
时间:2018-05-18 22:44:57

标签: c# twilio-twiml

我正在尝试使用Twilio可编程语音编写应用程序,以便能够从客户收集语音和数字。我的代码是获取数字但没有响应语音结果。顺便说一下,在Twilio的最新版本中,'gather'的'input'参数不允许输入“dmfs speech”字符串,同时使用两个选项,因为它只接受带有Dtmf和Speech by的[InputEnums]列表定义。这是我的代码示例,如果有人可以帮我弄清楚我做错了什么:

 public List<InputEnum> inputEnum = new List<InputEnum>() {InputEnum.Speech , InputEnum.Dtmf};  // creating a list with Dtmf and Speech options 

    var gather = new Gather(input: inputEnum, action: new Uri(baseUri,"IVR/MainMenu"), hints: "returning customer , agent", timeout: 4, numDigits: 1);

   gather.Say("If you are a returning customer and would like to place your last order, say returning customer or press 1." );
   gather.Say("To speak to an agent, say agent or press 2");


    return new TwiMLResult(_response.ToString());

    public ActionResult MainMenu(string digits)

        if ((digits == "1") || ( digits == "returning customer"))
            _response.Say("Please hold while we pull up your information.");

            var gather = new Gather(input: inputEnum, hints: "last order, place last order , agent", timeout: 4, action: new Uri(baseUri, "IVR/ReturnInstructions"), numDigits: 1);
            gather.Say("If you would like us to read your last order to you, say last order or press 1");
            gather.Say("To place your last order, say place last order or press 2");
            gather.Say("To speak to an agent, say agent or press 0");

            return new TwiMLResult(_response.ToString());


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我尝试了不同的方法,事实证明我必须将专门针对语音结果的另一个参数传递给我的操作,并确保将其转换为小写,否则它将始终返回false以进行字符串比较。这是我的MainMenu ActionResult示例:

public ActionResult MainMenu(string digits = null, string speechresult = null)
        if ((digits == "1") || (speechresult != null && speechresult.ToLower() == "returning customer"))
            _response.Say("Please hold while we pull up your information.");
            gather.Say("If you would like us to read your last order to you, say last order or press 1");
           return new TwiMLResult(_response.ToString()); 
        else if ((digits == "0") || (speechresult != null && speechresult.ToLower() == "agent"))
            return connectToAnAgent();

        return connectToAnAgent();