My Pagination规则是每次用户在最底部滚动时都会添加5个项目。
现在我想添加新项目并将其放在列表顶部而不使用太多内存,这就是我根本不想使用notifyDataSetChanged()的原因。 但是在添加新项目之后,这就是结果。
添加新项目时:"这是新项目" > 0,0,1,2,3,4 getAdapterPosition()没有得到更新,而是重复索引,因此每次添加新项目时都会创建两个或更多的零索引?
我对notifyItemRangeInserted()的理解是,当添加新项目时,它将更新列表中的其余项目,从我们传递的第一个参数开始,即" positionStart"并在该positionStart之后立即更新项目的下一个/其余部分。
//Load the first item(s) to display
//Set a query according to time in milliseconds
mQuery = mDatabase.collection("Announcements")
.orderBy("time", Query.Direction.DESCENDING)
//Getting all documents under Announcement collection with query's condition
annon_listener = mQuery.addSnapshotListener(new EventListener<QuerySnapshot>() {
public void onEvent(final QuerySnapshot documentSnapshots, FirebaseFirestoreException e) {
//If something went wrong
if (e != null)
Log.w(TAG, "Listen failed.", e);
//If any post exist put it to model and add it to List to populate the CardView
//If data exist in the first 5 items then item should be loaded making our 'isFirstListLoaded' variable to be true
if (!documentSnapshots.isEmpty()){
//If first item are loaded then every update post should be on the top not at the bottom
//This can only be called once to avoid confusion/duplication getting new item
if (isFirstListLoaded){
//Get the documents of last item listed in our RecyclerView
mLastSeen = documentSnapshots.getDocuments().get(documentSnapshots.size()-1);
//Clear the list first to get a latest data
//Loop to read each document
for (DocumentChange doc : documentSnapshots.getDocumentChanges()){
//Only added document will be read
switch (doc.getType()){
case ADDED:
//Call the model to populate it with document
AnnouncementModel annonPost = doc.getDocument().toObject(AnnouncementModel.class)
//To retrieve all post data in the same time we need to place this if else over here
//So user data and his/her post will be retrieve at the same time
//This can only be called once to avoid confusion getting new item(s)
if (isFirstListLoaded){
if (isJustDelete)
isJustDelete = false;
//If someone just remove a post then do nothing and return the state to false
//This will be called once a user added new item to database and put it to top of the list
else if (!isFirstListLoaded && !isJustDelete){
//Before adding new item to the list lets save the previous size of the list as a reference
int prevSize = announcementList.size();
//This will be called only if user added some new post
announcementList.add(0, annonPost);
//Update the Recycler adapter that new data is added
announcementRecyclerAdapter.notifyItemRangeInserted(0, announcementList.size() - prevSize);
//Just checking of where's the data fetched from
String source = documentSnapshots.getMetadata().isFromCache() ?
"Local" : "Server";
Log.d(TAG, "Data fetched from " + source + "\n" + doc.getDocument().getData());
//After the first item/latest post was loaded set it to
false it means that first items are already fetched
isFirstListLoaded = false;
//If no post exist then display no content TextView
else if (announcementList.isEmpty()){
//Load more queries
private void loadMoreList(){
//Load the next item(s) to display
//Set a query according to time in milliseconds
//This time start getting data AFTER the last item(s) loaded
mQuery = mDatabase.collection("Announcements")
.orderBy("time", Query.Direction.DESCENDING)
//Getting all documents under Announcement collection with query's condition
annon_listener = mQuery.addSnapshotListener(new EventListener<QuerySnapshot>() {
public void onEvent(final QuerySnapshot documentSnapshots, FirebaseFirestoreException e) {
//If something went wrong
if (e != null)
Log.w(TAG, "Listen failed.", e);
//If no more item(s) to load
if (documentSnapshots.isEmpty()){
isFullyLoaded = true;
messenger = Snackbar.make(mPullToRefreshView,"No more item(s) to load.",Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG)
.setAction("Dismiss", new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
//If more data exist then update our 'mLastSeen' data
//Update the last list shown in our RecyclerView
mLastSeen = documentSnapshots.getDocuments().get(documentSnapshots.size()-1);
//Loop to read each document
for (DocumentChange doc : documentSnapshots.getDocumentChanges()){
//Only added document will be read
switch (doc.getType()){
case ADDED:
//Call the model to repopulate it with document
AnnouncementModel annonPost = doc.getDocument().toObject(AnnouncementModel.class)
//This if condition is use to avoid rumbling the item position when deleting some item
if (isJustDelete)
isJustDelete = false;
else if (!isJustDelete && !isFullyLoaded){
int prevSize = announcementList.size();
//Add any new item(s) to the List
announcementList.add(announcementList.size(), annonPost);
//Update the Recycler adapter that new data is added
//This trick performs recycling even though we set nested scroll to false
announcementRecyclerAdapter.notifyItemRangeInserted(announcementList.size(), announcementList.size() - prevSize);
//Just checking of where's the data fetched from
String source = documentSnapshots.getMetadata().isFromCache() ?
"Local" : "Server";
Log.d(TAG, "Data fetched from " + source + "\n" + doc.getDocument().getData());
如何在不使用notifyDataSetChange()的情况下解决这个问题,或者甚至可以解决这个问题? 另一件事是当我使用notifyItemRangeInserted(0,list.size());它抛出一个错误: IndexOutOfBoundsException:检测到不一致。
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