
时间:2018-05-08 04:29:07

标签: c++ string file-io ifstream ofstream

我创建了一个a=[0,1,2,3] for a[2] in a: print(a[2]) 参赛作品,其中包含class名称,string id,int成绩。然后,我使用程序 P1 char模式在文本文件中写入数据。我有另一个程序 P2 ,它在之前的数据之间插入一个新数据。




计划#ifndef SCHOLAR_H #define SCHOLAR_H #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> using namespace std; class Scholar { int id; string name; char grade; public: void read_data() { cout << "\nEnter ID: "; cin >> id; string temp; getline(cin, temp); cout << "Enter name: "; getline(cin, name); cout << "Enter grade: "; cin >> grade; } void print_data() { cout << "\nID: " << id << " | Name: " << name << " | Grade: " << grade; } int modify_data(); int _id() { return id; } string _name() { return name; } char _grade() { return grade; } }; #endif // SCHOLAR_H



Initial Image 你可以看到名字!

计划#include "MyHeaderFiles/Scholar.h" #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> #include <cctype> int main() { system("cls"); Scholar sch; fstream fs; fs.open("SchDB.txt", ios::out | ios::in | ios::binary | ios::trunc); if(!fs) { cerr << "File not found!"; system("PAUSE"); } char reply; do { sch.read_data(); fs.write((char*) &sch, sizeof(sch)); cout << "Do you want to add another scholar (y/n) : "; cin >> reply; } while(tolower(reply) == 'y'); fs.seekg(0); cout << "\nFile content\n------------" << endl; while(!fs.eof()) { fs.read((char*) &sch, sizeof(sch)); if(fs.eof()) break; sch.print_data(); } fs.close(); cout << endl; return 0; }


我使用程序#include "MyHeaderFiles/Scholar.h" #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> int main() { system("cls"); Scholar sch; Scholar newSch; ofstream fout; ifstream fin; fout.open("Temp.txt", ios::out | ios::binary); fin.open("SchDB.txt", ios::in | ios::binary); char last = 'y'; int pos; cout << "\nYou have to enter data of a new student." << endl; newSch.read_data(); fin.seekg(0); cout << "\nFile content\n------------" << endl; while(!fin.eof()) { pos = fin.tellg(); fin.read((char*) &sch, sizeof(sch)); if(sch._id() > newSch._id()) { fout.write((char*) &newSch, sizeof(newSch)); last = 'n'; break; } else { fout.write((char*) &sch, sizeof(sch)); } } if(last == 'y') { fout.write((char*) &newSch, sizeof(newSch)); } else if(!fin.eof()) { fin.seekg(pos); while(!fin.eof()) { fin.read((char*) &sch, sizeof(sch)); if(fin.eof()) break; fout.write((char*) &sch, sizeof(sch)); } } fin.close(); fout.close(); remove("SchDB.txt"); rename("Temp.txt", "SchDB.txt"); fin.open("SchDB.txt", ios::in | ios::binary); fin.seekg(0); while(!fin.eof()) { fin.read((char*) &sch, sizeof(sch)); if(fin.eof()) break; sch.print_data(); } fin.close(); cout << endl; return 0; } 插入新数据时的后一张图片:

Later Image 而且,现在您只能看到P2属性丢失了!

我正在使用Code :: Blocks IDE和GNU GCC Compiler。


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