public class WallCreation : MonoBehaviour {
public Transform wallSegmentPrefab;
GameObject oldWall;
Vector3 oldWallSize;
int oldWallsizeX;
int oldWallsizeY;
int oldWallsizeZ;
Vector3 oldWallPosition;
Vector3 oldWallCornerPosition;
Transform newWall;
Transform parentWallSegment;
Transform[ , , ] wallSegments;
int[] indizes;
void Start () {
indizes= new int[3];
public void newWallScript(){
initializeNewWall ("zWall++");
StartCoroutine (waitForMovement ());
void initializeNewWall(string replaceWall)
oldWall = GameObject.Find(replaceWall);
oldWallSize = oldWall.transform.localScale;
oldWallPosition = oldWall.transform.localPosition;
oldWallsizeX=(int) oldWallSize.x;
oldWallsizeY=(int) oldWallSize.y;
oldWallsizeZ=(int) oldWallSize.z;
oldWallCornerPosition = oldWallPosition - oldWallSize / 2 + wallSegmentPrefab.localScale / 2;
wallSegments = new Transform[oldWallsizeX , oldWallsizeY , oldWallsizeZ];
for (int x = 0; x < oldWallsizeX; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < oldWallsizeY; y++)
for (int z = 0; z < oldWallsizeZ; z++)
newWall = Instantiate(wallSegmentPrefab);
GameObject _wallSegment = newWall.gameObject;
_wallSegment.AddComponent<WallMovement> ();
wallSegments[x,y,z] = newWall;
void newWallMovement()
for (int x = 1; x < oldWallsizeX-1; x++)
indizes [0] = x;
for (int y = 0; y < oldWallsizeY; y++)
indizes [1] = y;
for (int z = 0; z < oldWallsizeZ; z++) {
indizes[2] = z;
newWall = wallSegments[x,y,z];
GameObject _wallSegment = newWall.gameObject;
WallMovement _WallMovement = _wallSegment.GetComponent<WallMovement> ();
_WallMovement.indizes = indizes;
_WallMovement.initializeMovement ();
IEnumerator waitForMovement()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);
public class WallCreation : MonoBehaviour {
public void newWallScript(){
StartCoroutine (waitForMoving());
void initializeNewWall(string replaceWall)
void newWallMovement()
for (int x = 1; x < oldWallsizeX-1; x++)
indizes [0] = x;
for (int y = 0; y < oldWallsizeY; y++)
indizes [1] = y;
for (int z = 0; z < oldWallsizeZ; z++) {
indizes[2] = z;
newWall = wallSegments[x,y,z];
GameObject _wallSegment = newWall.gameObject;
WallMovement _WallMovement = _wallSegment.GetComponent<WallMovement> ();
_WallMovement.indizes = indizes;
//this is cut out and put into the wallMoving() void
//_WallMovement.initializeMovement ();
void wallMoving(){
for (int x = 1; x < oldWallsizeX-1; x++)
//indizes [0] = x; //only with this enabled it works for some reason, otherwise it doesn't
for (int y = 0; y < oldWallsizeY; y++)
for (int z = 0; z < oldWallsizeZ; z++) {
newWall = wallSegments[x,y,z];
GameObject _wallSegment = newWall.gameObject;
WallMovement _WallMovement = _wallSegment.GetComponent<WallMovement> ();
//same code but without giving the list indizes[] to the script/gameObject
_WallMovement.initializeMovement ();
IEnumerator waitForMovement()
IEnumerator waitForMoving()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);
_WallMovement.initializeMovement ();
对于另一个功能,游戏继续工作,但这次墙不动。 Indizes似乎不再被初始化了。但是,这不会导致控制台出错。
public class WallMovement : MonoBehaviour {
public int[] indizes ;
int indize;
int modulo;
public void initializeMovement()
modulo = indizes [0] % 2;
if (modulo>0)
//do something
// do something else
答案 0 :(得分:1)
因此,当我更改主脚本中的indizes时,它们会在每个墙脚本中更改。 因此,当我稍后调用墙的公共函数时,它们都使用相同的indizes,最后一个我初始化,因此首先不受我的“初始化”的影响。
感谢https://catlikecoding.com/unity/tutorials/ 看看这个真正愚蠢的错误,并告诉我这里没有其他人能做到的。至少他没有尝试纠正我的代码,因为它很慢。
所以这是我的新代码段可行,但效率低下,仍然完全符合我的要求: 为了更好的可读性,我不会编写所有可用的代码。它标有(...)并保持不变
public class WallCreation : MonoBehaviour {
(...) //stays the same as in the working code
void Start () {
indizes= new int[3];
public void newWallScript(){
initializeNewWall ("zWall++");
StartCoroutine (waitForMovement ());
StartCoroutine (waitForMoving()); //the new coroutine with a later start is added
void initializeNewWall(string replaceWall)
(...) //stays the same
void newWallMovement()
for (int x = 1; x < oldWallsizeX-1; x++)
indizes [0] = x;
for (int y = 0; y < oldWallsizeY; y++)
indizes [1] = y;
for (int z = 0; z < oldWallsizeZ; z++) {
indizes[2] = z;
newWall = wallSegments[x,y,z];
GameObject _wallSegment = newWall.gameObject;
WallMovement _WallMovement = _wallSegment.GetComponent<WallMovement> ();
//_WallMovement.indizes = indizes; //this is a 'passing by reference', because it is an array
_WallMovement.indizes[0] = indizes[0]; //these pass the parameter by value, you could also just say _WallMovement.indizes[0] = x; etc.
_WallMovement.indizes[1] = indizes[1];
_WallMovement.indizes[2] = indizes[2];
//this is cut out and put into the wallMoving() void
//_WallMovement.initializeMovement ();
void wallMoving(){
for (int x = 1; x < oldWallsizeX-1; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < oldWallsizeY; y++)
for (int z = 0; z < oldWallsizeZ; z++) {
newWall = wallSegments[x,y,z];
GameObject _wallSegment = newWall.gameObject;
WallMovement _WallMovement = _wallSegment.GetComponent<WallMovement> ();
_WallMovement.initializeMovement ();
IEnumerator waitForMovement()
(...) //stays the same
IEnumerator waitForMoving()
//the time to wait has no consequence on performance whatsoever
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);
public class WallMovement : MonoBehaviour {
public int[] indizes ;
int indize;
int modulo;
void Awake (){
indizes = new int[3]; // this is added, because we dont pass the list, but the single values, so it needs to be declared as a 3-dimensional array inbefore
public void initializeMovement()
modulo = indizes [0] % 2;
if (modulo>0)
//do something
// do something else
答案 1 :(得分:0)
void newWallMovement()
for (int x = 1; x < oldWallsizeX-1; x++)
indizes [0] = x;
for (int y = 0; y < oldWallsizeY; y++)
indizes [1] = y;
for (int z = 0; z < oldWallsizeZ; z++) {
indizes[2] = z;
newWall = wallSegments[x,y,z];
GameObject _wallSegment = newWall.gameObject;
WallMovement _WallMovement = _wallSegment.GetComponent<WallMovement> ();
_WallMovement.indizes = indizes;
保持一切相同,只删除_WallMovement.initializeMovement ();
Private List<WallMovement> WallCollection = new List<WallMovement>();
private WallMovement newWallMovement()
for (int x = 1; x < oldWallsizeX-1; x++)
indizes [0] = x;
for (int y = 0; y < oldWallsizeY; y++)
indizes [1] = y;
for (int z = 0; z < oldWallsizeZ; z++) {
indizes[2] = z;
newWall = wallSegments[x,y,z];
GameObject _wallSegment = newWall.gameObject;
WallMovement _WallMovement = _wallSegment.GetComponent<WallMovement> ();
_WallMovement.indizes = indizes;
IEnumerator waitForMovement()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);
private void InializeAllWallMovement()
foreach(WallMovement wm in WallCollection)