1 Link!1
2 Link!2
3 Link!3
4 Link!4
5 Link!5
第一个问题:所有链接都包含一个@echo off
megals --reload /Root/
set /p var1="enter folder name: " & megals /Root/var1
set /a c=0
FOR /F "tokens=1 usebackq" %%i in (`megals -n -e /Root/%%var1%%`) do (
set /a c=c+1
echo !c! %%i
set string[!c!]=%%i
set /P number=Enter number:
echo !string[%number%]!
Link!1 Filename
字符,这是必不可少的,因为它是链接的一部分。< / p>
答案 0 :(得分:1)
你真的应该引用你的整套命令 通过呼叫使用备用延迟扩展类型:
@echo off
megals --reload /Root/
set /p var1="enter folder name: " & megals /Root/var1
set /a c=0
FOR /F "tokens=1 usebackq" %%i in (`megals -n -e /Root/%%var1%%`) do (
set /a c+=1
call echo %%c%% %%i
call set "string[%%c%%]=%%i"
set /P number=Enter number:
call echo %%string[%number%]%%
答案 1 :(得分:1)
简单的解决方案是不使用延迟环境变量扩展,例如使用命令 CALL 。
@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
megals.exe --reload /Root/
rem Prompt user for folder name and verify that the user has really entered
rem a folder name and remove double quotes to prevent an exit of batch file
rem execution on further processing because of an invalid command line syntax.
set "FolderName="
set /P "FolderName=Enter folder name: "
rem Has the user entered anything at all?
if not defined FolderName goto EnterFolder
rem Remove all double quotes from folder name string?
set "FolderName=%FolderName:"=%"
rem Is anything left from folder name after removing double quotes?
if not defined FolderName goto EnterFolder
megals.exe "/Root/%FolderName%"
rem Get first space/tab separated string of each line output by megals
rem assigned to an environment variable which form an array of strings.
rem Redefine end of line character from semicolon to vertical bar as it
rem is impossible that a line starts with a vertical bar. Command CALL
rem is used to double process the SET command line by Windows command
rem processor which is the alternate solution for delayed expansion.
set "Count=0"
for /F "eol=|" %%I in ('megals.exe -n -e "/Root/%FolderName%"') do (
set /A Count+=1
call echo %%Count%% %%~I
call set "string[%%Count%%]=%%~I"
if %Count% == 0 echo There is nothing! & goto EndBatch
rem Prompt user for number name and verify that the user has really entered
rem a decimal interpreted number which must be in range of 1-%Count%.
set "Number="
set /P "Number=Enter number (1-%Count%): "
rem Has the user entered anything at all?
if not defined Number goto EnterNumber
rem Remove all double quotes from number string?
set "Number=%Number:"=%"
rem Is anything left from number string?
if not defined Number goto EnterNumber
rem Contains the number string any non digit character?
for /F "delims=0123456789" %%I in ("%Number%") do goto EnterNumber
rem Remove all leading zeros from number string to avoid interpreting
rem the entered number as octal number on the two IF comparisons below.
if not %Number:~0,1% == 0 goto CheckNumber
set "Number=%Number:~1%"
if defined Number goto LeadingZeros
rem The number was 0 which is less than 1.
goto EnterNumber
rem Check number in range of 1 to %Count% which requires to convert the
rem number strings on both sides of the comparison operators to signed
rem 32-bit integers by Windows command processor in background.
if %Number% GTR %Count% goto EnterNumber
if %Number% LSS 1 goto EnterNumber
rem Output the string according to entered number by forcing Windows command
rem processor again to double processing the command line because of CALL.
call echo %%string[%number%]%%
rem Restore previous environment with discarding all the
rem environment variables defined by this batch file.
@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
megals.exe --reload /Root/
rem Prompt user for folder name and verify that the user has really entered
rem a folder name and remove double quotes to prevent an exit of batch file
rem execution on further processing because of an invalid command line syntax.
set "FolderName="
set /P "FolderName=Enter folder name: "
rem Has the user entered anything at all?
if not defined FolderName goto EnterFolder
rem Remove all double quotes from folder name string?
set "FolderName=%FolderName:"=%"
rem Is anything left from folder name after removing double quotes?
if not defined FolderName goto EnterFolder
megals.exe "/Root/%FolderName%"
rem Get first space/tab separated string of each line output by megals
rem assigned to an environment variable which form an array of strings.
rem Redefine end of line character from semicolon to vertical bar as it
rem is impossible that a line starts with a vertical bar. Command CALL
rem is used to double process the SET command line by Windows command
rem processor which is the alternate solution for delayed expansion.
set "Count=0"
for /F "eol=|" %%I in ('megals.exe -n -e "/Root/%FolderName%"') do call :OutputAndSet "%%~I"
if %Count% == 0 echo There is nothing! & goto EndBatch
rem Prompt user for number name and verify that the user has really entered
rem a decimal interpreted number which must be in range of 1-%Count%.
set "Number="
set /P "Number=Enter number (1-%Count%): "
rem Has the user entered anything at all?
if not defined Number goto EnterNumber
rem Remove all double quotes from number string?
set "Number=%Number:"=%"
rem Is anything left from number string?
if not defined Number goto EnterNumber
rem Contains the number string any non digit character?
for /F "delims=0123456789" %%I in ("%Number%") do goto EnterNumber
rem Remove all leading zeros from number string to avoid interpreting
rem the entered number as octal number on the two IF comparisons below.
if not %Number:~0,1% == 0 goto CheckNumber
set "Number=%Number:~1%"
if defined Number goto LeadingZeros
rem The number was 0 which is less than 1.
goto EnterNumber
set /A Count+=1
echo %Count% %~1
set "string[%Count%]=%~1"
goto :EOF
rem Check number in range of 1 to %Count% which requires to convert the
rem number strings on both sides of the comparison operators to signed
rem 32-bit integers by Windows command processor in background.
if %Number% GTR %Count% goto EnterNumber
if %Number% LSS 1 goto EnterNumber
rem Output the string according to entered number by forcing Windows command
rem processor again to double processing the command line because of CALL.
call echo %%string[%number%]%%
rem Restore previous environment with discarding all the
rem environment variables defined by this batch file.
call /?
echo /?
endlocal /?
for /?
goto /?
if /?
pause /?
rem /?
set /?
setlocal /?