如何在tkinter mainloop()中使用函数

时间:2018-05-17 21:10:31

标签: python python-3.x tkinter

我决定试用Python,到目前为止它很有趣。然而,虽然搞乱tkinter我遇到了一个问题,我几个小时都无法解决。我读了一些东西,尝试了不同的东西,但没有任何作用。 到目前为止我已经得到了代码,我认为该程序运行良好。除了我无法循环并因此自动更新的事实。

所以我的问题是: 如何以infite循环方式调用带有tkinters循环选项的函数?

简单的生活游戏: 我基本上写了两节课。存储和处理单个单元的矩阵 以及通过一些游戏逻辑和基本用户输入利用矩阵类的游戏本身。


from tkinter import *
from ButtonMatrix import *

class Conway:

 def __init__(self, master, size = 20, cell_size = 2):

    self.is_running = True
    self.matrix = ButtonMatrix(master,size,cell_size)
    self.master = master

    # playbutton sets boolean for running the program in  a loop
    self.playbutton = Button(master, text = str(self.is_running), command = self.stop)
    self.playbutton.grid(row = 0 , column = size +1 )

    #Test button to trigger the next generation manually. Works as itended. 
    self.next = Button(master, text="next", command = self.play)
    self.next.grid(row = 1, column = size +1)

 def play(self): # Calculates and sets the next generation. Intended to be used in a loop

   if self.is_running:

 def apply_ruleset(self):

    #The ruleset of conways game of life. I wish i knew how to adress each element
    #without using these two ugly loops all the time

    size = len(self.matrix.cells)

    for x in range (size):
        for y in range (size):

            if self.cell(x,y).is_alive():
                if self.cell(x,y).neighbours < 2 or self.cell(x,y).neighbours > 3:
            if not self.cell(x,y).is_alive() and self.cell(x,y).neighbours == 3:

 def apply_colors(self): #Some flashy colors just for fun  

    size = len(self.matrix.cells)

    for x in range (size):
        for y in range (size):

            if self.cell(x,y).is_alive():
                if self.cell(x,y).neighbours < 2 or self.cell(x,y).neighbours > 3:
                    self.cell(x,y).button.configure(bg = "chartreuse3")
            if not self.cell(x,y).is_alive() and self.cell(x,y).neighbours == 3:
                self.cell(x,y).button.configure(bg = "lightgreen")

 def cell(self,x,y):        
    return self.matrix.cell(x,y)

 def start (self): #start and stop set the boolean for the loop. They work and switch the state properly
    self.is_running = True
    self.playbutton.configure(text=str(self.is_running), command =self.stop)

 def stop (self): 
    self.is_running = False
    self.playbutton.configure(text=str(self.is_running), command =self.start)

#Test program. I can't make the loop work. Manual update via next button                                     works however
root = Tk()
conway = Conway(root)
root.after(1000, conway.play())

The Matrix(仅限感兴趣的读者):

from tkinter import *
from random import randint

class Cell: 

 def __init__(self,master, cell_size = 1):

    self.alive = False
    self.neighbours = 0

    # initializes a squares shaped button that fills the grid cell
    self.frame = Frame(master, width= cell_size*16, height = cell_size*16) 
    self.button = Button(self.frame, text = self.neighbours, command = self.toggle, bg ="lightgray")
    self.frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) 

 def is_alive(self):

    return self.alive

 def add_neighbour(self):

    self.neighbours += 1

 def toggle (self):

    if self.is_alive()  :
        self.alive = False
        self.button.configure( bg = "lightgray")
        self.alive = True
        self.button.configure( bg = "green2")

class ButtonMatrix: 

 def __init__(self, master, size = 3, cell_size = 3):

    self.master = master
    self.size = size
    self.cell_size = cell_size
    self.cells = []
    for x in range (self.size):
        row = []

 def cell(self, x, y):

    return self.cells[x][y]

 def set_cells(self):

    for x in range (self.size):
        for y in range (self.size):
            self.cells[x] += [Cell(self.master, self.cell_size)]

 def count_neighbours(self): # Checks 8 sourounding neighbours for their stats and sets a neighbour counter

    for x in range(self.size):
        for y in range(self.size):

            self.cell(x,y).neighbours = 0

            if y  < self.size-1:
                if self.cell(x,y+1).is_alive(): self.cell(x,y).add_neighbour() # Right
                if x > 0 and self.cell(x-1,y+1).is_alive(): self.cell(x,y).add_neighbour() #Top Right
                if x < self.size-1 and self.cell(x+1,y+1).is_alive(): self.cell(x,y).add_neighbour() #Bottom Right

            if x > 0 and self.cell(x-1,y).is_alive(): self.cell(x,y).add_neighbour()# Top
            if x < self.size-1 and self.cell(x+1,y).is_alive():self.cell(x,y).add_neighbour() #Bottom

            if y >  0:
                if self.cell(x,y-1).is_alive(): self.cell(x,y).add_neighbour() # Left
                if x > 0 and self.cell(x-1,y-1).is_alive():  self.cell(x,y).add_neighbour() #Top Left
                if x < self.size-1 and self.cell(x+1,y-1).is_alive(): self.cell(x,y).add_neighbour() #Bottom Left

            self.cell(x,y).button.configure(text = self.cell(x,y).neighbours)

 def randomize (self):
    for x in range(self.size):
       for y in range(self.size):
            if self.cell(x,y).is_alive(): self.cell(x,y).toggle()
            rando = randint(0,2)
            if rando == 1: self.cell(x,y).toggle()

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


root.after(1000, conway.play())

首先,你没有告诉Tkinter在1秒后拨打conway.play,你现在正在调用conway.play(),返回None,然后告诉Tkinter调用{{ 1秒后1}}你想传递这个功能,而不是叫它:


同时,root.after(1000, conway.play) 并不意味着“每个 1000ms调用此函数”,这意味着“在1000ms之后调用此函数一次,然后再不再调用”。解决这个问题的简单方法就是让函数再次在另一个1000毫秒内再次调用:


the docs for after中解释了这一点:


此方法注册将在给定的毫秒数后调用的回调函数。 Tkinter只保证不会在此之前调用回调;如果系统繁忙,实际延迟可能会更长。



def play(self): # Calculates and sets the next generation. Itended to use in a loop

    if self.is_running:
    self.master.after(1000, self.play)

(我假设没有人会关心你的时间是否稍微漂移,所以一小时后你可能会有3549步或3627而不是3600 +/- 1。如果这是一个问题。你必须得到一点更复杂。)