提前抱歉,因为我是Vivado HLS的初学者。 在我的下面的代码中,我想要综合它,但Vivado告诉我你不能使用互斥锁和任何依赖,并给我跟随错误。
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "fpga_top.h"
int outputIndex = 0;
double core_speed[CORE_MAX] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
double outputTable[WORKLOAD_MAX*TASK_COUNT_MAX][EXCEL_Column_Size];
int readyQueueHead = 0;
int readyQueueRear = 0;
int readyQueueSize = 0;
char canContinue_ = 1;
int wlCounter = 0;
bool flag = 1;
// Add Task to assignedQueue
void addToAssignedQueue(int task_ID, int workload_ID, int q)
while( workerInfos[q].assignedQSize>=DEEP)
pthread_cond_wait(&(workerInfos[q].workerWaitHandle_Add), &(workerInfos[q].workerMutex));
int i = workerInfos[q].assignedQRear;
workerInfos[q].assignedQueue[i].task_ID = task_ID;
workerInfos[q].assignedQueue[i].workload_ID = workload_ID;
workerInfos[q].assignedQRear = (workerInfos[q].assignedQRear + 1) % DEEP;
// A signal to a worker waiting to read from this queue
// Read from assignedQueue
struct workItem readFromAssignedQueue(int q)
struct threadInfo *workerInfo_ = &workerInfos[q];
struct workItem tas_;
// Initialize the output values (which may not be necessary now)
tas_.task_ID = -1;
tas_.workload_ID = -1;
if(workerInfo_->assignedQSize <= 0)
struct timespec time_to_wait = {10, 0}; //10 sec wait
pthread_cond_timedwait(&(workerInfo_->workerWaitHandle), &(workerInfo_->workerMutex), &time_to_wait);
if(workerInfo_->assignedQSize >0)
// Reading the assignedQueue if data is available
tas_ = workerInfo_->assignedQueue[workerInfo_->assignedQHead];
// Move forward the queue head index rotationally
workerInfos[q].assignedQHead = (workerInfos[q].assignedQHead + 1) % DEEP;
// Decreasing the count number of queue elements
return tas_;
// Add Definition of Task to DAG
void addTask(int task_ID, int parentCount, int child_task_ID[], int childCount, int processingTime)
struct Task_Package_Profile *p_task_ = &(taskArray[task_ID]);
p_task_->parentCount = parentCount;
p_task_->childCount = childCount;
p_task_->processingTime = processingTime;
// Initialize the parentReady variable for all workloads
for (int i = 0; i < WORKLOAD_MAX;i++) {p_task_->parentReady[i] = 0;}
// Copy the child's index
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {p_task_->child_task_ID[i] = child_task_ID[i];}
// Make parentReady mutex
pthread_mutex_init(&(p_task_->parentReadyMutex), NULL);
// DAG Definition
void initDag()
int ch0[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4}; addTask( 0, 0, ch0, 4, 10000);
int ch1[] = { 5, 6, 7, 8}; addTask( 1, 1, ch1, 4, 20000);
int ch2[] = { 5, 6, 7, 8}; addTask( 2, 1, ch2, 4, 20000);
int ch3[] = { 5, 6, 7, 8}; addTask( 3, 1, ch3, 4, 20000);
int ch4[] = { 5, 6, 7, 8}; addTask( 4, 1, ch4, 4, 20000);
int ch5[] = { 9, 10}; addTask( 5, 4, ch5, 2, 30000);
int ch6[] = { 9, 10}; addTask( 6, 4, ch6, 2, 30000);
int ch7[] = { 9, 10}; addTask( 7, 4, ch7, 2, 30000);
int ch8[] = { 9, 10}; addTask( 8, 4, ch8, 2, 30000);
int ch9[] = { 11, 12}; addTask( 9, 4, ch9, 2, 40000);
int ch10[] = { 11, 12}; addTask( 10, 4, ch10, 2, 40000);
int ch11[] = {}; addTask( 11, 2, ch11, 0, 50000);
int ch12[] = {}; addTask( 12, 2, ch12, 0, 50000);
addToReadyQueue(0, 0); // Root task, addToReadyQueue(int task_ID, int workload_ID)
//allocateTask(0, 0, 0); // allocateTask(int task_ID, int workload_ID, int core_ID)
// Add Task to the end of the readyQueue
void addToReadyQueue(int task_ID, int workload_ID)
while(readyQueueSize >= READY_LOOP_DEEP)
// Waiting for the queue to be empty if there is no space
int res = pthread_cond_wait( &readyQWaitHandleAdd, &readyQMutex);
#ifdef PRINT_ReadyQ
printf("Task #%d (workload #%d) added to readyQueue %d:%d.\n", task_ID, workload_ID,readyQueueRear, readyQueueSize);
readyQueue[readyQueueRear].task_ID = task_ID;
readyQueue[readyQueueRear].workload_ID = workload_ID;
// Move forward the queue rear index in rotation
readyQueueRear = (readyQueueRear + 1) % READY_LOOP_DEEP;
// Increasing the number of the queue elements
// The signal is given to workers waiting to read from the queue
// Read from the beginning of the readyQueue
struct workItem readFromReadyQueue()
struct workItem witem;
witem.task_ID = -1;
witem.workload_ID = -1;
// Waiting to queue if empty
while(readyQueueSize <= 0)
pthread_cond_wait( &readyQWaitHandleRead, &readyQMutex);
// Picking up from queue head
witem = readyQueue[readyQueueHead];
// Move forward the queue head index in rotation
readyQueueHead = (readyQueueHead + 1) % READY_LOOP_DEEP;
// Reduce the number of queue elements
#ifdef PRINT_ReadyQ
printf("Task #%d (workload #%d) removed to readyQueue. %d : %d\n", witem.task_ID , witem.workload_ID, readyQueueHead, readyQueueSize);
// The signal is given to workers who are waiting for the queue to be empty
return witem;
// Check if the reaadyQueue is empty with the corresponding mutex
int isReadyQueueEmpty()
int res = 0;
res = (readyQueueSize == 0);
return res;
// Assigning Task to the Worker (Cores)
struct outputsFromFPGA allocateTask(int task_ID, int workload_ID, int core_ID)
if (flag == 1)
flag = 0;
#ifdef PRINT_AllocateTask
printf("Task #%d (workload #%d) assigned to Core #%d;\n", task_ID, workload_ID, core_ID);
addToAssignedQueue( task_ID, workload_ID, core_ID);
struct outputsFromFPGA FPGAOutputs;
FPGAOutputs.task_ID = task_ID;
FPGAOutputs.workload_ID = workload_ID;
FPGAOutputs.core_ID = core_ID;
// Ending each task and inform the children
void taskDone(int task_ID, int workload_ID, int core_ID)
struct Task_Package_Profile task_ = taskArray[task_ID];
#ifdef PRINT_TaskDone
printf("taskDone: Task #%d (workload #%d);\n", task_ID, workload_ID);
// Increase the child's parentReady variable and send the children to the ready queue if all parents are finished
struct Task_Package_Profile *p_task_ = &(taskArray[task_ID]);
for(int i = 0; i < p_task_->childCount; i++)
struct Task_Package_Profile *p_childTsk = &(taskArray[p_task_->child_task_ID[i]]);
int nbParentReady = 0;
// Increase the parentReady variable
nbParentReady = ++(p_childTsk->parentReady[workload_ID]);
// Send the child to the ready queue if all parents are finished
if (nbParentReady == p_childTsk->parentCount)
addToReadyQueue(p_task_->child_task_ID[i], workload_ID);
// Find the most empty assignedQueue and assign ready tasks as much as possible
{ // Finds the best assignedQueue
int minQueue = 0;
int minSize = workerInfos[0].assignedQSize;
for (int i = 1; i < CORE_MAX; i++)
if(workerInfos[i].assignedQSize < minSize)
minSize = workerInfos[i].assignedQSize;
minQueue = i;
// The most empty queue should be smaller than Deep so that it can be added to the queue
if(minSize < DEEP)
struct workItem witem = readFromReadyQueue();
struct outputsFromFPGA FPGAOutputs = allocateTask(witem.task_ID, witem.workload_ID, minQueue);
break; // All assignedQueue are full
// Check the end of the program that has all the tests done
void finishCheck()
if (wlCounter != WORKLOAD_MAX) return;
for(int i = 0; i < CORE_MAX; i++)
if (workerInfos[i].assignedQSize > 0) return;
if (workerInfos[i].coreState > 0) return;
if (!isReadyQueueEmpty()) return;
canContinue_ = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < CORE_MAX; i++)
gcc test1.c -o tes1 `/usr/local/icu/bin/icu-config --ldflags --cppflags`
答案 0 :(得分:0)
线程同步可以在HLS中完成,例如this paper中所示,但Vivado HLS尚不支持。