
时间:2018-05-10 12:33:48

标签: python-2.7 pandas resampling




# input (list of list, but could be converted to DataFrame)    
# columns: 1:index, 2:state, 3:dtype, 4:value.
x = [
[1, 0, 'b', 93.8],
[2, 0, 'b', 97.4],
[3, 0, 'b', 76.1],
[4, 0, 'b', 21.1],
[5, 0, 'b', 65.7],
[6, 0, 'b', 90.8],
[7, 0, 'b', 63.8],
[8, 0, 'b', 82.9],
[9, 0, 'b', 19.8],
[10, 0, 'b', 10.2],
[11, 0, 'b', 1.3],
[12, 1, 'b', 37.6],
[13, 0, 'b', 18.2],
[14, 0, 'b', 16.9],
[15, 0, 'b', 95.6],
[16, 1, 'b', 23.7],
[17, 0, 'b', 54.1],
[18, 0, 'b', 99.0],
[19, 0, 'b', 16.3],
[20, 0, 'a', 80.7],
[21, 0, 'a', 23.1],
[22, 0, 'a', 96.6],
[23, 0, 'a', 56.7],
[24, 0, 'a', 45.3],
[25, 1, 'a', 58.0],
[26, 0, 'a', 49.9],
[27, 0, 'a', 91.3],
[28, 0, 'b', 60.2],
[29, 0, 'b', 76.8],
[30, 0, 'b', 45.3],
[31, 0, 'b', 69.6],
[32, 0, 'b', 99.0],
[33, 0, 'b', 29.5],
[34, 0, 'b', 11.0],
[35, 0, 'b', 68.9],
[36, 0, 'b', 75.8],
[37, 1, 'b', 89.8],
[38, 0, 'b', 57.7],
[39, 1, 'b', 20.3],
[40, 0, 'b', 98.6],
[41, 0, 'b', 96.7],
[42, 0, 'b', 17.9],
[43, 1, 'b', 14.6],
[44, 0, 'b', 92.5],
[45, 0, 'b', 33.6],
[46, 1, 'b', 58.9],
[47, 1, 'b', 71.9],
[48, 0, 'b', 74.9],
[49, 0, 'b', 43.3],
[50, 1, 'b', 29.5],
[51, 0, 'b', 24.6],
[52, 0, 'b', 2.3],
[53, 0, 'b', 19.1],
[54, 0, 'b', 31.6],
[55, 0, 'b', 80.6],
[56, 0, 'b', 3.2],
[57, 0, 'b', 58.5],
[58, 1, 'b', 30.2],
[59, 1, 'b', 29.1],
[60, 0, 'b', 47.6],
[61, 0, 'b', 76.4],
[62, 0, 'b', 21.6],
[63, 0, 'b', 82.7],
[64, 0, 'b', 0.2],
[65, 0, 'b', 9.4],
[66, 0, 'b', 75.1],
[67, 0, 'b', 33.8],
[68, 0, 'b', 82.0],
[69, 0, 'b', 56.9],
[70, 0, 'b', 62.5],
[71, 0, 'b', 53.5],
[72, 0, 'b', 7.0],
[73, 0, 'a', 37.4],
[74, 0, 'a', 88.8],
[75, 0, 'a', 46.4],
[76, 0, 'a', 86.3],
[77, 0, 'a', 54.3],
[78, 0, 'b', 23.4],
[79, 0, 'b', 1.1],
[80, 0, 'b', 78.5],
[81, 0, 'b', 39.1],
[82, 1, 'b', 79.0],
[83, 0, 'b', 41.0],
[84, 0, 'b', 40.3],
[85, 0, 'a', 66.5],
[86, 0, 'a', 66.8],
[87, 0, 'a', 86.8],
[88, 1, 'b', 96.9],
[89, 0, 'b', 2.1],
[90, 0, 'b', 46.3],
[91, 0, 'b', 28.9],
[92, 0, 'b', 43.2],
[93, 0, 'b', 58.9],
[94, 0, 'b', 60.6],
[95, 0, 'b', 15.4],
[96, 0, 'b', 69.4],
[97, 1, 'b', 18.4],
[98, 0, 'b', 41.3],
[99, 0, 'b', 40.5]

代码重新取样 x state'a'和'b':

def resample(x, log_interval, dtype):
    if not x:
    red = []
    prev_state, next_val, last_val = 0, 0, 0
    for row in x:
        if row[2] == dtype:
            if row[0] >= next_val or row[1] != prev_state and row[0] > last_val:
                prev_state = row[1]
                next_val = row[0] + log_interval
                last_val = row[0]
    return red
red_a = resample(x, 10, 'a')
red_b = resample(x, 10, 'b')


red_a = [
[20, 0, a, 80.7],
[25, 1, a, 58.0],
[26, 0, a, 49.9],
[73, 0, a, 37.4],
[85, 0, a, 66.5]

red_b = [
[1, 0, b, 93.8],
[11, 0, b, 1.3],
[12, 1, b, 37.6],
[13, 0, b, 18.2],
[16, 1, b, 23.7],
[17, 0, b, 54.1],
[28, 0, b, 60.2],
[37, 1, b, 89.8],
[38, 0, b, 57.7],
[39, 1, b, 20.3],
[40, 0, b, 98.6],
[43, 1, b, 14.6],
[44, 0, b, 92.5],
[46, 1, b, 58.9],
[48, 0, b, 74.9],
[50, 1, b, 29.5],
[51, 0, b, 24.6],
[58, 1, b, 30.2],
[60, 0, b, 47.6],
[70, 0, b, 62.5],
[80, 0, b, 78.5],
[82, 1, b, 79.0],
[83, 0, b, 41.0],
[88, 1, b, 96.9],
[89, 0, b, 2.1],
[97, 1, b, 18.4],
[98, 0, b, 41.3]



columns = ['ind', 'state', 'dtype', 'value']
df = pd.DataFrame(x, columns=columns)

但是,如果我尝试for循环,它会非常慢(例如for row in df: ...)。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

首先从using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Microsoft.Extensions.Options; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices.AngularCli; namespace AngularSPA { public class Startup { public Startup(IConfiguration configuration) { Configuration = configuration; } public IConfiguration Configuration { get; } // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container. public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { services.AddMvc(); // In production, the Angular files will be served from this directory services.AddSpaStaticFiles(configuration => { configuration.RootPath = "ClientApp/dist"; }); } // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline. public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env) { if (env.IsDevelopment()) { app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); } else { app.UseExceptionHandler("/Home/Error"); } app.UseStaticFiles(); app.UseSpaStaticFiles(); app.UseMvc(routes => { routes.MapRoute( name: "default", template: "{controller}/{action=Index}/{id?}"); }); app.UseSpa(spa => { spa.Options.SourcePath = "ClientApp"; if (env.IsDevelopment()) { spa.UseAngularCliServer(npmScript: "start"); } }); } } } 开始,您首先可以创建两个DF(df = pd.DataFrame(x, columns=['ind', 'state', 'dtype', 'value'])df_a)来选择状态,例如:


然后你创建一个函数df_a = df[df['dtype'] =='a'].copy() df_b = df[df['dtype'] =='b'].copy() ,你将select_row到这些DF:


现在,您可以使用布尔值在def select_row( row, log_interval): # using global varaibles might be a bit dangerous but I didn't find another way global prev_state, next_val, last_val # Here your conditions if (row['ind'] >= next_val) or (row['state'] != prev_state and row['ind'] > last_val): # change the values of the global variables prev_state = row['state'] next_val = row['ind'] + log_interval last_val = row['ind'] return True # return True if your condition is met else: # return False otherwise return False df_a中创建列,例如:


最后,您可以通过在log_interval = 10 prev_state, next_val, last_val = 0, 0, 0 df_a['bool'] = df_a.apply(select_row, args = ([log_interval ]), axis = 1) #same for df_b but don't forget to reset your global values prev_state, next_val, last_val = 0, 0, 0 df_b['bool'] = df_b.apply(select_row, args = ([log_interval ]), axis = 1) 列中选择df_a(和df_b)行True并删除此列来创建您的两个输出:
