Sub fillthereport()
Dim xx As Variant, ws As Variant, yy As Variant
Dim ws2 As Variant, xxx As Variant, yyy As Variant
Dim rowed As Integer, b As Integer
'Dim MySht As Worksheet
Dim MyPic As Shape
Dim MyLeft As Single, MyTop As Single
Dim conv As Variant
Dim item As Variant
Dim picnum As Variant
Dim mergecells As String, mergecells2 As String, mergecolor As String
Dim horstart As Variant, horend As Variant
Dim verstart As Variant, verend As Variant
Dim Inspectcell As Range, reportcell As Range
'worksheets loop operator
ws = 1
'worksheets loop operator to
ws2 = 6
'row designator from
xx = 7
'column designator from
yy = 3
'row designator to
xxx = 68
'column designator to
yyy = 37
'This is not the variable you are looking for
b = 0
'These are the variables you are looking for
yel = 0
bl = 0
re = 0
Folderpath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
reportcell = Worksheets("inspection Data").Range("C7")
'make extra sheets in the report to be filled
For Each Inspectcell In Worksheets("inspection Data").Range("C7:C18")
If Inspectcell = reportcell Then
'reportcell = Inspectcell
For Each reportcell In Worksheets("inspection Data").Range("C7:C18")
If reportcell = Inspectcell Then
'(This is about 110 lines of code that work great)
xx = xx + 1
b = b + 1
'worksheets loop operator
'ws = ws + 1
'worksheets loop operator to
'ws2 = ws2 + 1
'column designator from
'yy = yy + 1
'row designator to
If Not b Mod 3 = 0 Then
xxx = xxx + 16
xxx = xxx + 23
End If
Else 'If xx = 15 Then
Exit For
End If
'xxx = xxx + 22
Next reportcell
ws2 = ws2 + 1
'Exit for
End if
Next Inspectcell