文件的数据内容:Adams Paul 3 9.75 40.00
Allen Cindy 2 11.45 48.00
Allen Sarah 4 10.30 40.00
Baker John 1 22.00 43.25
Baker Toni 1 12.65 40.00
Baldwin Cindy 2 7.90 25.50
Carson Robert 1 8.35 52.50
Freeman Sally 4 15.25 40.00
Garfield James 3 22.00 40.00
Grimes Kerri 3 16.50 35.00
Harris Joan 2 18.65 51.00
Harris John 2 9.00 47.50
Lawson LeAnn 4 17.85 40.00
Mason Debbie 4 22.00 41.50
Masters Kenneth 3 16.10 40.25
Patterson Roseanne 2 13.70 38.00
Peterson Paul 2 22.00 44.00
Randall Michael 3 8.00 41.00
Rogers Sherry 1 16.50 30.00
Shepard Steven 3 10.90 45.50
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using LibUtil;
const double FICA_RATE = 0.07;
const double FED_TAX_RATE = 0.22;
const double STATE_TAX_RATE = 0.05;
const string INPUT_FILE_NAME = "PayrollDat.Txt";
const string OUTPUT_FILE_NAME = "PayrollReport.Txt";
static uint numOfEmployees;
static string[] lastNameArray = new string[51], firstNameArray = new string[51];
static uint[] deptArray = new uint[51];
static double[] rateArray = new double[51], hoursArray = new double[51];
static double[] earningsArray = new double[51], ficaArray = new double[51];
static double[] fedTaxArray = new double[51], stateTaxArray = new double[51];
static double[] netPayArray = new double[51];
static StreamReader fileIn;
static StreamWriter fileOut;
static void Main()
static void OpenFiles()
if (File.Exists(INPUT_FILE_NAME))
fileIn = File.OpenText(INPUT_FILE_NAME);
Console.WriteLine("{0} was opened", INPUT_FILE_NAME);
Console.WriteLine("Error: {0} does not exist\n", INPUT_FILE_NAME);
fileOut = File.CreateText(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME);
if (File.Exists(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME))
Console.WriteLine("{0} was created\n", OUTPUT_FILE_NAME);
Console.WriteLine("Error: {0} could not be created\n", OUTPUT_FILE_NAME);
static void ParseLineIn(string lineIn, uint i)
string[] words = new string[5];
lineIn = lineIn.Trim();
while (Regex.IsMatch(lineIn, "[ ]{2}"))
lineIn = lineIn.Replace(" ", " ");
words = lineIn.Split(' ');
lastNameArray[i] = words[0];
i = 0;
while (i <= numOfEmployees)
lastNameArray[i] = words[0];
firstNameArray[i] = words[1];
deptArray[i] = uint.Parse(words[2]);
rateArray[i] = double.Parse(words[3]);
hoursArray[i] = double.Parse(words[4]);
//Add code to read in data into remaining arrays
static void InputData()
uint i;
string lineIn;
i = 0;
while ((lineIn = fileIn.ReadLine()) != null)
ParseLineIn(lineIn, i);
numOfEmployees = i;
static void CalcDetailPayroll()
uint i;
double basePay, ovtPay;
for (i = 1; i <= numOfEmployees; i++)
if (hoursArray[i] <= 40.0)
basePay = Math.Round(hoursArray[i] * rateArray[i]); //Calculate base pay
ovtPay = 0.00;
basePay = Math.Round(40 * rateArray[i]); //Calculate base pay
ovtPay = Math.Round(rateArray[i] * (hoursArray[i] - 40.0) * 1.5); //Calculate overtime pay
//Calculate earnings, fica, fedTax, stateTax, and netPay
earningsArray[i] = basePay + ovtPay;
ficaArray[i] = earningsArray[i] * FICA_RATE;
fedTaxArray[i] = earningsArray[i] * fedTaxArray[i];
stateTaxArray[i] = earningsArray[i] * STATE_TAX_RATE;
netPayArray[i] = earningsArray[i] - (ficaArray[i] + fedTaxArray[i] + stateTaxArray[i]);
static double Total(double[] doubleArray)
uint i;
double total = 0.0;
for (i = 1; i <= numOfEmployees; i++) ;
total += earningsArray[i];
return total;
static double Mean(double[] doubleArray)
uint i;
double sum = 0.0;
for (i = 1; i <= numOfEmployees; i++)
sum += doubleArray[i];
return sum / numOfEmployees;
static double Max(double[] doubleArray)
uint i;
double max;
max = doubleArray[1];
for (i = 2; i <= numOfEmployees; i++)
if (doubleArray[i] > max)
max = doubleArray[i];
return max;
static double Min(double[] doubleArray)
uint i;
double min;
double max;
min = doubleArray[1];
for (i = 2; i <= numOfEmployees; i++)
if (doubleArray[i] < min)
max = doubleArray[i];
return min;
static void PrintReport()
uint i;
fileOut.WriteLine(" Payroll Report ");
fileOut.WriteLine(" Last Name First Name Dept Rate Hours Earnings FICA Fed Tax State Tax Net Pay ");
fileOut.WriteLine("--------------- --------------- ---- ----- ----- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------");
for (i = 1; i <= numOfEmployees; i++)
fileOut.WriteLine("{0,-9} {1,9} {2,9} {3,9} {4,9} {5,9} {6,9} {7,9} {8,9} {9,9}",
lastNameArray[i], firstNameArray[i], deptArray[i], rateArray[i],hoursArray[i],earningsArray[i],
//Create for loop to display last name, firstname, dept, rate, hours, earnings, fica, fedTax, stateTax, and netPay
fileOut.WriteLine(" --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------");
fileOut.WriteLine("{0,-49}{1,9:n} {2,9:n} {3,9:n} {4,9:n} {5,9:n}",
"Total", Total(earningsArray), Total(ficaArray),
Total(fedTaxArray), Total(stateTaxArray), Total(netPayArray));
fileOut.WriteLine("{0,-49}{1,9:n} {2,9:n} {3,9:n} {4,9:n} {5,9:n}",
"Mean", Mean(earningsArray), Mean(ficaArray),
Mean(fedTaxArray), Mean(stateTaxArray), Mean(netPayArray));
fileOut.WriteLine("{0,-49}{1,9:n} {2,9:n} {3,9:n} {4,9:n} {5,9:n}",
"Maximum", Max(earningsArray), Max(ficaArray),
Max(fedTaxArray), Max(stateTaxArray), Max(netPayArray));
fileOut.WriteLine("{0,-49}{1,9:n} {2,9:n} {3,9:n} {4,9:n} {5,9:n}",
"Minimum", Min(earningsArray), Min(ficaArray),
Min(fedTaxArray), Min(stateTaxArray), Min(netPayArray));
static void CloseFiles()
fileIn.Close(); fileOut.Close();
答案 0 :(得分:0)
static void ParseLineIn(string lineIn, uint i)
string[] words = new string[5];
lineIn = lineIn.Trim();
while (Regex.IsMatch(lineIn, "[ ]{2}"))
lineIn = lineIn.Replace(" ", " ");
words = lineIn.Split(' ');
lastNameArray[i] = words[0];
// i = 0;
// No loop needed, you are reading one line of data and setting
// the appropriate index in the arrays
// while (i <= numOfEmployees)
lastNameArray[i] = words[0];
firstNameArray[i] = words[1];
deptArray[i] = uint.Parse(words[2]);
rateArray[i] = double.Parse(words[3]);
hoursArray[i] = double.Parse(words[4]);
// i++;
for (i = 1; i <= numOfEmployees; i++) ;