Nest for ElasticSearch速度非常慢

时间:2018-05-01 18:37:44

标签: c# performance elasticsearch nest

我们最近从ElasticSearch 1.5更新到5.6,解决了诸如现场爆炸和其他问题。但是,现在我们处于较新版本,我们看到了令人无法接受的(并且非常荒谬)性能问题。

Hits | Took | Nest 1.5 | Nest 5.6
0    | 1ms  | 100ms    | 1190ms
1    | 1ms  | 100ms    | 720ms
2    | 4ms  | 100ms    | 350ms
42   | 10ms | 1100ms   | 3270ms
63   | 9ms  | 1700ms   | 4700ms
100  | 25ms | 2800ms   | 7400ms



PatternAnalyzer alphanumericAnalyzer = new PatternAnalyzer();
alphanumericAnalyzer.Lowercase = true;
alphanumericAnalyzer.Pattern = "[^a-zA-Z0-9áéíñóúüÁÉÍÑÓÚÜàâäôéèëêïîçùûüÿæœÀÂÄÔÉÈËÊÏΟÇÙÛÜÆŒäöüßÄÖÜẞàèéìíîòóùúÀÈÉÌÍÎÒÓÙÚ]";

CustomAnalyzer lowercaseKeywordAnalyzer = new CustomAnalyzer();
lowercaseKeywordAnalyzer.Tokenizer = "keyword";
lowercaseKeywordAnalyzer.Filter = new List<string>() { "lowercase" };

IndexSettings indexSettings = new IndexSettings();

indexSettings.NumberOfReplicas = NestClient.Config.Replicas;
indexSettings.NumberOfShards = NestClient.Config.Shards;

indexSettings.Analysis = new Analysis();
indexSettings.Analysis.Analyzers = new Analyzers();
indexSettings.Analysis.Tokenizers = new Tokenizers();

indexSettings.Analysis.Analyzers.Add("alphanumeric_analyzer", alphanumericAnalyzer);
indexSettings.Analysis.Analyzers.Add("keyword_analyzer", lowercaseKeywordAnalyzer);

indexSettings.Analysis.Tokenizers.Add("ngrams_tokenizer", new EdgeNGramTokenizer()
    MaxGram = NestClient.Config.MaxGram,
    MinGram = NestClient.Config.MinGram,
    TokenChars = new List<TokenChar>()

indexSettings.Analysis.Analyzers.Add("ngrams_analyzer", new CustomAnalyzer()
    Filter = new List<string>()
    Tokenizer = "ngrams_tokenizer"

var createResponse = Client.CreateIndex(new CreateIndexRequest(IndexName)
    Settings = indexSettings
}).Log(isIndexRebuild: true);

var mapResult = Client.Map<SearchAsset>(m => m
    .AllField(x => x.Enabled(false))
).Log(isIndexRebuild: true);


[ElasticsearchType(IdProperty = "assetID")]
public class SearchAsset
    public SearchAsset()
        Extensions = new List<string>();
        Metadata = new List<MetadataValue>();
        Notes_Alphanumeric = new List<string>();
        Notes_Ngrams = new List<string>();
        UserFlags = new List<long>();
        AssetTypes = new List<string>();

    private string filename;

    public long AssetID { get; set; }
    public long JobID { get; set; }
    public long JobFolderID { get; set; }
    public int Width { get; set; }
    public int Height { get; set; }

    [Text(Analyzer = "keyword_analyzer", Fielddata = true)]
    public string StorageFolderPath { get; set; }

    public bool Selected { get; set; }
    public long? SelectUserID { get; set; }
    public DateTime? SelectDateTime { get; set; }

    [Text(Analyzer = "keyword_analyzer", Fielddata = true)]
    public string JobFolderName { get; set; }

    [Text(Analyzer = "keyword_analyzer", Fielddata = true)]
    public string Filename
        get { return filename; }
        set { filename = Filename_Alphanumeric = Filename_Ngrams = value; }

    [Text(Analyzer = "alphanumeric_analyzer", SearchAnalyzer = "alphanumeric_analyzer")]
    public string Filename_Alphanumeric { get; private set; }

    [Text(Analyzer = "ngrams_analyzer", SearchAnalyzer = "alphanumeric_analyzer")]
    public string Filename_Ngrams { get; private set; }

    [Text(Analyzer = "keyword_analyzer", Fielddata = true)]
    public string OriginalTypeCd { get; set; }
    public int NoteCount { get; set; }
    public int PageCount { get; set; }

    public long Color { get; set; }
    public bool HasMarkup { get; set; }
    public long Status { get; set; }
    public int TotalGalleryCount { get; set; }
    public int ClosedGalleryCount { get; set; }

    //HACK: We would ideally script these in ES, but Nest/Painless has poor documentation, and we have yet to get something working within that framework.
    //Doing it here actually works, so relying on that instead.
    public bool NoStatus { get { return TotalGalleryCount == 0; } }
    public bool Flagged { get { return UserFlags.Count > 0; } }
    public bool NotPending { get { return TotalGalleryCount > 0 && TotalGalleryCount == ClosedGalleryCount; } }
    public bool Pending { get { return TotalGalleryCount > ClosedGalleryCount; } }
    public bool Notes { get { return NoteCount > 0; } }

    public long ByteCount { get; set; }
    public DateTime AddedOn { get; set; }

    [Object(Ignore = true)]
    public IndexItemType IndexItemType { get; set; }

    [Text(Analyzer = "keyword_analyzer", Fielddata = true)]
    public List<string> Extensions { get; set; }

    public List<long> UserFlags { get; set; }

    public List<MetadataValue> Metadata { get; private set; }

    public List<string> AssetTypes { get; set; }

    [Text(Analyzer = "ngrams_analyzer", SearchAnalyzer = "alphanumeric_analyzer")]
    public List<string> Notes_Ngrams { get; private set; }

    [Text(Analyzer = "alphanumeric_analyzer", SearchAnalyzer = "alphanumeric_analyzer")]
    public List<string> Notes_Alphanumeric { get; private set; }

public class MetadataValue
    public long MetadataID { get; set; }
    [Text(Analyzer = "ngrams_analyzer", SearchAnalyzer = "alphanumeric_analyzer")]
    public string Ngrams { get; set; }
    [Text(Analyzer = "alphanumeric_analyzer", SearchAnalyzer = "alphanumeric_analyzer")]
    public string Alphanumeric { get; set; }
    public DateTime Date { get; set; }


public SearchResult RunSearch(IUser user, AssetCollection collection, Aggregations aggregations = null, FieldSelectors selectors = null)
    var elasticSearchManager = new ElasticSearchManager();

    var query = ElasticSearchHelper.BuildWhereExpression(user, collection);

    var sorts = ElasticSearchHelper.BuildOrderExpression<SearchAsset>(user, collection);

    //We want to specify the SearchAsset type so that we can both specify an index on the request, and also rely on the type mapping in the settings
    var request = new SearchRequest<SearchAsset>(elasticSearchManager.IndexName);
    request.Sort = sorts;
    request.Query = query;
    request.From = collection.FirstIndex;
    request.DocvalueFields = selectors.ElasticSearchFields.ToArray();
    request.Size = collection.LastIndex - collection.FirstIndex;
    request.Aggregations = new AggregationDictionary();

    //INFO: This allows us to log the NEST request body
    request.RequestConfiguration = new RequestConfiguration();
    request.RequestConfiguration.DisableDirectStreaming = true;

    var searchResponse = elasticSearchManager.Client.Search<SearchAsset>(request);

    Logger.Instance.LogInfo(new LogMessage(LogMessageAction.Search,
        new SearchContextLogData<SearchAsset>(searchResponse, collection),
        new UserContextLogData(user)

    SearchResult result = new SearchResult()
        TotalCount = aggregations.CalculateTotalCount ? searchResponse.Total : 0

    foreach (var searchAsset in searchResponse.Hits)
        var asset = selectors.ApplyElasticSearchToAssetSelectors(searchAsset);

    return result;


public class ElasticSearchManager
    public IElasticClient Client { get; private set; }
    public virtual string IndexName
        get { return NestClient.IndexName; }

    public ElasticSearchManager()
        Client = NestClient.GetClient(null);

    public IEnumerable<string> Tokenize(string field, string input)
        var key = field + "_" + input;
        var tokens = GetCachedTokens(key);

        if (tokens != null)
            return tokens;

        tokens = new List<string>();

        var response = Client.Analyze(x => x.Field(field).Index(IndexName).Text(input)).Log();

        if (response.IsValid)
            foreach (var token in response.Tokens)

        CacheTokens(key, tokens);

        return tokens;

    public IEnumerable<string> Tokenize<T>(Expression<Func<T, object>> field, string input)
        where T : class
        var fieldName = field.Body.ToString();
        return Tokenize(fieldName, input);

    private void CacheTokens(string input, IEnumerable<string> tokens)
        if (HttpContext.Current != null)
            HttpContext.Current.Items.Add(input, tokens);

    private List<string> GetCachedTokens(string input)
        if (HttpContext.Current != null)
            return HttpContext.Current.Items[input] as List<string>;

        return null;

    private void LoadMappings()
        var mapResult = Client.Map<SearchAsset>(m => m
            .AllField(x => x.Enabled(false))
        ).Log(isIndexRebuild: true);


//INFO: This class is a singleton for a reason
//Under the hood, Nest instantiate the Newtonsoft deserializer fresh for each instantiation of the client
//Therefore, if you instantiate the client fresh every request, then your deserializer gets 3x-4x slower
//Preserving the client as a singleton mitigates this cost
public static class NestClient
    public static string IndexName { get; private set; }

    public static ElasticSearchConfig Config
            return SettingsManager.ElasticSearchConfig<ElasticSearchConfig>();

    private static object syncRoot = new object();
    private static IElasticClient instance = null;

    public static IElasticClient GetClient(string indexName = null)
        if (instance == null)
            IndexName = indexName;

            //if name != null, it will override the current index name in the db
            //use to create a new index, then update db when index is done building
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(indexName))
                IndexName = Config.IndexName;

            var uri = new Uri(Config.Url);
            var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(uri);
            var settings = new ConnectionSettings(pool);

            //INFO: We want the SearchAsset object to be hard-bound to the index
            settings.InferMappingFor<SearchAsset>(m => m.IndexName(IndexName));

            instance = new ElasticClient(settings);

        return instance;


此处this gist

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


foreach (var searchAsset in searchResponse.Hits)
    var asset = selectors.ApplyElasticSearchToAssetSelectors(searchAsset);


public class FullFieldSelectors : FilenameFieldSelectors
    private readonly AssetTypesManager assetTypesManager;
    private readonly long userID;

    public FullFieldSelectors(long userID)
        assetTypesManager = new AssetTypesManager();
        this.userID = userID;

    public override Asset ConvertToAsset(IHit<SearchAsset> hit)
        var asset = base.ConvertToAsset(hit);
        var searchAsset = hit.Source;

        asset.JobID = hit.Fields.Values<SearchAsset, long>(f => f.JobID).FirstOrDefault();
        asset.FolderID = hit.Fields.Values<SearchAsset, long>(f => f.JobFolderID).FirstOrDefault();
        asset.PlusRating = hit.Fields.Values<SearchAsset, long>(f => f.Rating).FirstOrDefault();
        asset.Select = hit.Fields.Values<SearchAsset, bool>(f => f.Selected).FirstOrDefault();
        asset.Alt = hit.Fields.Values<SearchAsset, bool>(f => f.Alted).FirstOrDefault();
        asset.Approve = hit.Fields.Values<SearchAsset, bool>(f => f.Approved).FirstOrDefault();
        asset.Kill = hit.Fields.Values<SearchAsset, bool>(f => f.Killed).FirstOrDefault();
        asset.Flag = ConvertNullEnumerable(hit.Fields.Values<SearchAsset, long>(f => f.UserFlags.Find(u => u == userID))).Contains(userID);
        asset.Color = (AssetColorCd)hit.Fields.Values<SearchAsset, long>(f => f.Color).FirstOrDefault();
        asset.FileExtension = ConvertNullEnumerable(hit.Fields.Values<SearchAsset, string>(f => f.Extensions.FirstOrDefault())).FirstOrDefault();
        asset.OriginalType = assetTypesManager.Restore(ConvertNullEnumerable(hit.Fields.Values<SearchAsset, string>(f => f.OriginalTypeCd)).FirstOrDefault());
        asset.NoteCount = hit.Fields.Values<SearchAsset, int>(f => f.NoteCount).FirstOrDefault();
        asset.Status = (AssetStatus)hit.Fields.Values<SearchAsset, long>(f => f.Status).FirstOrDefault();
        asset.ClosedGalleryCount = hit.Fields.Values<SearchAsset, int>(f => f.ClosedGalleryCount).FirstOrDefault();
        asset.Finalized = hit.Fields.Values<SearchAsset, bool>(f => f.Finalized).FirstOrDefault();
        asset.TotalGalleryCount = hit.Fields.Values<SearchAsset, int>(f => f.TotalGalleryCount).FirstOrDefault();
        asset.Width = hit.Fields.Values<SearchAsset, int>(f => f.Width).FirstOrDefault();
        asset.Height = hit.Fields.Values<SearchAsset, int>(f => f.Height).FirstOrDefault();
        asset.PageCount = hit.Fields.Values<SearchAsset, int>(f => f.PageCount).FirstOrDefault();
        asset.ByteCount = hit.Fields.Values<SearchAsset, long>(f => f.ByteCount).FirstOrDefault();
        asset.HasMarkup = hit.Fields.Values<SearchAsset, bool>(f => f.HasMarkup).FirstOrDefault();
        asset.StorageFolderPath = ConvertNullEnumerable(hit.Fields.Values<SearchAsset, string>(f => f.StorageFolderPath)).FirstOrDefault();
        asset.NewStorageLocation = ConvertNullEnumerable(hit.Fields.Values<SearchAsset, bool>(f => f.NewStorageLocation)).FirstOrDefault();
        asset.Archived = ConvertNullEnumerable(hit.Fields.Values<SearchAsset, bool>(f => f.Archived)).FirstOrDefault();

        if (hit.Source != null && hit.Source.Lightboxes != null && hit.Source.Lightboxes.Count > 0)
            asset.LightboxAsset = new LightboxAsset()
                AddedBy = hit.Source.Lightboxes.First().AddedBy,
                AssetID = asset.ID,
                LightboxID = hit.Source.Lightboxes.First().LightboxID,
                SeqOrder = hit.Source.Lightboxes.First().OrderID

        return asset;


public class FullFieldSelectors : FilenameFieldSelectors
    private readonly AssetTypesManager assetTypesManager;
    private readonly long userID;

    public FullFieldSelectors(long userID)
        assetTypesManager = new AssetTypesManager();
        this.userID = userID;

    public override Asset ConvertToAsset(IHit<SearchAsset> hit)
        var asset = base.ConvertToAsset(hit);
        var searchAsset = hit.Source;

        asset.JobID = searchAsset.JobID;
        asset.FolderID = searchAsset.JobFolderID;
        asset.PlusRating = searchAsset.Rating;
        asset.Select = searchAsset.Selected;
        asset.Alt = searchAsset.Alted;
        asset.Approve = searchAsset.Approved;
        asset.Kill = searchAsset.Killed;
        asset.Flag = searchAsset.UserFlags != null && searchAsset.UserFlags.Contains(userID);

        asset.Color = (AssetColorCd)searchAsset.Color;
        asset.FileExtension = string.Empty;

        if (searchAsset.Extensions != null && searchAsset.Extensions.Any())
            asset.FileExtension = searchAsset.Extensions.First();

        asset.OriginalType = assetTypesManager.Restore(searchAsset.OriginalTypeCd);
        asset.NoteCount = searchAsset.NoteCount;
        asset.Status = (AssetStatus)searchAsset.Status;
        asset.ClosedGalleryCount = searchAsset.ClosedGalleryCount;
        asset.Finalized = searchAsset.Finalized;
        asset.TotalGalleryCount = searchAsset.TotalGalleryCount;
        asset.Width = searchAsset.Width;
        asset.Height = searchAsset.Height;
        asset.PageCount = searchAsset.PageCount;
        asset.ByteCount = searchAsset.ByteCount;
        asset.HasMarkup = searchAsset.HasMarkup;
        asset.StorageFolderPath = searchAsset.StorageFolderPath ?? string.Empty;
        asset.NewStorageLocation = searchAsset.NewStorageLocation;
        asset.Archived = searchAsset.Archived;

        if (searchAsset.Lightboxes != null && searchAsset.Lightboxes.Any())
            var searchLightbox = searchAsset.Lightboxes.First();

            asset.LightboxAsset = new LightboxAsset()
                AddedBy = searchLightbox.AddedBy,
                AssetID = asset.ID,
                LightboxID = searchLightbox.LightboxID,
                SeqOrder = searchLightbox.OrderID

        return asset;
