
时间:2011-02-16 19:42:15

标签: c# sql-server-2005 linq-to-sql .net-3.5

我需要获取所有未删除的配置文件,成功和整体激活的数量。密钥(将配置文件与日志连接起来是'DeviceClass'字段)。我想出了以下LINQ to SQL查询:

var v = from profile in repositoryProfiles.GetAll()
    join logsCounted in
        from log in repositoryLogs.GetAll()
        where log.OperationType == EnrollmentLog.OperationTypeEnum.EnrollDevice
        group log by log.DeviceClass into logs
        select new
            DeviceClass = logs.Key, 
            SuccessfulAmount = logs.Where(log=>string.IsNullOrEmpty(log.Error)).Count(), 
            OverallAmount = logs.Count()
        ) on profile.DeviceClass equals logsCounted.DeviceClass
    where profile.Deleted==false
    select new
        Profile = profile,
        SuccessAmount = logsCounted.SuccessfulAmount,
        TotalAmount = logsCounted.OverallAmount


Member access 'System.String Key' of  
not legal on type  

问题1 :“密钥”属性访问有什么问题?

问题2 :我怎样才能实现上述想法?



        var v1 = from log in repositoryLogs.GetAll()
                 group log by log.DeviceClass
                 into logs
                 select new
                                DeviceClass = logs.Key
        var logsGroupped = v1.ToList();

导致同样的错误...... :(

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


    var v1 = from log in repositoryLogs.GetAll()
             group log by log.DeviceClass
             into logs
             select new
                            DeviceClass = logs.First().DeviceClass
    var classes = v1.ToList();