我需要在人类编写的汇编代码中复制一个简单的C代码。在过去的一周里,我已尽力研究这一点,但对于我所学到的每件事,我似乎都没有接近完成这个目标。我已经以多种方式编写了代码,我认为应该可行。在某些版本的代码中,我的变量没有正确初始化,所以cmp jmp永远不会触发给我无限的输出行。在其他版本中,它会在没有输出的情况下崩溃,即使我改变的代码会在输出行之后发生。
%include "io.inc"
extern printf ; brings in the printf to be called for output
section .data
section .text
jar DD 4 ; The jar variable is the primary output of the function during printf
iar DD 0 ; The iar variable is a counter for a while loop which runs through 8 times
message: db "num: %d" , 10, 0; will be pushed to stack to make the printf statement work
global CMAIN
inc dword[iar] ; incraments the iar variable by one.
mov eax, [iar]; put the iar into eax register so it can be added to the jar variable
add [jar], eax ;jar= jar + iar
cmp dword[jar], 20; compare jar to 20 (jar>20)
jl RE ; if jar is less than 20 skip the next step
sub dword[jar], 20; otherwise subtract 20 from j
mov eax, [jar] ; move the jar variable to the eax register to be pushed to the stack
push eax ; push jar for printf
push message ; push formating for printf
call printf ; print the primary output "num: [jar]"
pop eax ; clear the stack
pop eax ; clear the stack
cmp dword[iar],8 ; Compare iar to 8 to see if iar has been incremented 8 times
jne CMAIN ; if i != 8 jump to cmain
mov ah,0x4C ;graceful exit
int 0x21
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main (int argc, char *argv[]){
int iar;
int jar;
return j;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
%include "io.inc"
extern printf ; brings in the printf to be called for output
section .data
jar DD 4 ; The jar variable is the primary output of the function during printf
iar DD 0 ; The iar variable is a counter for a while loop which runs through 8 times
incs DD 1
section .text
message: db "num: %d" , 10, 0; will be pushed to stack to make the printf statement work
global CMAIN
mov ebp, esp; for correct debugging
mov eax, [iar]; put the iar into eax register so it can be added to the jar variable
add [jar], eax ;jar= jar + iar
cmp dword[jar], 20; compare jar to 20 (jar>20)
jl RE ; if jar is less than 20 skip the next step
sub dword[jar], 20; otherwise subtract 20 from j
mov eax, [jar] ; move the jar variable to the eax register to be pushed to the stack
push eax ; push jar for printf
push message ; push formating for printf
call printf ; print the primary output "num: [jar]"
pop eax ; clear the stack
pop eax ; clear the stack
mov eax, [incs]
add [iar],eax
cmp dword[iar],8 ; Compare iar to 8 to see if iar has been incremented 8 times
jl CMAIN ; if i != 8 jump to cmain
; mov ah,0x4C ;graceful exit
; int 0x21