仅使用kops create -f
masters: private
nodes: private
apiVersion: kops/v1alpha2
kind: InstanceGroup
答案 0 :(得分:0)
根据kops源代码,支持一个文件中的多个部分。 也许您需要检查文件是否存在错误。
这是负责解析文件和创建资源的部分。为了缩短代码,我删除了所有错误检查。 如需调查,请参阅原始file:
func RunCreate(f *util.Factory, out io.Writer, c *CreateOptions) error {
clientset, err := f.Clientset()
// Codecs provides access to encoding and decoding for the scheme
codecs := kopscodecs.Codecs //serializer.NewCodecFactory(scheme)
codec := codecs.UniversalDecoder(kopsapi.SchemeGroupVersion)
var clusterName = ""
//var cSpec = false
var sb bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "\n")
for _, f := range c.Filenames {
contents, err := vfs.Context.ReadFile(f)
// TODO: this does not support a JSON array
sections := bytes.Split(contents, []byte("\n---\n"))
for _, section := range sections {
defaults := &schema.GroupVersionKind{
Group: v1alpha1.SchemeGroupVersion.Group,
Version: v1alpha1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version,
o, gvk, err := codec.Decode(section, defaults, nil)
switch v := o.(type) {
case *kopsapi.Cluster:
// Adding a PerformAssignments() call here as the user might be trying to use
// the new `-f` feature, with an old cluster definition.
err = cloudup.PerformAssignments(v)
_, err = clientset.CreateCluster(v)
case *kopsapi.InstanceGroup:
clusterName = v.ObjectMeta.Labels[kopsapi.LabelClusterName]
cluster, err := clientset.GetCluster(clusterName)
_, err = clientset.InstanceGroupsFor(cluster).Create(v)
case *kopsapi.SSHCredential:
clusterName = v.ObjectMeta.Labels[kopsapi.LabelClusterName]
cluster, err := clientset.GetCluster(clusterName)
sshCredentialStore, err := clientset.SSHCredentialStore(cluster)
sshKeyArr := []byte(v.Spec.PublicKey)
err = sshCredentialStore.AddSSHPublicKey("admin", sshKeyArr)
glog.V(2).Infof("Type of object was %T", v)
return fmt.Errorf("Unhandled kind %q in %s", gvk, f)
// If there is a value in this sb, this should mean that we have something to deploy
// so let's advise the user how to engage the cloud provider and deploy
if sb.String() != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "\n")
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "To deploy these resources, run: kops update cluster %s --yes\n", clusterName)
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "\n")
_, err := out.Write(sb.Bytes())
return nil
答案 1 :(得分:0)
注意:我已经成功地将这两个.yaml文件都合并到一个多文档.yaml文件中,并且可以正常工作,我就是这样做的,这样我就可以重复使用instancegroups.yaml多个群集/保持git repo干燥。
Bash# kops get cluster --name devkube.mycompany.com -o yaml > devkube.mycompany.com.cluster.kops.yaml
Bash# kops get ig --name devkube.mycompany.com -o yaml > instancegroups.kops.yaml
export AWS_PROFILE=devkube-kops
export KOPS_STATE_STORE=s3://kops-state-devkube.mycompany.com
kops replace --name $clustername -f ../kops/qak8s.vibrenthealth.com.cluster.yaml --force
kops replace --name $clustername -f ../kops/instancegroups.yaml --force
kops create secret --name $clustername sshpublickey admin -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub #so the person who provisions the cluster can ssh into the nodes
kops update cluster --name $clustername --yes