
时间:2018-05-09 11:33:13

标签: mysql sql join


For example correct scenario is total requested quantity values is $200 then confirmed quantity values is also $200 (if we confirm all requested products)
Wrong scenario is requested quantity value is $200 and confirmed quantity values is more than requested quantity value like some $300. 


SELECT resp.id,resp.order_number,resp.orderdate,
ROUND(SUM(req.`requested_quantity` * req.`net_price`),2) AS Req_Order_Amnt,
ROUND((SUM(items_resp.dispatch_quantity * items_resp.`net_price`)+ SUM(items_resp.backorder_quantity * items_resp.`net_price`)),2) 
AS Tot_Confirmed_Amnt,
FROM products_header_response resp
JOIN products_request req 
ON req.`edi_order_id` = resp.`order_number`
JOIN products_response items_resp 
ON resp.id= items_resp.`edi_order_response_id` 
WHERE DATE(resp.orderdate) BETWEEN '20180411' AND '20180411'  AND (items_resp.`dispatch_quantity`!='' OR items_resp.`backorder_quantity`!='')
GROUP BY items_resp.`edi_order_response_id`


For example requested quantity 100, then if dispatch quantity is 50 and backorder quantity is 20  then 50, 20 will be sent in respective columns and 30 will be sent as rejected quantity.


SELECT resp.id,resp.order_number,resp.orderdate,
ROUND((SUM(items_resp.dispatch_quantity * items_resp.`net_price`) + SUM(items_resp.backorder_quantity * items_resp.`net_price`)),2) 
AS Tot_Confirmed_Amnt
FROM product_header_response resp
JOIN products_response items_resp 
ON resp.id= items_resp.`edi_order_response_id` 
WHERE DATE(resp.orderdate) BETWEEN '20180411' AND '20180411'  
AND (items_resp.`dispatch_quantity`!='' OR items_resp.`backorder_quantity`!='')
GROUP BY items_resp.`edi_order_response_id`


products_respose table
id| order_number
3456 ABC123

Products Request table 
edi_order_id| requested_quantity|net_price|product_id
ABC123           2                26.44    pr123 
ABC123           2                22.29    pr234
ABC123           1                12.34    pr321 
ABC123           2                20.05    pr345
ABC123           1                18.26    pr546
ABC123           2                26.48    pr456
ABC123           2                26.44    pr567


dispatch_quantity|backorder_quantity|net_price | product_id | edi_order_resp_id
-                   -                 26.44         pr123         3456
-                   -                 22.29         pr234         3456
-                   -                 12.34         pr321         3456
2                   -                 20.05         pr345         3456
-                   -                 18.26         pr546         3456
2                   -                 26.48         pr456         3456
-                   -                 26.44         pr567         3456


Order_id | Tot_req_Qty_amount |Tot_confirmed_Qty_amount| Requested_products
ABC123     274.00               93.96                      12


Order_id | Tot_req_Qty_amount |Tot_confirmed_Qty_amount| Requested_products
    ABC123     548.00               651.42                      24

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