我的脚本部分基于此处的脚本:Upload files with FTP using PowerShell
在获取尝试期间,PowerShell ISE的运行速度接近2GIG。
# User variables to control the script
# How many times connection will be re-tried
$connectionTries = 5
#time between tries in seconds
$connectionTryInterval = 300
#Where to log the output
$logFile = "D:\MyPath\ftplog.txt"
#maximum log file size in KB before it is archived
$logFileMaxSize = 500
#formatted date part for the specific file to transfer
#This is appended to the filename base. Leave as "" for none
$datePart = ""
#base part of the file name
$fileNameBase = "Myfile"
#file extension
$fileExtension = ".mdb"
#location of the source file (please include trailing backslash)
$sourceLocation = "D:\MyPath\"
#location and credentials of the target ftp server
$userName = "iamafish"
$password = "ihavenofingers"
$ftpServer = ""
# Main Script
#If there is a log file and it is longer than the declared limit then archive it with the current timestamp
if (test-path $logfile)
if( $((get-item $logFile).Length/1kb) -gt $logFileMaxSize)
write-host $("archiving log to ftplog_" + (get-date -format yyyyMMddhhmmss) + ".txt")
rename-item $logFile $("ftplog_" + (get-date -format yyyyMMddhhmmss) + ".txt")
#start new log entry
#Add-Content $logFile "___________________________________________________________"
#write-host $logEntry
#contruct source file and destination uri
$fileName = $fileNameBase + $datePart + $fileExtension
$sourceFile = $sourceLocation + $fileName
$sourceuri = "ftp://" + $ftpServer + "/" + $fileName
# Create a FTPWebRequest object to handle the connection to the ftp server
$ftprequest = [System.Net.FtpWebRequest]::create($sourceuri)
# set the request's network credentials for an authenticated connection
$ftprequest.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($username,$password)
$ftprequest.Method = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Ftp]::UploadFile
$ftprequest.UseBinary = $true
$ftprequest.KeepAlive = $false
$succeeded = $true
$errorMessage = ""
# read in the file to upload as a byte array
trap [exception]{
$script:succeeded = $false
$script:errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
Add-Content $logFile $((get-Date -format "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") + "|1|" + $_.Exception.Message)
#write-host $logEntry
#write-host $("TRAPPED: " + $_.Exception.GetType().FullName)
#write-host $("TRAPPED: " + $_.Exception.Message)
#The -ea 1 forces the error to be trappable
$content = gc -en byte $sourceFile -ea 1
$try = 0
trap [System.Net.WebException]{
$script:succeeded = $false
$script:errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
Add-Content $logFile $((get-Date -format "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") + "|1|" + $_.Exception.Message)
#write-host $logEntry
#write-host $("TRAPPED: " + $_.Exception.GetType().FullName)
start-sleep -s $connectionTryInterval
$ftpresponse = $ftprequest.GetResponse()
} while(($try -le $connectionTries) -and (-not $succeeded))
if ($succeeded) {
Add-Content $logFile $((get-Date -format "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") + "|0|" + "Starting file transfer.")
# get the request stream, and write the bytes into it
$rs = $ftprequest.GetRequestStream()
$rs.Write($content, 0, $content.Length)
# be sure to clean up after ourselves
Add-Content $logFile $((get-Date -format "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") + "|0|" + "Transfer complete.")
#write-host $logEntry
trap [Exception]{
$script:succeeded = $false
$script:errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
Add-Content $logFile $((get-Date -format "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") + "|1|Check File Connection|" + $_.Exception.Message)
#write-host $((get-Date -format "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") + "|1|Attempt to open file|" + $_.Exception.Message)
#write-host $("TRAPPED: " + $_.Exception.GetType().FullName)
$sourceStream = New-Object IO.FileStream ($(New-Object System.IO.FileInfo $sourceFile),[IO.FileMode]::Open)
[byte[]]$readbuffer = New-Object byte[] 1024
# get the request stream, and write the bytes into it
$rs = $ftprequest.GetRequestStream()
$readlength = $sourceStream.Read($readbuffer,0,1024)
} while ($readlength -ne 0)
我只需要找出原因:使用“0”参数调用“GetResponse”的异常:“无法访问已处置的对象。 我每隔一次运行它。这是在ISE中运行它的怪癖,还是我在初始声明或最终处置方面做了一些严重的错误?
好的,这是完整的脚本。 Dispose已被删除,但有或没有它在5分钟内运行脚本将给我一个消息,我不能使用处置的opject或告诉我getResponse()已产生错误(226)文件传输(在ISE中运行) 。虽然这在正常操作期间不会出现问题,但我想正确记录FTP会话并清理脚本末尾的资源,并确保我正确地根据需要声明它们。
# User variables to control the script
# How many times connection will be re-tried
$connectionTries = 5
#time between tries in seconds
$connectionTryInterval = 1
#Where to log the output
$logFile = "D:\MyPath\ftplog.txt"
#maximum log file size in KB before it is archived
$logFileMaxSize = 500
#log to file or console - #true=log to file, #false = log to console
#formatted date part for the specific file to transfer
#This is appended to the filename base. Leave as "" for none
$datePart = ""
#base part of the file name
$fileNameBase = "MyFile"
#file extension
$fileExtension = ".mdb"
#location of the source file (please include trailing backslash)
$sourceLocation = "D:\MyPath\"
#location and credentials of the target ftp server
$userName = "iamafish"
$password = "ihavenofingers"
$ftpServer = ""
# Main Script
function logEntry($entryType, $section, $message)
#just to make a one point switch for logging to console for testing
# $entryType: 0 = success, 1 = Error
# $section: The section of the script the log entry was generated from
# $message: the log message
#This is pipe separated to fit in with my standard MSSQL linked flat file schema for easy querying
$logString = "$(get-Date -format "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")|$entryType|$section|$message"
Add-Content $logFile $logString
write-host $logString
#If there is a log file and it is longer than the declared limit then archive it with the current timestamp
if (test-path $logfile)
if( $((get-item $logFile).Length/1kb) -gt $logFileMaxSize)
write-host $("archiving log to ftplog_" + (get-date -format yyyyMMddhhmmss) + ".txt")
rename-item $logFile $("ftplog_" + (get-date -format yyyyMMddhhmmss) + ".txt")
New-Item $logFile -type file
New-Item $logFile -type file
#contruct source file and destination uri
$fileName = $fileNameBase + $datePart + $fileExtension
$sourceFile = $sourceLocation + $fileName
$destination = "ftp://" + $ftpServer + "/" + $fileName
#Check if the source file exists
if ((test-path $sourceFile) -eq $false)
logEntry 1 "Check Source File" $("File not found: " + $sourceFile)
# Create a FTPWebRequest object to handle the connection to the ftp server
$ftpRequest = [System.Net.FtpWebRequest]::create($destination)
# set the request's network credentials for an authenticated connection
$ftpRequest.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($username,$password)
$ftpRequest.Method = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Ftp]::UploadFile
$ftpRequest.UseBinary = $true
$ftpRequest.KeepAlive = $false
$succeeded = $true
$try = 1
trap [Exception]{
$script:succeeded = $false
logEntry 1 "Check FTP Connection" $_.Exception.Message
start-sleep -s $connectionTryInterval
$ftpResponse = $ftpRequest.GetResponse()
} while(($try -le $connectionTries) -and (-not $succeeded))
if ($succeeded) {
logEntry 0 "Connection to FTP" "Success"
# Open a filestream to the source file
trap [Exception]{
logEntry 1 "Check File Connection" $_.Exception.Message
$sourceStream = New-Object IO.FileStream ($(New-Object System.IO.FileInfo $sourceFile),[IO.FileMode]::Open)
[byte[]]$readbuffer = New-Object byte[] 1024
logEntry 0 "Starting file transfer" "Success"
# get the request stream, and write the bytes into it
$rs = $ftpRequest.GetRequestStream()
$readlength = $sourceStream.Read($readbuffer,0,1024)
} while ($readlength -ne 0)
logEntry 0 "Transfer complete" "Success"
# be sure to clean up after ourselves
尝试在最后捕获Transfer OK响应的示例:
logEntry 0 "Starting file transfer" "Success"
# get the request stream, and write the bytes into it
$rs = $ftpRequest.GetRequestStream()
$readlength = $sourceStream.Read($readbuffer,0,1024)
} while ($readlength -ne 0)
#start-sleep -s 2
trap [Exception]{
$script:succeeded = $false
logEntry 1 "Check FTP Connection" $_.Exception.Message
$ftpResponse = $ftpRequest.GetResponse()
答案 0 :(得分:1)
$content = gc -en byte $sourceFile
$content = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($sourceFile)
提供更好的表现。正如其他地方所提到的,分块对于真正的大文件来说是一个更好的解决方案,因为那时你并没有将整个文件同时保存在内存中,但上面的代码至少只消耗〜(文件大小) )RAM的字节,这意味着它应该可以达到MB范围的~10s。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
使用FtpWebRequest对象时 您必须将文件上传到服务器 将文件内容写入请求 通过调用获得的流 GetRequestStream方法或其方法 异步对应的, BeginGetRequestStream和 EndGetRequestStream方法。你必须 写入流并关闭 在发送请求之前流。
请求被发送到服务器 调用GetResponse方法或其方法 异步对应的, BeginGetResponse和EndGetResponse 方法。当请求的操作 完成,一个FtpWebResponse对象是 回。 FtpWebResponse对象 提供操作的状态 以及从中下载的任何数据 服务器