我的输入是这些元组的列表, 输出应该是具有隐式32位长度的整数,其中的位按顺序排列。还应返回不适合32的其余位。
input: [(0,128),(1,12),(0,32)]
output:[0, 0, 0, 0, 0x100000], 0, 12
def foo(tuples):
'''make a list of tuples of (int, length) into a list of 32 bit integers [1,2,3]'''
length = 0
remlen = 0
remint = 0
i32list = []
for a, b in tuples:
n = (remint << (32-remlen)) | a #n = (a << (remlen)) | remint
length += b
if length > 32:
len32 = int(length/32)
for i in range(len32):
i32list.append((n >> i*32) & 0xFFFFFFFF)
remint = n >> (len32*32)
remlen = length - len32*32
length = remlen
elif length == 32:
appint = n & 0xFFFFFFFF
remint = 0
remlen = 0
length -= 32
remint = n
remlen = length
return i32list, remint, remlen
def tpli_2_32ili(tuples):
'''make a list of tuples of (int, length) into a list of 32 bit integers [1,2,3]'''
# binarylist = "".join([np.binary_repr(a, b) for a, b in inp]) # bin(a)[2:].rjust(b, '0')
binarylist = "".join([bin(a)[2:].rjust(b, '0') for a, b in tuples])
totallength = len(binarylist)
tot32 = int(totallength/32)
i32list = [int(binarylist[i:i+32],2) for i in range(0, tot32*32, 32) ]
remlen = totallength - tot32*32
remint = int(binarylist[-remlen:],2)
return i32list, remint, remlen
答案 0 :(得分:2)
from functools import reduce
intMask = 0xffffffff
def f(x,y):
return (x[0] << y[1]) + y[0], x[1] + y[1]
def jens(input):
n, length = reduce( f , input, (0,0) )
remainderBits = length % 32
intBits = length - remainderBits
remainder = ((n & intMask) << (32 - remainderBits)) >> (32 - remainderBits)
n >>= remainderBits
ints = [n & (intMask << i) for i in range(intBits-32, -32, -32)]
return ints, remainderBits, remainder
print([hex(x) for x in jens([(0,128),(1,12),(0,32)])[0]])
Fastest to slowest execution speeds using Python 3.6.5
(1,000 executions, best of 3 repetitions)
jens : 0.004151 secs, rel speed 1.00x, 0.00% slower
First snippet : 0.005259 secs, rel speed 1.27x, 26.70% slower
Second snippet : 0.008328 secs, rel speed 2.01x, 100.64% slower
答案 1 :(得分:1)
from collections import namedtuple
import sys
from textwrap import dedent
import timeit
import traceback
N = 1000 # Number of executions of each "algorithm".
R = 3 # Number of repetitions of those N executions.
# Common setup for all testcases (executed before any algorithm specific setup).
COMMON_SETUP = dedent("""
# Import any resources needed defined in outer benchmarking script.
#from __main__ import ??? # Not needed at this time
class TestCase(namedtuple('CodeFragments', ['setup', 'test'])):
""" A test case is composed of separate setup and test code fragments. """
def __new__(cls, setup, test):
""" Dedent code fragment in each string argument. """
return tuple.__new__(cls, (dedent(setup), dedent(test)))
testcases = {
"First snippet": TestCase("""
def foo(tuples):
'''make a list of tuples of (int, length) into a list of 32 bit integers [1,2,3]'''
length = 0
remlen = 0
remint = 0
i32list = []
for a, b in tuples:
n = (remint << (32-remlen)) | a #n = (a << (remlen)) | remint
length += b
if length > 32:
len32 = int(length/32)
for i in range(len32):
i32list.append((n >> i*32) & 0xFFFFFFFF)
remint = n >> (len32*32)
remlen = length - len32*32
length = remlen
elif length == 32:
appint = n & 0xFFFFFFFF
remint = 0
remlen = 0
length -= 32
remint = n
remlen = length
return i32list, remint, remlen
""", """
"Second snippet": TestCase("""
def tpli_2_32ili(tuples):
'''make a list of tuples of (int, length) into a list of 32 bit integers [1,2,3]'''
binarylist = "".join([bin(a)[2:].rjust(b, '0') for a, b in tuples])
totallength = len(binarylist)
tot32 = int(totallength/32)
i32list = [int(binarylist[i:i+32],2) for i in range(0, tot32*32, 32) ]
remlen = totallength - tot32*32
remint = int(binarylist[-remlen:],2)
return i32list, remint, remlen
""", """
# Collect timing results of executing each testcase multiple times.
results = [
setup=COMMON_SETUP + testcases[label].setup,
repeat=R, number=N)),
) for label in testcases
except Exception:
traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) # direct output to stdout
# Display results.
major, minor, micro = sys.version_info[:3]
print('Fastest to slowest execution speeds using Python {}.{}.{}\n'
'({:,d} executions, best of {:d} repetitions)'.format(major, minor, micro, N, R))
longest = max(len(result[0]) for result in results) # length of longest label
ranked = sorted(results, key=lambda t: t[1]) # ascending sort by execution time
fastest = ranked[0][1]
for result in ranked:
print('{:>{width}} : {:9.6f} secs, rel speed {:5,.2f}x, {:8,.2f}% slower '
result[0], result[1], round(result[1]/fastest, 2),
round((result[1]/fastest - 1) * 100, 2),
Fastest to slowest execution speeds using Python 3.6.5
(1,000 executions, best of 3 repetitions)
First snippet : 0.003024 secs, rel speed 1.00x, 0.00% slower
Second snippet : 0.005085 secs, rel speed 1.68x, 68.13% slower