for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
sum += some_calculations
def body1(i):
global data
N = len(data)*positive_samples //Some length
j = tf.constant(0) //iterators
condition2 = lambda j, i :tf.less(j, N) //one condition only j should be less than N
tf.add(i, 1) //increment previous index i
result = 0
def body2(j, i):
global similarity_matrix, U, V
result = (tf.transpose(U[:, i])*V[:, j]) //U and V are 2-d tensor Variables and here only a column is extracted and their final product is a single value
return result
tf.while_loop(condition2, body2, loop_vars=[j, i])
return result
def loss_function(x):
global data
N = len(data)*positive_samples
i = tf.constant(0)
condition1 = lambda i : tf.less(i, N)
return tf.while_loop(condition1, body1, [i])
ValueError: The two structures don't have the same number of elements. First structure: [<tf.Tensor 'lambda_1/while/while/Identity:0' shape=() dtype=int32>, <tf.Tensor 'lambda_1/while/while/Identity_1:0' shape=() dtype=int32>], second structure: [0]
答案 0 :(得分:3)
def body1(i, result):
global data
N = len(data) * positive_samples
j = tf.constant(0)
condition2 = lambda j, i, result: tf.less(j, N)
result = 0
def body2(j, i, result):
global similarity_matrix, U, V
result_j = (tf.transpose(U[:, i]) * V[:, j])
return j + 1, i, result + result_j
j, i, result = tf.while_loop(condition2, body2, loop_vars=[j, i, result])
return i + 1, result
def loss_function(x):
global data
N = len(data)*positive_samples
i = tf.constant(0)
result = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.float32)
condition1 = lambda i, result: tf.less(i, N)
i, result = tf.while_loop(condition1, body1, [i, result])
return result
result = tf.reduce_sum(tf.transpose(U) @ V)
# Equivalent
result = tf.reduce_sum(tf.matmul(tf.transpose(U), V))
答案 1 :(得分:0)
import tensorflow as tf
x = tf.Variable([[1,1],[2,2],[3,3]])
v = tf.constant([1,2,3])
i = tf.constant(0)
a_combined = tf.zeros([0, 2], dtype=tf.int32)
def body(x,v,i,a_combined):
x_slice = tf.slice(x,[i,0], [1, x.shape[1]])
v_slice = tf.slice(v,[i],[1])
j = tf.constant(0)
b_combined = tf.zeros([0, 2], dtype=tf.int32)
print("i: ", i)
def body_supp(x_slice,v_slice,j, b_combined):
print("j: ", j)
j = tf.add(j,1)
b_combined = tf.concat([b_combined,x_slice],0)
return x_slice, v_slice, j, b_combined
while_condition_supp = lambda x_slice, v_slice, j, b_combined: tf.less(j, v_slice)
x_slice, v_slice, j, b_combined = tf.while_loop(while_condition_supp, body_supp, [x_slice, v_slice, j, b_combined])
i = tf.add(i,1)
a_combined = tf.concat([a_combined,b_combined],0)
return x, v, i, a_combined
while_condition = lambda x, v, i, a_combined: i < v.shape[0]
x, v, i, a_combined = tf.while_loop(while_condition, body, [x, v, i, a_combined])
<tf.Tensor: shape=(6, 2), dtype=int32, numpy=
array([[1, 1],
[2, 2],
[2, 2],
[3, 3],
[3, 3],
[3, 3]], dtype=int32)>