
时间:2018-04-30 22:37:31

标签: erlang

我很困惑如何接受来自Erlang shell或eclipse控制台的输入? 我想接受来自用户的变量“input”的输入。

    io:format(" codes for bussiness logic of task one \n"),
    spawn(xorgateway, xor_split, []).
 io:format("enter your decision \n").
   case Value of
         decision1 -> 
            spawn(xorgateway, p2, []);
        decision2 ->
            spawn(xorgateway, p3, []);
        decision3 ->
            spawn(xorgateway, p4, []);
            io:format("invalid input \n")end.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


我很困惑如何接受来自Erlang shell的输入

function saveProfilePic()
    # I would not do this, I would put the connection at the top of the page and
    # inject the $con into the function saveProfilePic($con)
    # I would check for !empty(), not isset() because it could be set, just empty
    $post = (!empty($_POST))? $_POST : array();    
    # Check for just id here not username-id
    if(!empty($post['id'])) {
        # You should be binding parameters, forget using the escaping stuff...
        $username_id = mysqli_escape_string($con, $post['id']);
        $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '".$username_id."'";     
        $resultset = mysqli_query($con, $sql_query) or die("database error:". mysqli_error($con));
        if(mysqli_num_rows($resultset)) {
            # Again, bind parameters here, don't escape anymore
            $sql_update = "UPDATE users set profile_pic='".mysqli_escape_string($con,$post['image_name'])."' WHERE username = '".$username_id."'";          
            mysqli_query($con, $sql_update) or die("database error:". mysqli_error($con));



    get_data() ->
        {ok, Term} = io:read("Enter a number: "),
        io:format("The number you entered plus one is: ~w~n", 
                  [Term + 1]).





8> c(my). my.erl:2: Warning: export_all flag enabled - all functions will be exported {ok,my} 9> my:get_data(). Enter a number: 10. The number you entered plus one is: 11 ok 10> 不是Erlang中的变量。 Erlang变量以大写字母开头。