g ++中的奇怪编译错误(clang ++编译好)

时间:2011-02-16 22:48:02

标签: c++ g++ compiler-errors clang



statemachine.h: In member function ‘void state_machine<Data, T>::start_submachine(void (*)(state_machine<Data, T>&, T), void (*)(state_machine<Data, T>&, T))’:
statemachine.h:245: error: ‘substate_machine<Data, T>::substate_machine(state_machine<Data, T>*)’ is protected
statemachine.h:215: error: within this context
statemachine.h: In member function ‘state_machine<Data, T>* substate_machine<Data, T>::parent()’:
main.cpp:282:   instantiated from here
statemachine.h:138: error: ‘state_machine<Data, T>* state_machine<Data, T>::parent()’ is protected
statemachine.h:241: error: within this context
statemachine.h: In member function ‘void substate_machine<Data, T>::state_return()’:
main.cpp:282:   instantiated from here
statemachine.h:232: error: ‘void state_machine<Data, T>::return_from_sub()’ is protected
statemachine.h:254: error: within this context

Main.cpp长282行,它指向的行只是一个右括号}。从不在课堂外调用Parent()(为什么它会抱怨它受到保护)?为什么会抱怨state_return()调用受保护的方法,因为这个类的成员。 GCC / G ++是否与模板中的受保护数据成员搞混?我怀疑(这只是一种预感)它试图内联扩展宏等功能......但为什么呢?



//#include <iostream> TODO:  Make better templated stream type
#include <memory>
#include <string>

const std::string null_string = "";

/* Class state_machine:
 *      Templated class to allow easy implementation of FSMs.
 *      HOW TO USE:
 *          - Make a type containing whatever data needs to be passed
 *            to the current state.
 *          - If necessary, create a preprocessor function run before
 *            the actual state is invoked (prefunc)
 *          - Create a function for each state.  In addition, each
 *            state can be made a submachine by using substate_machine
 *          - If necessary, specialize (INLINE and in the HEADER FILE)
 *            the finalize() method.
 *          - The function names should pretty much be self explanitory.
 *      Hooray for function pointers.  The code was 5x longer and 10x
 *      buggier before I implemented lexer as a state machine :D.
 *  NOTE:  This class COPY CONSTRUCTS from the hints provided (at least
 *         for now), so *don't* try and use your old pointer- it's not the
 *         same object!  This was done to simplify this class's
 *         implementation.  At some point I should probably change it...

template <class Data, class T>
class state_machine {
    //public use typedefs
    typedef void (*state)(state_machine<Data, T>&, T);
    typedef state prefunc_t;
    static void defprefunc(state_machine<Data, T>&, T);
    static void defstate(state_machine<Data, T>&, T);
    static void submachine_handle(state_machine<Data, T>&, T);
    //The above works with submachines because references are treated
    //by the standard like pointers- so polymorphism is allowed
    prefunc_t prefunc;
    //don't feel like writing a full on destructor for one pointer
    std::auto_ptr<Data> internal_data;
    state curstate;
    state returnstate;
    //this MUST be an auto_ptr or our memory management gets REAL tricky
    std::auto_ptr < state_machine<Data, T> > substate;
    void init();
    void call(state_machine<Data, T>&, T);
    //this method allows submachine to get data from top of hierarchy.
    virtual state_machine<Data, T> * parent(); //return TOP of tree
    void return_from_sub(); //this is a slot, to use the qt term
    //public interface
    state_machine(prefunc_t = defprefunc, Data * = NULL);
    Data& data();
    void change_state(state);
    //TODO:  change std::istream to a stream dependent on T
    //void add_stream(std::istream&);
    void add_char(T);
    //NULL here means curstate:
    void start_submachine(state, state = NULL);
    //this method is available for specialization
    void finalize();
    virtual void state_return();

/* class substate_machine:
 *      This class is a helper class to allow the creation of state
 *      machines as states within another state machine.  Submachines:
 *          -Share the same data.
 *          -Behave exactly like a regular state, except upon exiting
 *           the submachine the state should call the state_return()
 *           method, which allows control to flow to the parent machine.
 *          -Are invoked with the start_submachine() method.
 *      Basically, what allows them to share data is the protected
 *      virtual method parent(), which gets the state_machine object
 *      at the hierarchy's root.  This is never used by the submachine,
 *      only in the parent machine methods when accessing shared data
 *      (i.e. the subclass provides 'plug-in' functionality with this
 *      method), so it *could* be made a private virtual, but those seem
 *      to be 1. poorly understood and 2. overprotective in cases like
 *      this (i.e. do we *really* care if the submachine knows how to
 *      access its parent? no, in fact, we encourage it).
 *      The user should never see this class.  It is only to be used
 *      by the state_machine parent class provide transparent operation
 *      of substates (don't you love polymorphism>)

template <class Data, class T>
class substate_machine : public state_machine<Data, T> {
    state_machine<Data, T> * parentsm; //direct parent state machine
    substate_machine() {} //Default construction causes failure
    virtual state_machine<Data, T> * parent();
    substate_machine(state_machine<Data, T>*);
    virtual void state_return(); //send a signal to the parent machine

// definitions

//note that state_machine<Data, T>::parent() returns the TOP of the
//hierarchy, NOT the direct parent.

template <class Data, class T>
state_machine<Data, T> * state_machine<Data, T>::parent() {
    return this; //base class state machine must be at top of hierarchy

template <class Data, class T>
void state_machine<Data, T>::finalize() {
    //this is left to be <intentionally> specialized over

template <class Data, class T>
Data& state_machine<Data, T>::data() {
    //use parent here to allow all subs to access the hierarchy's shared
    //data as if they own it.
    return *(parent()->internal_data);

//these are two different functions for clarity's sake

template <class Data, class T>
void state_machine<Data, T>::defstate
(state_machine<Data, T>& self, T c) {
    //do nothing - default behavior

template <class Data, class T>
void state_machine<Data, T>::defprefunc
(state_machine<Data, T>& self, T c) {
    //do nothing - default behavior

template <class Data, class T>
void state_machine<Data, T>::
submachine_handle(state_machine<Data, T>& self, T c) {
    //handle a submachine
    self.substate->curstate(*(self.substate), c);

template <class Data, class T>
void state_machine<Data, T>::state_return() {
    //should NOT happen, but handle just in case.

template <class Data, class T>
void state_machine<Data, T>::init() {
    curstate = defstate;
    prefunc = defprefunc;

template <class Data, class T>
state_machine<Data, T>::state_machine
(prefunc_t func, Data * d) {
    //make a new data - copy construct if d is not null
    if (d) {
        internal_data = std::auto_ptr<Data>(new Data(*d));
    else {
        internal_data = std::auto_ptr<Data>(new Data);
    prefunc = func;

template <class Data, class T>
void state_machine<Data, T>::change_state(state s) {
    curstate = s;

//the first state is the state to start a submachine in, the second
//state is the state to go into when the submachine returns to the
//parent, which is by default NULL (the current state)
template <class Data, class T>
void state_machine<Data, T>::start_submachine(state s, state rs) {
    //get arround default argument errors (static resolution...)
    if (rs == NULL) {
        rs = curstate;
    //set up submachines
    substate = std::auto_ptr<state_machine<Data, T> >(new substate_machine<Data, T>(this));
    returnstate = rs;
    //set up the submachine state handler
    curstate = submachine_handle;

//preprocess and then process a character through the state machine.
template <class Data, class T>
void state_machine<Data, T>::add_char(T c) {
    prefunc(*this, c);
    curstate(*this, c);

//this is a slot for the submachine to send its return signal to.
//basically just switches the function pointer back.
template <class Data, class T>
void state_machine<Data, T>::return_from_sub() {
    curstate = returnstate;

//now for the substate

template <class Data, class T>
state_machine<Data, T> * substate_machine<Data, T>::parent() {
    //remember, this is the top of the hierarchy.
    return parentsm->parent();

template <class Data, class T>
substate_machine<Data, T>::
substate_machine(state_machine<Data, T> * sm) {
    parentsm = sm;

template <class Data, class T>
void substate_machine<Data, T>::state_return() {
    //sends the parent the return signal.


提前感谢任何输入。我会用clang ++标记,但它不会让我......

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


class A
    A(int) {}
    void foo();

class B: public A
        A(10) //OK here


void A::foo()
    B b(10); //error, that constructor is not accessible to A


class A
    void foo() {}

class B: public A
    void bar() {
        this->foo(); //OK
        B other_b;
        other_b.foo(); //OK
        A a;
        a.foo(); //not OK
        A* b_ptr = &other_b;
        b_ptr->foo(); //not OK, static type of *b_ptr is not B


答案 1 :(得分:0)

我相信g ++是正确的。看起来您正在从另一个模板调用一个模板的受保护的初始化构造函数。它属于不同的类别,因此无法使用。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

这看起来像g ++中的错误。它不应该检查substate_machine<Data, T>的构造函数的访问权限,因为它具有依赖类型。包含 new-expression 的函数可能仅针对substate_machine专用且具有public构造函数的类型进行实例化,因此不允许编译器拒绝此代码。 / p>

我找不到有这个bug的g ++版本;您使用的是哪个版本?