所以我目前正在为基本操作系统开发应用程序并遇到问题。 我有一个窗口,左边是Granite.Sourcelistview,右边是不同视图的堆栈。我的问题是,当按下其中一个屏幕上的按钮(我创建的项目设置屏幕)时,堆栈应该将当前视图更改为其他视图,但它不会。当前视图保持不变。
public class MainWindow : Gtk.Window {
private SourceListStackView srcl_view {get; set;}
construct {
var header = new Gtk.HeaderBar ();
header.show_close_button = true;
//this is the source list view
srcl_view = new SourceListStackView ();
var paned = new Gtk.Paned (Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL);
paned.position = 130;
paned.pack1 (srcl_view, false, false);
paned.add2 (srcl_view.stack);
set_titlebar (header);
public static int main(string[] args) {
Gtk.init (ref args);
MainWindow app = new MainWindow ();
app.show_all ();
Gtk.main ();
return 0;
public class SourceListStackView : Granite.Widgets.SourceList {
public Gtk.Stack stack {get; set;}
public SourceListStackView () {
var project_page = new ProjectSettings ();
stack = new Gtk.Stack ();
var project = new Granite.Widgets.SourceList.ExpandableItem("Root");
stack.add_named(project_page, "hello");
//here depending on what item of the sourcelist is created,
//the view with the same name as the item
//should be displayed (not the best mechanism but works)
this.item_selected.connect ((item) => {
if(item != null){
stack.visible_child_name = item.name;
//problematic part is here: This won't change the current view..why?
//The button should add another item to the
// source list view and change the current view
// to the newly created Welcome Screen but it doesn't do that..
project_page.button.clicked.connect(() => {
project.add(new Granite.Widgets.SourceList.Item ("Welcome"));
stack.add_named(new Granite.Widgets.Welcome("bla bli blu", "bla"), "Welcome");
public class ProjectSettings : Granite.SimpleSettingsPage {
public Gtk.Button button {get; set;}
public ProjectSettings () {
Object (
activatable: false,
description: "This is a screen",
header: "",
icon_name: "preferences-system",
title: "Screen"
construct {
var project_name_label = new Gtk.Label ("Name");
project_name_label.xalign = 1;
var project_name_entry = new Gtk.Entry ();
project_name_entry.hexpand = true;
project_name_entry.placeholder_text = "Peter";
content_area.attach (project_name_label, 0, 0, 1, 1);
content_area.attach (project_name_entry, 1, 0, 1, 1);
button = new Gtk.Button.with_label ("Save Settings");
action_area.add (button);
//problematic part is here: This won't change the current view.. why?
project_page.button.clicked.connect(() => {
project.add(new Granite.Widgets.SourceList.Item ("Welcome"));
stack.add_named(new Granite.Widgets.Welcome("bla bli blu", "bla"), "Welcome");
我不知道为什么它不会改变观点。我特意告诉它将可见的孩子设置为“欢迎”(这正是我将其命名为上面的一行),但它不会出现。有人能解释一下为什么吗? 我可以很容易地在信号/事件之外更改堆栈的可见子项,但在其内部将无法解决问题..
更新:问题通过下面的JoséFonte的评论解决了:我实例化了视图,在其上调用了 show_all()方法,然后将其添加到堆栈并将可见子项设置为它。