Updating UI after retrieving device settings

时间:2018-05-14 17:30:17

标签: iphone swift asynchronous

I want to do something simple in Swift. I have to retrieve some setting from a device and then initialize some UI controls with those settings. It may take a few seconds to complete the retrieval so I don't want the code to continue until after the retrieval (async).

I have read countless posts on many websites including this one and read many tutorials. None seem to work for me.

Also, in the interest of encapsulation, I want to keep the details within the device object.

When I run the app I see the print from the initializing method before I see the print from the method.

// Initializing method

brightnessLevel = 100
device.WhatIsTheBrightnessLevel(level: &brightnessLevel)
print("The brightness level is \(brightnessLevel)")

// method with the data retrieval code

func WhatIsTheBrightnessLevel(level brightness: inout Int) -> CResults
var brightness: Int
var characteristic: HMCharacteristic
var name: String
var results: CResults
var timeout: DispatchTime
var timeoutResult: DispatchTimeoutResult

// Refresh the value by querying the lightbulb
name = m_lightBulbName
characteristic = m_brightnessCharacteristic!
brightness = 100
timeout = DispatchTime.now() + .seconds(CLightBulb.READ_VALUE_TIMEOUT)
timeoutResult = .success
results = CResults()
results.SetResult(code: CResults.code.success)
let dispatchGroup = DispatchGroup()
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInteractive).async
  //let dispatchGroup = DispatchGroup()
    { (error) in
      if error != nil
        results.SetResult(code: CResults.code.homeKitError)
        results.SetHomeKitDescription(text: error!.localizedDescription)
        print("Error in reading the brightness level for \(name): \(error!.localizedDescription)")
          brightness = characteristic.value as! Int
          print("CLightBulb: -->Read the brightness level.  It is \(brightness) at " + Date().description(with: Locale.current))
    timeoutResult = dispatchGroup.wait(timeout: timeout)
    if (timeoutResult == .timedOut)
      results.SetResult(code: CResults.code.timedOut)
        print("CLightBulb: (After wait) The brightness level is \(brightness) at " + Date().description(with: Locale.current))
        self.m_brightnessLevel = brightness

Thank you!

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func getBrightness(characteristic: HMCharacteristic, completion: @escaping (Int?, Error?) -> Void) {

    characteristic.readValue { (error) in

        //Program flows here second

        if error == nil {
            completion(characteristic.value as? Int, nil)
        } else {
            completion(nil, error)

    //Program flows here first


getBrightness(characteristic: characteristic) { (value, error) in

    //Program flows here second

    if error == nil {
        if let value = value {
    } else {
        print("an error occurred: \(error.debugDescription)")

//Program flows here first
