iOS JSON有效负载提交给API应该是什么样的?

时间:2018-05-14 21:55:25

标签: ios json api payload

我们有一个iOS应用程序可以从API中获取模型数据。 iOS设备的用户执行链接模型数据并在它们之间创建关系的动作。 iOS然后提交回API以保存关系,并允许在Web应用程序中查看关系。


"peoples_vehicles": [
         "owner" : {
             "id" : 8282, <----------this would be a UUID
             "name" : "John Smith",  
             "address": "123 Fake Street",    
         "vehicles" : [
                 "id" : 1234,  <----------this would be a UUID
                 "name" : "FORD F150",
                 "make" : "F150",
                 "model" : "FORD",
                 "year" : "2017",
                 "id" : 5678,   <----------this would be a UUID
                 "name" : "FORD ESCAPE",
                 "make" : "ESCAPE",
                 "model" : "FORD",
                 "year" : "2013",
       ... another person with their vehicles

由于发回的数据是最初来自API的所有数据,iOS应用程序是否应该打扰发回所有属性? iOS应用程序是否应该只返回与对象ID的所有关系?我们使用UUID

"peoples_vehicles": [
         "owner" : {
             "id" : 8282, <----------this would be a UUID
         "vehicles" : [
                 "id" : 1234,  <----------this would be a UUID
                 "id" : 5678,   <----------this would be a UUID
       ... another person with their vehicles



"peoples_vehicles": [
         "owner" : {
             "id" : 8282, <----this would be a pre-existing object
         "vehicles" : [
                 "id" : 1234,  <----this would be a pre-existing object
                 "id": null <----new object that needs to be saved
                 "name" : "FORD F150",
                 "make" : "F150",
                 "model" : "FORD",
                 "year" : "2017",
       ... another person with their vehicles

这会是一个不错的方法吗?以Stripe和Shopify API为例,这似乎很好用,但我想确保我没有遗漏任何东西,如果我应该包含预先存在的对象的属性。

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