ReactNavigation - 调用父导航器并更改其" cardStyle"和" navigationOption"的属性

时间:2018-05-18 17:32:50

标签: javascript reactjs react-native react-navigation


 * The tab that's is going to stay in the Home Section
 * @type {[type]}
const HomeTab = createMaterialTopTabNavigator({
  //Home: Home,
  PostFriends: PostFriends,
  // Another screens
}, {
  tabBarComponent: null,
  mode: 'hide',
  navigationOptions: {
    visible: false // Now I don't want to see this tab, but I'll need it in the future

 * The Stack that 
 * @type {[type]}
const HomeStack = createStackNavigator({
  HomeTab: HomeTab,
  // Another screens
}, {
  headerMode: 'float',
  cardStyle: {
    top: -20 // This is the value that I want to change it to make the animation


现在,我在PostFriend的屏幕里面有一个包含大量数据的ScrollView,因此,当我在这个屏幕上滚动时,我想访问HomeStack来改变属性" cardStyle"和" navigationOption"改变它的价值并制作动画。


export default class PostFriends extends React.Component {
    static navigationOptions = ({ navigation }) => {
        const { params } = navigation.state;
       // I tried a lot of black magic to 
       // connect with the HomeStack
     * Constructor of the component
     * @param  {[type]} props [description]
     * @return {[type]}       [description]
    constructor(props) {
        // Some attributes

    render() {
        return (
                  // A lot of data

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