我找到了以下方法来对python中的信号进行下采样。我想使用此方法的 ▸ Multiple apps in git remotes
▸ Usage: --remote heroku-stagin
▸ or: --app still-falls-46284
▸ Your local git repository has more than 1 app referenced in git remotes.
▸ Because of this, we can't determine which app you want to run this command against.
▸ Specify the app you want with --app or --remote.
▸ Heroku remotes in repo:
▸ still-falls-46284 (heroku)
▸ still-falls-46284 (heroku-stagin)
▸ still-falls-46284 (still-falls-46284)
▸ https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/multiple-environments
为100.21,但我认为目前它仅适用于2的整数幂。是否有可能以100.21 Hz到8 Hz的频率对信号进行下采样?