大熊猫前瞻性的滚动窗口 - 衣衫褴褛的指数

时间:2018-05-04 16:16:06

标签: python python-3.x pandas time-series

希望有人可以帮助我 我正在尝试在不规则的时间索引上创建一个前滚滚动窗口。 熊猫抱怨单调性 - 这在我的指数中显然受到尊重。 正常的后向窗口工作正常。


任何人都有更好的选择 非常感谢!

In [352] tmp[::-1]
2018-04-23 06:45:16.920   -0.11
2018-04-23 06:45:16.919   -0.03
2018-04-23 06:45:16.918   -0.01
2018-04-23 06:45:16.917   -0.02
2018-04-23 06:45:16.916    0.03
2018-04-23 06:45:16.914    0.03
2018-04-23 06:45:16.911    0.03
2018-04-23 06:45:16.910    0.06
2018-04-23 06:45:16.909    0.09
2018-04-23 06:45:16.908    0.08
2018-04-23 06:45:16.907    0.18
2018-04-23 06:45:16.906    0.28
2018-04-23 06:45:16.905    0.28
2018-04-23 06:45:16.904    0.02
2018-04-23 06:45:16.903    0.09
2018-04-23 06:45:16.902    0.09
2018-04-23 06:45:16.901    0.09
2018-04-23 06:45:16.900    0.09
2018-04-23 06:45:16.899   -0.24
2018-04-23 06:45:16.898   -0.22
2018-04-23 06:45:16.894   -0.22
2018-04-23 06:45:16.799   -0.21
2018-04-23 06:45:16.798   -0.19
2018-04-23 06:45:16.797   -0.21
2018-04-23 06:45:15.057   -0.13
2018-04-23 06:45:15.056   -0.16
2018-04-23 06:45:13.382   -0.04
2018-04-23 06:45:13.381   -0.02
2018-04-23 06:45:13.380   -0.05
2018-04-23 06:45:13.379   -0.08
Name: d66, dtype: float64

In [353]: tmp[::-1].rolling('20L')
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<ipython-input-355-74bdfcdfbbd1>", line 1, in <module>

  File "C:\Users\luigi\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\generic.py", line 7067, in rolling
    on=on, axis=axis, closed=closed)

  File "C:\Users\luigi\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\window.py", line 2069, in rolling
    return Rolling(obj, **kwds)

  File "C:\Users\luigi\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\window.py", line 86, in __init__

  File "C:\Users\luigi\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\window.py", line 1104, in validate

  File "C:\Users\luigi\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\window.py", line 1136, in _validate_monotonic

ValueError: index must be monotonic

In [356]: tmp.index.is_monotonic
Out[356]: True

In [357]: tmp[::-1].index.is_monotonic
Out[357]: False

In [358]: tmp[::-1].index.is_monotonic_decreasing
Out[358]: True

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

以防您仍在寻找解决方案。使用 reindex()并在额外列的帮助下,具有参差不齐的前视窗口的滚动功能应该是可行的。

import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO

str = """dtime          value
2018-04-23 06:45:16.920   -0.11
2018-04-23 06:45:16.919   -0.03
2018-04-23 06:45:16.918   -0.01
2018-04-23 06:45:16.917   -0.02
2018-04-23 06:45:16.916    0.03
2018-04-23 06:45:16.914    0.03
2018-04-23 06:45:16.911    0.03
2018-04-23 06:45:16.910    0.06
2018-04-23 06:45:16.909    0.09
2018-04-23 06:45:16.908    0.08
2018-04-23 06:45:16.907    0.18
2018-04-23 06:45:16.906    0.28
2018-04-23 06:45:16.905    0.28
2018-04-23 06:45:16.904    0.02
2018-04-23 06:45:16.903    0.09
2018-04-23 06:45:16.902    0.09
2018-04-23 06:45:16.901    0.09
2018-04-23 06:45:16.900    0.09
2018-04-23 06:45:16.899   -0.24
2018-04-23 06:45:16.898   -0.22
2018-04-23 06:45:16.894   -0.22
2018-04-23 06:45:16.799   -0.21
2018-04-23 06:45:16.798   -0.19
2018-04-23 06:45:16.797   -0.21
2018-04-23 06:45:15.057   -0.13
2018-04-23 06:45:15.056   -0.16
2018-04-23 06:45:13.382   -0.04
2018-04-23 06:45:13.381   -0.02
2018-04-23 06:45:13.380   -0.05
2018-04-23 06:45:13.379   -0.08

## read the data tmp[::-1]
df = pd.read_table(StringIO(str), sep="\s\s+", engine="python", index_col=["dtime"], parse_dates=['dtime'])

## reverse the data to its original order
df = df[::-1]   

## setup the offset, i.e. 10ms
offset = '10ms'

# create a new column with values as index datetime plus the window timedelta 10ms
df['dt_new'] = df.index + pd.Timedelta(offset)

# use df.index and this new column to form the new index(remove duplicates and sort the list)
idx = sorted(set([*df.index.tolist(), *df.dt_new.tolist()]))

# reindex the original dataframe and calculate the backward rolling sum
df1 = df.reindex(idx).fillna(value={'value':0}).value.rolling(offset, closed='left').sum().to_frame()

# make a LEFt join to the original dataframe. `value_y` should be the forward rolling sum
df.merge(df1, left_on='dt_new', right_index=True, how='left')
#                         value_x                  dt_new  value_y
#2018-04-23 06:45:13.379    -0.08 2018-04-23 06:45:13.389    -0.19
#2018-04-23 06:45:13.380    -0.05 2018-04-23 06:45:13.390    -0.11
#2018-04-23 06:45:13.381    -0.02 2018-04-23 06:45:13.391    -0.06
#2018-04-23 06:45:13.382    -0.04 2018-04-23 06:45:13.392    -0.04
#2018-04-23 06:45:15.056    -0.16 2018-04-23 06:45:15.066    -0.29
#2018-04-23 06:45:15.057    -0.13 2018-04-23 06:45:15.067    -0.13
#2018-04-23 06:45:16.797    -0.21 2018-04-23 06:45:16.807    -0.61
#2018-04-23 06:45:16.798    -0.19 2018-04-23 06:45:16.808    -0.40
#2018-04-23 06:45:16.799    -0.21 2018-04-23 06:45:16.809    -0.21
#2018-04-23 06:45:16.894    -0.22 2018-04-23 06:45:16.904    -0.32
#2018-04-23 06:45:16.898    -0.22 2018-04-23 06:45:16.908     0.66
#2018-04-23 06:45:16.899    -0.24 2018-04-23 06:45:16.909     0.96
#2018-04-23 06:45:16.900     0.09 2018-04-23 06:45:16.910     1.29
#2018-04-23 06:45:16.901     0.09 2018-04-23 06:45:16.911     1.26
#2018-04-23 06:45:16.902     0.09 2018-04-23 06:45:16.912     1.20
#2018-04-23 06:45:16.903     0.09 2018-04-23 06:45:16.913     1.11
#2018-04-23 06:45:16.904     0.02 2018-04-23 06:45:16.914     1.02
#2018-04-23 06:45:16.905     0.28 2018-04-23 06:45:16.915     1.03
#2018-04-23 06:45:16.906     0.28 2018-04-23 06:45:16.916     0.75
#2018-04-23 06:45:16.907     0.18 2018-04-23 06:45:16.917     0.50
#2018-04-23 06:45:16.908     0.08 2018-04-23 06:45:16.918     0.30
#2018-04-23 06:45:16.909     0.09 2018-04-23 06:45:16.919     0.21
#2018-04-23 06:45:16.910     0.06 2018-04-23 06:45:16.920     0.09
#2018-04-23 06:45:16.911     0.03 2018-04-23 06:45:16.921    -0.08
#2018-04-23 06:45:16.914     0.03 2018-04-23 06:45:16.924    -0.11
#2018-04-23 06:45:16.916     0.03 2018-04-23 06:45:16.926    -0.14
#2018-04-23 06:45:16.917    -0.02 2018-04-23 06:45:16.927    -0.17
#2018-04-23 06:45:16.918    -0.01 2018-04-23 06:45:16.928    -0.15
#2018-04-23 06:45:16.919    -0.03 2018-04-23 06:45:16.929    -0.14
#2018-04-23 06:45:16.920    -0.11 2018-04-23 06:45:16.930    -0.11


  1. 当滚动窗口的大小为closed时,结果可能会根据您定义和选择offset选项的方式而有所不同。默认情况下,closed设置为right。如果移位'offset'是应用的方法(如本例所示),则必须使用closed = left计算滚动聚合。 (你可能有不同的设计)。当窗口大小为固定数字时,deault closed为“both”。

  2. 索引(dtime字段)不应包含重复项,否则,idx应基于两个字段(dtime,value)进行重复数据删除。

  3. 潜在问题:

    1. 在最糟糕的情况下,reindex()可能会使行数增加一倍。
    2. 使用日期时间字段加入数据帧,如果将日期时间保存为浮点数,则这可能不适用于每个系统。