如何使用Facebook Business SDK检索页面的多个字段

时间:2018-05-08 00:10:25

标签: ruby facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-business-sdk

Facebook最近公布的变化(例如4月24日和May 1, 2018)导致我们看到Facebook Business SDK,据我所知,它是Facebook营销/ Facebook广告API的后代。


使用Facebook's Getting Started页面中的test.rb示例,我能够拼凑出以下测试。正如您在下面看到的,看起来每个检索字段值的方法调用似乎都会导致单独的API调用(或至少某种形式的网络访问):

1 > FacebookAds.configure do |config|
2 >       config.access_token = '<deleted>'
3?>     config.app_secret = '<deleted>'
4?>   end
 => #<FacebookAds::Config:0x007fd1f453ade0 @access_token="<deleted>", @app_secret="<deleted>"> 

5 >   page = FacebookAds::Page.get('125200950858892', "about,fan_count,impressum,username")
 => #<FacebookAds::Page {:id=>"125200950858892"}> 

6 > page.__all_fields
 => #<Set: {:about, :fan_count, :impressum, :username, :id}> 

7 > page.about
 => "Brandle® delivers social media security & brand protection.  It's the easiest way to Discover, Inventory, Monitor & Patrol your social presence!" 

# Turn wifi off

8 >   page.username
Faraday::ConnectionFailed: getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known

# Turn wifi on

9 >   page.username
 => "BrandleSystem" 

Graph API本身使得为页面(节点)检索多个字段变得非常容易,因此我不明白为什么新SDK似乎效率低下(或至少记录不清楚)。

我想我错过了一些相当明显的东西。有一个Batch API,但我认为这更适合一次检索多个页面,而不是检索单个页面的多个字段。




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

好的,这是 答案,但没有必要 答案。我认为仍然需要更好的答案,但这是我们所看到的。


006 >   page = FacebookAds::Page.get('125200950858892', "about,username,name,impressum,verification_status")
 => #<FacebookAds::Page {:id=>"125200950858892"}> 
007 > page.last_api_response
 => nil 
008 > page.attributes
 => {:id=>"125200950858892"} 

010 >   page.username
 => "BrandleSystem" 
012 > page.attributes
 => {:id=>"125200950858892", :about=>"Brandle® delivers social media security & brand protection.  It's the easiest way to Discover, Inventory, Monitor & Patrol your social presence!", :username=>"BrandleSystem", :name=>"Brandle", :verification_status=>"not_verified"} 
013 > page.last_api_response.headers["date"]
 => "Tue, 08 May 2018 03:19:12 GMT" 

015 >   page.name
 => "Brandle" 
017 > page.attributes
 => {:id=>"125200950858892", :about=>"Brandle® delivers social media security & brand protection.  It's the easiest way to Discover, Inventory, Monitor & Patrol your social presence!", :username=>"BrandleSystem", :name=>"Brandle", :verification_status=>"not_verified"} 
018 > page.last_api_response.headers["date"]
 => "Tue, 08 May 2018 03:20:02 GMT" 

020 >   page.to_hash

=&GT; {:id =&gt;“125200950858892”,:about =&gt;“Brandle®提供社交媒体安全和品牌保护。这是发现,库存,监控和巡逻您社交形象的最简单方式!”,:username =&gt; ;“BrandleSystem”,:name =&gt;“Brandle”,:verification_status =&gt;“not_verified”}
