我需要一些帮助,找到一个关于列表理解的教程或示例,并将其与csv中的数据文件合并,并将所有内容转换为xml文件。从阅读各种蟒蛇书籍和pdf,如ditp,IYOCGwP,learnpythonthe hardway ,, lxml tut,think python和online search我大部分时间都在那里,我认为。我只需要推动将所有东西捆绑在一起。我基本上采用excel电子表格,我将其导出为csv文件。 csv包含我需要映射到xml文件的记录行。我是Python的新手,并且认为我会用我的小项目来学习语言。列出的代码并不漂亮,但有效。我可以在csv文件中读取并将其转储到列表中。我可以组合3个列表并输出结果列表,我可以让我的程序吐出一个几乎以我需要的格式布局的骨架xml。我将列出一个小样本的实际输出以及我想用这个代码下面的xml完成的工作。对不起,如果这太长了,这是我的第一篇文章。
import csv, datetime, os
from lxml import etree
from ElementTree_pretty import prettify
f = os.path.getsize("SO.csv")
fh = "SO.csv"
rh = open(fh, "rU")
rows = 0
rlist = csv.reader(rh)
reports = []
for row in rlist:
'''print row.items()'''
rowStripped = [x.strip(' ') for x in row]
rows +=1
except csv.Error, e:
sys.exit('file %s, line %d: %s' % (filename, reader.line_num, e))
root = etree.Element("co_ehs")
object = etree.SubElement(root, "object")
event = etree.SubElement(object, "event")
facets = etree.SubElement(event, "facets")
categories = etree.SubElement(facets, "categories")
instance = etree.SubElement(categories, "instance")
property = etree.SubElement(instance, "property")
facets = ['header','header','header','header','informational','header','informational']
categories = ['processing','processing','processing','processing','short_title','file_num','short_narrative']
property = ['REPORT ID','NEXT REPORT ID','initial-event-date','number','title','summary-docket-num','description-story']
print('----------Printing Reports from CSV Data----------')
print reports
print('---------END OF CSV DATA-------------')
mappings = zip(facets, categories, property)
print('----------Printing Mappings from the zip of facets, categories, property ----------')
print mappings
print('---------END OF List Comprehension-------------')
print('----------Printing the xml skeleton that will contain the mappings and the csv data ----------')
print(etree.tostring(root, xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8', pretty_print=True))
print('---------END OF XML Skeleton-------------')
----My OUTPUT---
----------Printing Reports from CSV Data----------
[['1', '12-Dec-04', 'Vehicle Collision', '786689', 'No fault collision due to ice', '-1', '545671'], ['3', '15-Dec-04', 'OJT Injury', '87362', 'Paint fumes combusted causing 2nd degree burns', '4', '588456'], ['4', '17-Dec-04', 'OJT Injury', '87362', 'Paint fumes combusted causing 2nd degree burns', '-1', '58871'], ['1000', '12-Nov-05', 'Back Injury', '9854231', 'Lifting without a support device', '-1', '545671'], ['55555', '12-Jan-06', 'Foot Injury', '7936547', 'Office injury - heavy item dropped on foot', '-1', '545671']]
---------END OF CSV DATA-------------
----------Printing Mappings from the zip of facets, categories, property ----------
[('header', 'processing', 'REPORT ID'), ('header', 'processing', 'NEXT REPORT ID'), ('header', 'processing', 'initial-event-date'), ('header', 'processing', 'number'), ('informational', 'short_title', 'title'), ('header', 'file_num', 'summary-docket-num'), ('informational', 'short_narrative', 'description-story')]
---------END OF List Comprehension-------------
----------Printing the xml skeleton that will contain the mappings and the csv data ----------
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
---------END OF XML Skeleton-------------
----------CSV DATA------------------
1,-1,12-Dec-04,545671,Vehicle Collision,786689,"No fault collision due to ice"
3,4,15-Dec-04,588456,OJT Injury,87362,"Paint fumes combusted causing 2nd degree burns"
4,-1,17-Dec-04,58871,OJT Injury,87362,"Paint fumes combusted causing 2nd degree burns"
1000,-1,12-Nov-05,545671,Back Injury,9854231,"Lifting without a support device"
55555,-1,12-Jan-06,545671,Foot Injury,7936547,"Office injury - heavy item dropped on foot"
-----------What I want the xml output to look like----------------------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<co_ehs xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="co_ehs.xsd">
<object id="3" object-type="ehs_report">
<event event-tag="0">
<facets name="header">
<categories name="processing">
<instance instance-tag="0">
<property name="REPORT ID" value="1"/>
<property name="NEXT REPORT ID" value="-1"/>
<property name="initial-event-date" value="12-Dec-04"/>
<property name="number" value="545671"/>
<facets name="informational">
<categories name="short_title">
<property name="title" value="Vehicle Collision"/>
<facets name="header">
<categories name="file_num">
<property name="summary-docket-num" value="786689"/>
<facets name="informational">
<categories name="short_narrative">
<property name="description-story" value="No fault collision due to ice"/>
答案 0 :(得分:0)
注意8 %s
<event event-tag="%s">
<facets name="header">
<categories name="processing">
<instance instance-tag="0">
<property name="REPORT ID" value="%s"/>
<property name="NEXT REPORT ID" value="%s"/>
<property name="initial-event-date" value="%s"/>
<property name="number" value="%s"/>
<facets name="informational">
<categories name="short_title">
<property name="title" value="%s"/>
<facets name="header">
<categories name="file_num">
<property name="summary-docket-num" value="%s"/>
<facets name="informational">
<categories name="short_narrative">
<property name="description-story" value="%s"/>
1,-1,12-Dec-04,545671,Vehicle Collision,786689,"No fault collision due to ice"
3,4,15-Dec-04,588456,OJT Injury,87362,"Paint fumes combusted causing 2nd degree burns"
4,-1,17-Dec-04,58871,OJT Injury,87362,"Paint fumes combusted causing 2nd degree burns"
1000,-1,12-Nov-05,545671,Back Injury,9854231,"Lifting without a support device"
55555,-1,12-Jan-06,545671,Foot Injury,7936547,"Office injury - heavy item dropped on foot"
import csv
rid = csv.reader(open('SO.csv','rb'))
with open('pattern.txt') as f:
pati = f.read()
xmloutput = [' <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>',
' <co_ehs xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" '\
' <object id="3" object-type="ehs_report">']
for i,row in enumerate(rid):
row[0:0] = str(i)
xmloutput.append( pati % tuple(row) )
print '\n'.join(xmloutput)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
import csv, datetime, os
from lxml import etree
def makeFacet(event, newheaders, ev, facetname, catname, count, nhposstart, nhposend):
facets = etree.SubElement(event, "facets", name=facetname)
categories = etree.SubElement(facets, "categories", name=catname)
instance = etree.SubElement(categories, "instance")
instance.set("instance-tag", count)
for i in range(nhposstart, nhposend):
property = etree.SubElement(instance, "property")
property.set("name", newheaders[i])
property.set("value", ev[i].strip())
# read the csv
fh = "SO.csv"
rh = open(fh, "rU")
rlist = list(csv.reader(rh))
except csv.Error as e:
sys.exit("file %s, line %d: %s" % (filename, reader.line_num, e))
# generate the xml
# newheaders is a mapping of the csv column names, because they don't correspondent w/ the XML
newheaders = ["REPORT_ID","NEXT_REPORT_ID","initial-event-date","number","title","summary-docket-num", "description-story"]
root = etree.Element("co_ehs")
object = etree.SubElement(root, "object")
object.set("id", "3") # Not sure about this one
object.set("object-type", "ehs-report")
for c, ev in enumerate(rlist[1:]):
event = etree.SubElement(object, "event")
event.set("event-tag", "%s"%c)
makeFacet(event, newheaders, ev, "header", "processing", "%s"%c, 0, 4)
makeFacet(event, newheaders, ev, "informational", "short-title", "%s"%c, 4, 5)
makeFacet(event, newheaders, ev, "header", "file_num", "%s"%c, 5, 6)
makeFacet(event, newheaders, ev, "informational", "short_narrative", "%s"%c, 6, 7)
print(etree.tostring(root, xml_declaration=True, encoding="UTF-8", pretty_print=True))