
时间:2018-05-04 12:17:41

标签: matlab axis handle surface triangular


function hh = trisurf(tri,varargin)
%TRISURF Triangular surface plot
%   TRISURF(TRI,X,Y,Z,C) displays the triangles defined in the M-by-3
%   face matrix TRI as a surface.  A row of TRI contains indexes into
%   the X,Y, and Z vertex vectors to define a single triangular face.
%   The color is defined by the vector C.
%   TRISURF(TRI,X,Y,Z) uses C = Z, so color is proportional to surface
%   height.
%   TRISURF(TR) displays the triangles in the triangulation TR. It uses
%   C = TR.X(:,3) to color the surface proportional to height.
%   H = TRISURF(...) returns a patch handle.
%   TRISURF(...,'param','value','param','value'...) allows additional
%   patch param/value pairs to be used when creating the patch object. 
%   Example:
%   [x,y] = meshgrid(1:15,1:15);
%   tri = delaunay(x,y);
%   z = peaks(15);
%   trisurf(tri,x,y,z)
%   % Alternatively
%   tr = triangulation(tri, x(:), y(:), z(:));
%   trisurf(tr)
%   See also PATCH, TRIMESH, DELAUNAY, triangulation, delaunayTriangulation.
%   Copyright 1984-2017 The MathWorks, Inc.
ax = axescheck(varargin{:});
ax = newplot(ax);
start = 1;



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