我正在进行一项调查,该调查需要根据对上一个问题的回答来设置Qualtrics HSlider的最大范围。我已经能够管道该问题的结果来设置当前值,但不是最大值。
我查看了其他stackoverflow问题 那些没有解决方案,所以我想我会再问这个问题,看看最近是否有人解决了这个问题。我发现的最接近的是this response我得到错误:“无法设置未定义的属性'maxValue'。”看看其他各种文档,似乎主要问题是没有一个滑块类,而是构成滑块的div标签集合。
// Set the slider range
// First define the function to do it
setSliderRange = function (theQuestionInfo, maxValue) {
var postTag = theQuestionInfo.postTag
var QID=theQuestionInfo.QuestionID
// QID should be like "QID421"
// but postTag might be something like "5_QID421" sometimes
// or, it might not exist, so play around a bit.
var sliderName='CS_' + postTag
// now do the ticks. first get the number of ticks by counting the table that contains them
var numTicks = document.getElementsByClassName('LabelDescriptionsContainer')[0].colSpan
// do the ticks one at a time
for (var i=1; i<=numTicks; i++) {
var tickHeader='header~' + QID + '~G' + i
// the first item of the table contains the minimum value, and also the first tick.
// so we do some tricks to separate them out in that case.
var tickSpanArray = $(tickHeader).down("span.TickContainer").children
var tickSpanArrayLength=tickSpanArray.length
var lastTickIndex=tickSpanArrayLength - 1
var currentTickValue = tickSpanArray[lastTickIndex].innerHTML
console.log('Tick value ' + i + ' is ' + currentTickValue)
// now get the new value for the tick
console.log('maxValue: ' + maxValue + ' numTicks: ' + numTicks + ' i: ' + i)
var newTickValue = maxValue * i / numTicks //the total number of ticks
console.log('Changed tick value to ' + newTickValue)
var currentQuestionInfo = this.getQuestionInfo();
var currentQuestionID = currentQuestionInfo.QuestionID;
var Q8Response = parseInt("${q://QID8/ChoiceTextEntryValue}");
// Now call the function
setSliderRange(currentQuestionInfo, Q8Response)
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