我试图在python中使用pandas读取两个Excel文件。从一个获取数据然后在一个条件下将数据写入另一个。让我们调用文件 sourcefile1.xlsx 和 sourcefile2.xlsx 。
sourcefile1.xlsx 结对和字段结果是合并的主标题。 cable_type,cable_name,cable_pair,caller_id,result是表示每列的辅助标头。
-----------------Pair--------------- -----Field Result-----
cable_type cable_name cable_pair caller_id result
primary 2 103 n/a not match
primary 1 33 22222222 match
primary 5 342 22222222 match
secondary 2 12 n/a not match
secondary 4 144 44444444 match
-blank- -----Secondary Pairs---- ------Primary Pairs------
caller_id caller_id adsl result caller_id adsl result
11111111 4/144 2/103
22222222 2/12 4/144
44444444 7/55 4/144
NULL 8/123 1/11
预期输出将根据此伪代码写入 sourcefile2 :
if caller_id(sourcefile1) != 'N/A':
if cable_type(sourcefile1) = 'primary':
if caller_id(sourcefile1) = caller_id(sourcefile2) - primary pairs:
write caller_id(sourcefile1) to caller_id(sourcefile2) - primary pairs
write result(sourcefile1) to result(sourcefile2) - primary pairs
elif caller_id(sourcefile1) != 'N/A':
if cable_type(sourcefile1) = 'secondary':
if caller_id(sourcefile1) = caller_id(sourcefile2) - secondary pairs:
write caller_id(sourcefile1) to caller_id(sourcefile2) - secondary pairs
write result(sourcefile1) to result(sourcefile2) - secondary pairs
elif caller_id(sourcefile1) = 'N/A':
if cable_type(sourcefile1) = 'primary':
if cable_name + cable_pair(sourcefile1) = adsl(sourcefile2) - primary pairs:
write caller_id(sourcefile1) to caller_id(sourcefile2) - primary pairs
write result(sourcefile1) to result(sourcefile2) - primary pairs
elif caller(sourcefile1) = 'N/A':
if cable_type(sourcefile1) = 'secondary':
if cable_name + cable_pair(sourcefile1) = adsl(sourcefile2) - secondary pairs:
write caller_id(sourcefile1) to caller_id(sourcefile2) - secondary pairs
write result(sourcefile1) to result(sourcefile2) - secondary pairs
-blank- -----Secondary Pairs---- ------Primary Pairs------
caller_id caller_id adsl result caller_id adsl result
11111111 4/144 n/a 2/103 not match
22222222 n/a 2/12 not match 22222222 4/144 match
44444444 44444444 7/55 match 4/144
NULL 8/123 1/11
我正在尝试将来自 sourcefile1 的caller_id与 sourcefile2 相匹配,并将其写入主要对或次要对基于 cable_type 。如果 caller_id 不适用,那么我需要匹配的是 adsl 。 结果是给定的数据,我只需要使用 caller_id 或 adsl 获取同一行中的所有内容。
到目前为止,我能够匹配 caller_id ,但我重新创建了 sourcefile1 和 sourcefile2 并删除了主标头。这是我的代码:
import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.read_excel('sourcefile2.xlsx')
df2 = pd.read_excel('sourcefile1.xlsx', 'v0.02')
forPrimary1 = df1.columns[40]
forSecondary1 = df1.columns[23]
ComparisonResult = df2.columns[22]
forAdsl = df1.columns[39]
CallerID = df2.columns[13]
forPrimary = df1.columns[37]
forSecondary = df1.columns[16]
df3 = pd.read_excel('PrimarySecondary.xlsx')
df4 = pd.read_excel('adslFile.xlsx')
df5 = pd.read_excel('PrimarySecondary2.xlsx')
# df1['svc_no'] = df1['svc_no']
df2['Adsl'] = df2[['cable_name', 'pair']].apply(lambda x: '/'.join(x.astype(str)), axis=1)
newPrim = df2[[caller_id, 'result', 'Adsl']] [(df2['cable_type'] == 'Primary')]
newSec = df2[[caller_id, 'result']] [(df2['cable_type'] == 'Secondary')]
frame = pd.read_excel('newPrimary.xlsx')
frame1 = pd.read_excel('newSecondary.xlsx')
df1['b_line_stat'] = df1['b_line_stat'].fillna('NULL')
df1['DP_e_pr'] = df1['DP_e_pr'].fillna('NULL')
df1['DP_e_st'] = df1['DP_e_st'].fillna('NULL')
df1['DP'] = df1['DP'].fillna('NULL')
df1['CAB_d_st'] = df1['CAB_d_st'].fillna('NULL')
df1['CAB_d_pr'] = df1['CAB_d_pr'].fillna('NULL')
df1['port_status'] = df1['port_status'].fillna('NULL')
name1 = df1.columns[17]
name2 = df1.columns[18]
name3 = df1.columns[19]
name4 = df1.columns[20]
name5 = df1.columns[21]
name6 = df1.columns[22]
name7 = df1.columns[38]
df1[name1] = df1['b_line_stat']
df1[name2] = df1['CAB_d_st']
df1[name3] = df1['CAB_d_pr']
df1[name4] = df1['DP_e_st']
df1[name5] = df1['DP_e_pr']
df1[name6] = df1['DP']
df1[name7] = df1['port_status']
frame = frame[frame['caller_id'].isin(df1['caller_id'])]
df1[forPrimary1] = frame['result']
frame1 = frame1[frame1['caller_id'].isin(df1['caller_id'])]
df1[forSecondary1] = frame1['result']
df1[forPrimary] = df1['caller_id'].fillna('n/a')
df1[forAdsl] = df1['adsl'].fillna('NULL')
df1[forSecondary] = df1['caller_id'].fillna('n/a')
df1['caller_id'] = df1['caller_id'].fillna('NULL')
df1['adsl'] = df1['adsl'].fillna('NULL')
df1.to_excel('dp_util_ANT715-M.xlsx', index=False)
writer = pd.ExcelWriter('dp_util_ANT715-M.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter')
df1.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Sheet1')