我在AWS上有一个Dockerized Celery worke,并且它使用来自AWS的ElaticCache(带有多节点的Redis群集)作为消息代理,但我收到以下错误。
[I 180518 18:54:20 mixins:224] Connected to redis://....use1.cache.amazonaws.com:6379//
[E 180518 18:54:20 events:123] Failed to capture events: 'CROSSSLOT Keys in request don't hash to the same slot', trying again in 1 seconds.
[E 180518 18:54:23 events:123] Failed to capture events: 'Command # 1 (LLEN celeryev....2d788) of pipeline caused error: MOVED 11904 10.0.x.xxx:6379', trying again in 1 seconds.