我有一个2d动态分配的char数组,它应该保存从文件(stdin)到空格字符的字符串。由于我不知道文件中有多少字符串,因此我不断为2d数组重新分配更大的内存块,因此我有足够的空间来存储每个字符串。例如,如果我输入" hello world"作为该计划的输入,我希望' h'要打印出来,因为你好是第一个字符串,而h将是该字符串的第一个字符。
size_t size_buffer = 1;
char* buffer = (char*) malloc(size_buffer * sizeof(char)); //initial allocation that can hold 1 single char
size_t cur_nchars = 0; //number of characters read in current string
size_t size_words = 1; //initially only hold 1 string
char** words = (char**) malloc(size_words * sizeof(char*));
size_t cur_nwords = 0; //number of strings read
char read;
while ((read = getchar()) != EOF && !ferror(stdin)) {
if (read == ' ') { //space character
//printf("reached a space character\n");
words[cur_nwords] = buffer; //store string into words string array
cur_nwords++; //increase number of words stored
if (cur_nwords == size_words) { //maximum size hit
size_words *= 2; //multiply old size by 2
char** temp_words = (char**) realloc(words, size_words); //realloc new array twice as big
if (!temp_words) {
printf("can't allocate more memory");
for (size_t i = 0; i < cur_nwords; ++i) {
words = temp_words; //have old point to new
buffer = NULL;
buffer = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char));
cur_nchars = 0;
if (cur_nchars == size_buffer) { //maximum length of string reached
size_buffer *= 2; //new max length is doubled
char* temp = realloc(buffer, size_buffer); //reallocate memory
if (!temp) {
printf("can't allocate more memory");
else {
buffer = temp; //set buffer to point to same location as temp
buffer[cur_nchars] = read; //store character in char array
cur_nchars++; //increase # chars in string
printf("%c", words[0][0]); //throws error!