TypeScript - 基于鉴别器将联合类型映射到另一个联合类型的函数

时间:2018-05-12 02:33:44

标签: typescript discriminated-union




type InA = {
    type: 'a',
    data: string

type InB = {
    type: 'b',
    data: number

type In = InA | InB;


type OutA = {
    type: 'a',
    data: Object

type OutB = {
    type: 'b',
    data: Array<number>

type Out = OutA | OutB;


// This is the function I'd like to have a better type signature
// for inferring output type based on input type
function map<In, Out>(
    in: In
): Out {
   // do something


// I want the compiler to infer that this is OutB based on the InB
let result = map({ type: 'b', value: 999 });


在收到答案后更新 我能够使用@ titian-cernicova-dragomir答案的修改版本。这是关于我如何使用它的一般想法+一些额外的背景:

/** Http Request types **/

type RequestA = {
    type: 'names',
    url: '/names'

type RequestB = {
    type: 'numbers',
    url: '/numbers'

type Request = RequestA | RequestB;

/** Response types **/

type ResponseA = {
    type: 'names',
    data: Array<string>

type ResponseB = {
    type: 'numbers',
    data: Array<number>

type Response = ResponseA | ResponseB;

/** Helper from accepted answer */
type GetOut<T, A> = T extends { type: A } ? T : never;

/** Generic function for fetching data */
export function fetchData<
    Req extends Request,
    Res extends GetOut<Response, Req['type']>
    >(request: Req): Promise<Res> {
    return fetch(request.url)
        .then(response => response.json())
        .then(data => {
            return <Res>{
                type: request.type,

// compiler knows that this is of type Promise<ResponseA> based on
// type discriminiator
let names = fetchData({
    type: 'names',
    url: '/names'

// compiler knows that this is of type Promise<ResponseB> based on
// type discriminiator
let numbers = fetchData({
    type: 'numbers',
    url: '/numbers'

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