我已经提到过这个问题并回答:VBA Function argument list select
Option Explicit
Public Enum nations
USA = 1
AU = 2
CN = 3
SG = 4
End Enum
Function intlCartage(country As nations, weight As Double)
Select Case country
Case nations.AU
intlCartage = 15 + WorksheetFunction.RoundUp((weight - 1), 0) * 10
Case nations.CN
intlCartage = 20 + WorksheetFunction.RoundUp((weight - 1), 0) * 5
Case nations.SG
intlCartage = 15 + WorksheetFunction.RoundUp((weight - 1), 0) * 10
Case nations.USA
intlCartage = 10 + WorksheetFunction.RoundUp((weight - 1), 0) * 8
Case Else
intlCartage = "please contact sales for quote."
End Select
End Function
答案 0 :(得分:1)
<强> Application.MacroOptions 强>
Sub RegisterFunctions()
Application.MacroOptions "intlCartage", "USA = 1" & vbCrLf & _
"AU = 2" & vbCrLf & _
"CN = 3" & vbCrLf & _
"SG = 4"
End Sub
的公式并按 Ctrl - A ,您将在功能帮助中获取说明文字。空间有限,不是很有帮助。 MacroOptions定义中有一个名为MenuText的诱人参数 - 但它会被忽略。
在此处阅读更多内容:The quest for the Excel custom function tooltip
答案 1 :(得分:1)
使用数据&gt;数据工具&gt;数据验证&gt;数据验证(键盘快捷键= Alt,D,L),并将值USA,AU,CN,SG
作为可用选项列表。然后,您需要string to enumeration converter为您执行自动转换。
'Standard Module
Public Function updatedCartage(ByVal country As String, ByVal weight As Double) As Variant
Dim enumCountry As nations
Dim nationConverter As NationsConverter
Set nationConverter = New NationsConverter
enumCountry = nationConverter.ToEnum(country)
updatedCartage = intlCartage(enumCountry, weight)
End Function
'For Early binding set a reference to
'Tools>References> "Microsoft Scripting Runtime"
'then use Scripting.Dictionary instead of Object.
'You'd then change where you set the variable to
'New Scripting.Dictionary from CreateObject()
Private StringForEnum As Object
Private EnumForString As Object
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
End Sub
Private Sub PopulateDictionaries()
Set EnumForString = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
EnumForString.Add "USA", nations.USA
EnumForString.Add "AU", nations.AU
EnumForString.Add "CN", nations.CN
EnumForString.Add "SG", nations.SG
Set StringForEnum = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim element As Variant
For Each element In EnumForString.Keys
StringForEnum.Add EnumForString.Item(element), element
End Sub
Public Function ToEnum(ByVal value As String) As nations
value = UCase$(value)
If Not EnumForString.Exists(value) Then
ThrowInvalidArgument "ToEnum", value
End If
ToEnum = EnumForString(value)
End Function
Public Function ToString(ByVal value As nations)
If Not StringForEnum.Exists(value) Then
ThrowInvalidArgument "ToString", CStr(value)
End If
ToString = StringForEnum(value)
End Function
Private Sub ThrowInvalidArgument(ByVal source As String, ByVal value As String)
Err.Raise 5, Information.TypeName(Me) & "." & source, "Invalid input '" & value & "' was supplied."
End Sub
Public Property Get Enums() As Variant
Enums = EnumForString.Items
End Property
Public Property Get Strings() As Variant
Strings = EnumForString.Keys
End Property
答案 2 :(得分:0)
这种方式使用命名范围,来自this link上接受的答案。
程序只需要执行一次,然后在输入公式时得到一种下拉菜单(虽然输入&#34; U&#34;因为第一个字母也提供了UPPER作为一个建议)。
Public Sub Add_Enums()
Dim CountryCode As Collection
Dim Country As Variant
Set CountryCode = New Collection
With CountryCode
.Add Array("USA", 1)
.Add Array("AU", 2)
.Add Array("CN", 3)
.Add Array("SG", 4)
End With
For Each Country In CountryCode
AllocateNamedRange CStr(Country(0)), CStr(Country(1))
Next Country
End Sub
Public Function intlCartage(Country As String, weight As Double) As Variant
Dim lAddition As Long
Dim lMultiplier As Long
Select Case Country
Case 1 'USA
lAddition = 10
lMultiplier = 8
Case 2, 4 'AU or SG
lAddition = 15
lMultiplier = 10
Case 3 'CN
lAddition = 20
lMultiplier = 5
Case Else
intlCartage = CVErr(xlErrNA)
End Select
If IsError(intlCartage) Then
'Do nothing, it already holds an error.
intlCartage = lAddition + WorksheetFunction.Round((weight - 1), 0) * lMultiplier
End If
End Function
Public Function NamedRangeExists(Book As Workbook, sName As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
NamedRangeExists = Book.Names(sName).Index <> (Err.Number = 0)
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Public Sub AllocateNamedRange(sName As String, sRefersTo As String, Optional ReferType = "R1C1", _
Optional Book As Workbook)
If Book Is Nothing Then
Set Book = ThisWorkbook
End If
With Book
If NamedRangeExists(Book, sName) Then .Names(sName).Delete
If ReferType = "R1C1" Then
.Names.Add Name:=sName, RefersToR1C1:=sRefersTo
ElseIf ReferType = "A1" Then
.Names.Add Name:=sName, RefersTo:=sRefersTo
End If
End With
End Sub