
时间:2018-05-03 04:22:41

标签: blackjack gambling

在完成我的Black Jack应用程序中。所以我目前正在进行漏洞测试,大约每20次尝试一次,我会遇到一个场景,它会处理经销商的卡片,但事实就是如此。然后手结束。出于某种原因,它似乎不符合有效的if条件。这是我使用的算法。如果您发现我可能遗失的任何结果/算法,请告诉我。

if(HitOrStand.equals("Stand")) {
        // if user stands, we know need to focus on the dealer's hand
        //Deal dealers first 2 cards
        String dCard1 = dealCard();
        String dCard2 = dealCard();
        //Get value of dealers first 2 cards.
        int dValue1 = getCardValue(dCard1);
        int dValue2 = getCardValue(dCard2);

        //dTotal is the total value of the dealers hand. So we add card1 and card2 to dTotal
        int dTotal = dValue1 + dValue2;
        System.out.println("Dealer hand is a "+dCard1+","+dCard2);

        //Check if dealer hand is greater then player hand, and also less then 21.
        if ((dTotal) > (pTotal) && (dTotal) <= 21) {
            System.out.println("YOU LOST! The dealer's hand was a "+dCard1+","+dCard2+"(Total:"+dTotal+") You've lost $"+bet);
        //If dealer is less than player hand and less then 21, let the dealer deal himself another card.
        else if((dTotal) <= (pTotal) && (dTotal) < 21) {
            //deal 3rd card
            String dCard3 = dealCard();
            int dValue3 = getCardValue(dCard3);
            //Add value of card3 to dTotal
            dTotal += dValue3;

            //Check if 3rd card made dealer bust
            if(dTotal > 21) {
                System.out.println("Dealer draws a......."+dCard3);
                System.out.println("YOU WIN!!! Dealer drew a "+dCard3+" and BUSTED! Congrats you've won $"+bet * 2);
                balance += (bet * 2);
            //Check if dealer hand is greater then player hand, and also less then 21.
            else if((dTotal) > (pTotal) && (dTotal) <= 21) {
                        System.out.println("Dealer draws a......."+dCard3);
                        System.out.println("YOU LOST! The dealer's hand was a "+dCard1+","+dCard2+","+dCard3+".(Total:"+dTotal+") You've lost $"+bet);
            //If dealer is less than player hand and less then 21, let the dealer deal himself another card.
            else if((dTotal) <= (pTotal) && (dTotal) < 21) {
                    //deal 4th card
                    String dCard4 = dealCard();
                    int dValue4 = getCardValue(dCard4);
                    //Add value of card4 to dTotal
                    dTotal += dValue4;

                        if(dTotal > 21) {
                            System.out.println("Dealer draws a......."+dCard4);
                            System.out.println("YOU WIN!!! Dealer drew a "+dCard4+" and BUSTED! Congrats you've won $"+bet * 2);
                            balance += (bet * 2);
                        //Check if dealer hand is greater then player hand, and also less then 21.
                        else if((dTotal) > (pTotal) && (dTotal) <= 21) {
                                System.out.println("Dealer draws a......."+dCard4);
                                System.out.println("YOU LOST! The dealer's hand was a "+dCard1+","+dCard2+","+dCard3+","+dCard4+".(Total:"+dTotal+") You've lost $"+bet);

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