaranteed that the BiConsumer types are going to match the ones in
// the map keys. but the maps should be able to handle multiple types of handlers and
// events, so I can't generify the class itself, nor the field.
private final Map<Class<?>, Map<Object, BiConsumer<Object, Object>>> mSubscribers
= new HashMap<>();
public <Handler, EventType> void register(Class<EventType> type,
Handler handler,
BiConsumer<Handler, EventType> function) {
var subscribers = mSubscribers.computeIfAbsent(type, x -> new LinkedHashMap<>());
// Casting the BiConsumer here is unnecessary in my view.
// But it gives error otherwise and even with the cast, it gives me a warning.
// If I change the BiConsumer to <?, ?> i can remove this cast. but then the post
// method throws error.
subscribers.put(handler, (BiConsumer<Object, Object>) function);
public void unregister(Class<?> type, Object handler) {
var subscribers = mSubscribers.get(type);
if (subscribers == null || subscribers.remove(handler) == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("handler is not registered to this event"));
// This event is Object because that is what the BiConsumer is expecting.
// I don't get much by generifying this parameter.
void post(Object event) {
var type = event.getClass();
var eventSubscribers = mSubscribers.get(type);
if (eventSubscribers == null || eventSubscribers.isEmpty()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("No handler registered for this event"));
for (var eventSubscriberEntry : eventSubscribers.entrySet()) {
var function = eventSubscriberEntry.getValue();
var handler = eventSubscriberEntry.getKey();
// If I change the BiConsumer to <?, ?> the following line throws error because
// Object is not compatible with capture<?>. although "?" should be anything that
// inherits from Object, including Object. so not sure why it would give me error.
function.accept(handler, event);
public class State
private final EventBus mEventBus;
public State(EventBus eventBus) {
mEventBus = eventBus;
public void onInitialize() {
// I can't use 'this::onMyEvent' because then I can't pass 'this' (nor
// 'this::onMyEvent') in the unregister method, since the functional interface
// instances would be different.
mEventBus.register(MyEvent.class, this, State::onMyEvent);
public void onDestroy() {
mEventBus.unregister(MyEvent.class, this);
private void onMyEvent(MyEvent event) {
//Do something