使用Visual Studio 17和" dotnet new reactredux"在使用.NET Core 2.1模板构建的应用程序中独立运行Create-React-App服务器。

时间:2018-05-10 04:19:52

标签: asp.net-core asp.net-core-2.1


要独立运行CRA服务器,Microsoft建议we run the CRA app separately and change the code within the Startup.cs class file,如下所示:



> cd ClientApp


> npm start

Startup.cs 中的public List<Object> searchEmployee(EmployeeSearchDto data) { Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); final String CRITERIA_EMPLOYEEID = "emp.employeeID =:id"; final String CRITERIA_EMPLOYEEID2 = "emp.employeeID LIKE:id"; final String CRITERIA_POSITION= "emp.positionID =:posID"; final String CRITERIA_DEPARTMENT="emp.departmentID =:deptID"; final String CRITERIA_WORKPLACE = "emp.workplaceID =:workID"; Boolean selected_dept = false; Boolean selected_pos = false; Boolean selected_work = false; Boolean input_empID = false; Boolean input_empName = false; firstName = ""; middleName = ""; lastName = ""; completeName = ""; firstLastName = ""; List<String> criteria = new ArrayList<>(); List<Object> employees = null; // checking the fields if all the fields is empty try{ //one by one check the select field String query = "Select" + " emp.employeeID," +"emp.firstName," +"emp.middleName," +"emp.lastName," +"pos.positionName," +"dept.deptName," +"work.workplaceName" +"from Employee emp " + "INNER JOIN Department dept " + "ON emp.departmentID = dept.deptID " + "INNER JOIN Position pos " + "ON emp.positionID = pos.positionID " + "INNER JOIN Workplace work " + "ON emp.workplaceID = work.workplaceID "; if(!data.isEmpty()) { query = query.concat("WHERE "); if(data.getEmployeeID()!="" && data.getEmployeeID()!=null) { criteria.add(CRITERIA_EMPLOYEEID2); System.out.println("Employee IDs"); input_empID = true; } if(data.getEmployeeName()!="" && data.getEmployeeName()!=null){ criteria.add(nameCriteriaHelper(data.getEmployeeName())); System.out.println("Employee Name AKOOO"); input_empName = true; } if(data.getDepartmentID()!=0) { criteria.add(CRITERIA_DEPARTMENT); System.out.println("Dept ID "); selected_dept = true; } if(data.getPositionID()!=0) { criteria.add(CRITERIA_POSITION); System.out.println("POS ID "); selected_pos = true; } if(data.getWorkplaceID()!=0) { criteria.add(CRITERIA_WORKPLACE); selected_work = true; } query = query.concat(String.join(" OR ", criteria)); } query = query.concat(" ORDER BY emp.joinDate DESC"); System.out.println("QUERY: " + query); Query q = session.createQuery(query); if(input_empID) { q.setParameter("id", "%" + data.getEmployeeID() + "%"); } if(input_empName) { if(searchbyOne) q.setParameter("inputName", "%" + data.getEmployeeName() + "%"); if(searchbyFandL) q.setParameter("firstLastName", "%" +firstLastName+ "%"); if(searchbyCompName) q.setParameter("completeName", "%" +completeName+ "%"); } if(selected_dept) { q.setParameter("deptID", data.getDepartmentID()); } if(selected_pos) { q.setParameter("posID", data.getPositionID()); } if(selected_work) { q.setParameter("workID", data.getWorkplaceID()); } employees = (List<Object>) q.list(); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ session.close(); } return employees; } public String nameCriteriaHelper(String name) { searchbyOne = false; searchbyFandL = false; searchbyCompName = false; final String noOfTokens_1 = "CONCAT(emp.lastName,' ',emp.firstName, ' ',emp.middleName) LIKE :inputName"; final String noOfTokens_2 = "(CONCAT(emp.lastName, ' ', emp.firstName) LIKE :firstLastName " + "OR CONCAT(emp.firstName, ' ', emp.lastName) LIKE :firstLastName)"; final String noOfTokens_3 = "CONCAT(emp.lastName,' ',emp.firstName, ' ',emp.middleName) LIKE :completeName"; StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(name); int no_of_tokens = stringTokenizer.countTokens(); switch(no_of_tokens) { case 1: searchbyOne = true; return noOfTokens_1; case 2: firstName = stringTokenizer.nextToken(); lastName = stringTokenizer.nextToken(); firstLastName = lastName + " " + firstName; searchbyFandL = true; return noOfTokens_2; default: int counter = 0; while( counter < (no_of_tokens - 2)) { firstName = firstName.concat(stringTokenizer.nextToken() + " "); counter++; } firstName = stringTokenizer.nextToken(); middleName = stringTokenizer.nextToken(); lastName = stringTokenizer.nextToken(); completeName = lastName + " " + firstName + " " + middleName; searchbyCompName = true; return noOfTokens_3; } 调用替换为:


spa.UseProxyToSpaDevelopmentServer(&#34; http://localhost:3000/&#34);

但是,当我点击F5时,Visual Studio每次都会在http://localhost:54789


enter image description here


  1. 安装Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2017
  2. 在Visual Studio安装期间选择spa.UseReactDevelopmentServer版本
  3. enter image description here

    1. the NPM website
    2. 下载并安装npm
    3. 打开Windows命令行工具
    4. 导航到新的工作区目录.NET Core cross-platform development
    5. 运行cd \path\to\workspace\
    6. 确保您拥有最新的.NET模板:npm install
    7. 从模板中创建一个新的React-Redux应用程序:dotnet new --install Microsoft.DotNet.Web.Spa.ProjectTemplates::2.0.0
    8. 导航到ClientApp目录:dotnet new reactredux
    9. 运行CRA服务器:cd ClientApp
    10. 在Windows资源管理器中打开工作区目录
    11. 打开已创建的.csproj文件(应在Visual Studio 2017中打开)
    12. Startup.cs 中的npm start调用替换为:

      spa.UseProxyToSpaDevelopmentServer(&#34; http://localhost:3000/&#34);

      1. 点击 F5
      2. 环境

        • Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise SP1
        • Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2017版本15.6.7
        • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.02558
        • Node.js 8.11.1
        • 节点包管理器5.6.0
        • .NET Core SDK 2.1.104
        • 套餐参考:


          Microsoft.AspNetCore.All 2.0.0


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