
时间:2018-05-11 13:17:25

标签: php mysql arrays csv

第二列有2列,第一列有电话号码,第二列是通讯国家。 如果我找到匹配的前缀,我需要对这2个文件进行比较,我需要删除这个号码,并将其余的电话号码添加到另一个文件中。 例如:    

    First File x.csv         Second file y.csv

prefix  country          country     phone number
4474    UK               UK          44793245683...  
347466  Spain            Spain       34746689211345
3278    Belgium          Belgium     324568845212.....
                         Switzerland 4189544562131...
                         UK          4474321546588464...
                         Italy       39324566546548345
                         UK          4478564684151...   

So I want in another fil z.csv this output:

    country     phone number
    UK          44793245683...
Belgium 324568845212..... Switzerland 4189544562131... Italy 39324566546548345 UK 4478564684151...
This means that in this numbers has found match of prefixes: Country Phone NUmber Match Prefix Spain 34746689211345 347466 UK 4474321546588464 4474


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