当我尝试重复while循环遍历数据库中的所有帖子时,两次,第二个while循环似乎不起作用,就好像当我将$ row变量重新分配给mysqli_fetch_row时( )包含我的结果的函数,它无法找到我的结果。
<div class="section projects">
<span class="heading">Blog</span>
Here i have compiled a list of articles that i have written. I will continue to update this list.
<div class="project-list">
if ($post_results) {
$panel_no = 1;
/* fetch associative array */
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($post_results)) {
$result = glob ("posts/".$row[0]."/article-image.*");
echo "<div class='project-list-item'>";
echo "<img src='$result[0]' class='project-list-image' alt='Blog Item Image'>";
echo "<div class='project-heading'>".$row[1]."</div>";
echo "<div class='project-subheading'>".$row[2]."</div>";
echo "</div>";
<div class="carousel">
<div class="chevron left">«</div>
<div class="chevron right">»</div>
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($post_results)){
echo "<div id='panel-". $panel_no ."' class='panel";
if($panel_no == 1){
echo " active";
echo "'>";
echo"<img src='".$result[0]."' id='panel-image". $panel_no ."' class='panel-image'>";
echo "<div class='panel-description'>";
echo "<div class='carousel-heading'>".$row[1]."</div>";
echo "<div class='carousel-caption'>".$row[2]."</div>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";
$panel_no = $panel_no + 1;
/* free result set */
后台有一些JS控制旋转木马按钮等,它只是将旋转木马面板设置为类&#34;活动&#34;分配给它为display: block;
,而任何没有活动类的内容都有display: hidden;
第一个while循环有效,第二个循环无效。 SQL绝对有效,因为如果我将屏幕移动到移动大小,它会完全显示我想要的完整列表。
<div class="section projects">
<span class="heading">Blog</span>
Here i have compiled a list of articles that i have written. I will continue to update this list.
<div class="project-list">
<div class="project-list-item"><img src="posts/28/article-image.jpg" class="project-list-image" alt="Blog Item Image"><div class="project-heading">Cars in a City</div><div class="project-subheading">This is an article about cars in a city.</div></div><div class="project-list-item"><img src="posts/29/article-image.jpg" class="project-list-image" alt="Blog Item Image"><div class="project-heading">Whitehaven Marina</div><div class="project-subheading">dsahidhsai</div></div><div class="project-list-item"><img src="posts/30/article-image.jpg" class="project-list-image" alt="Blog Item Image"><div class="project-heading">fcdsfds</div><div class="project-subheading">sadasdsa</div></div><div class="project-list-item"><img src="posts/31/article-image.jpg" class="project-list-image" alt="Blog Item Image"><div class="project-heading">fcdsfds</div><div class="project-subheading">sadasdsa</div></div><div class="project-list-item"><img src="posts/32/article-image.png" class="project-list-image" alt="Blog Item Image"><div class="project-heading">fvsdvsdc</div><div class="project-subheading">fcdcdsccdscds</div></div> </div>
<div class="carousel">
<div class="chevron left">«</div>
<div class="chevron right">»</div>
答案 0 :(得分:1)
reg [15:0] LUT_DATA;
reg [6:0] LUT_INDEX;
parameter LUT_SIZE = 31;
// Video Config Data
0 : LUT_DATA <= 16'h9803; //Must be set to 0x03 for proper operation
1 : LUT_DATA <= 16'h0100; //Set 'N' value at 6144
2 : LUT_DATA <= 16'h0218; //Set 'N' value at 6144
3 : LUT_DATA <= 16'h0300; //Set 'N' value at 6144
4 : LUT_DATA <= 16'h1470; // Set Ch count in the channel status to 8.
5 : LUT_DATA <= 16'h1520; //Input 444 (RGB or YCrCb) with Separate Syncs, 48kHz fs
6 : LUT_DATA <= 16'h1630; //Output format 444, 24-bit input
7 : LUT_DATA <= 16'h1846; //Disable CSC
8 : LUT_DATA <= 16'h4080; //General control packet enable
9 : LUT_DATA <= 16'h4110; //Power down control
10 : LUT_DATA <= 16'h49A8; //Set dither mode - 12-to-10 bit
11 : LUT_DATA <= 16'h5510; //Set RGB in AVI infoframe
12 : LUT_DATA <= 16'h5608; //Set active format aspect
13 : LUT_DATA <= 16'h96F6; //Set interrup
14 : LUT_DATA <= 16'h7307; //Info frame Ch count to 8
15 : LUT_DATA <= 16'h761f; //Set speaker allocation for 8 channels
16 : LUT_DATA <= 16'h9803; //Must be set to 0x03 for proper operation
17 : LUT_DATA <= 16'h9902; //Must be set to Default Value
18 : LUT_DATA <= 16'h9ae0; //Must be set to 0b1110000
19 : LUT_DATA <= 16'h9c30; //PLL filter R1 value
20 : LUT_DATA <= 16'h9d61; //Set clock divide
21 : LUT_DATA <= 16'ha2a4; //Must be set to 0xA4 for proper operation
22 : LUT_DATA <= 16'ha3a4; //Must be set to 0xA4 for proper operation
23 : LUT_DATA <= 16'ha504; //Must be set to Default Value
24 : LUT_DATA <= 16'hab40; //Must be set to Default Value
25 : LUT_DATA <= 16'haf16; //Select HDMI mode
26 : LUT_DATA <= 16'hba60; //No clock delay
27 : LUT_DATA <= 16'hd1ff; //Must be set to Default Value
28 : LUT_DATA <= 16'hde10; //Must be set to Default for proper operation
29 : LUT_DATA <= 16'he460; //Must be set to Default Value
30 : LUT_DATA <= 16'hfa7d; //Nbr of times to look for good phase
default: LUT_DATA <= 16'h9803;
$posts = array();
if ($post_results) {
$panel_no = 1;
/* fetch associative array */
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($post_results)) {
$posts[] = $row;
$result = glob ("posts/".$row[0]."/article-image.*");
echo "<div class='project-list-item'>";
echo "<img src='$result[0]' class='project-list-image' alt='Blog Item Image'>";
echo "<div class='project-heading'>".$row[1]."</div>";
echo "<div class='project-subheading'>".$row[2]."</div>";
echo "</div>";