standford coreNLP在注释句子时无限期地等待

时间:2018-04-30 19:06:41

标签: stanford-nlp

我正致力于为新闻文章添加注释&错误地,其中一篇文章有​​视频转录,不幸的是,执行注释的代码无限期地等待wrapper.joinWithTimeout(); &安培; this.timeout = -1



  java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING
      at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
      at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(
      at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.await(
      at java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue.take(
      at edu.stanford.nlp.util.concurrent.MulticoreWrapper.join(
      at edu.stanford.nlp.util.concurrent.MulticoreWrapper.join(
      at edu.stanford.nlp.util.concurrent.InterruptibleMulticoreWrapper.joinWithTimeout(
      at edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.SentenceAnnotator.annotate(
      at edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.AnnotationPipeline.annotate(
      at edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLP.annotate(
      at AnalyticsProcessor.AnalyticsProcessor$1workerThread.parseArticles(
      at AnalyticsProcessor.AnalyticsProcessor$
      at AnalyticsProcessor.AnalyticsProcessor$
      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$


"此成绩单已自动生成,可能不是100%准确。\ n \ n时间到华尔街日报的高级编辑John Farley ...欢迎来到McCafe Fe猜猜Caswell她长大了......这本新书......奶制品巨头s them to secure all of ... you for this book ... the beverage giant ... the last book in the in two thousand five ... never let me go ... what does a lot in history books will be doing in inshallah why does he look it是一种爱...那......好吧......即使我花了多少钱......十年之久,我认为{{1}那......并且......这可能不是s fine I really want to write a particular kind of the ... amount so that that comes right to ... discover ... he was he said ... bought ... I have to say I would are reasons why it why distance for a long time and I have written the official stores in the in the meantime which was published in two thousand and nine ... but the main reason is that ... when I started to write this book ... my wife of ... them is that the ... most about fifty ... sixty pages into it ... I我还没有说要改变......这种关系的事情t ... great ... on wise thing for me to the Bush addictive and she said to him ... um actually and this will not be ... and she said I赞成这一点的正确性。所以这是令人沮丧的新闻......她说虽然这个想法真是令人着迷,而且完全是这件事,至少这本迷人的书......语言是错的...嗯...而且嗯。 ..她的意思是,但是语言中的速度是它,但也是因为那个故事发生的彼此人物的语言...所以没有人这样做s not quite working at ... um ... it just will not do you have to just stop ... him from ... square one again in MckMama distance that ... not too much don唯一的照片......你知道......这是两次新的增长之旅......在日本的酒吧......长大......在英格兰...在...中的一个胎儿,这显示了你...我t take this a long long time it takes place in that in this light because of ... a ... mythological imagine ... that this is before the English arrived in ... Britain ... so this PCs you ... some kind of strange language over ... all the people that that wiped out some ... somewhere around this entry ... so I have to kind of find that it is to find a way of suggesting a foreign language film a slice of crisis has been climbing ... sorry I had started off by making it which is trying to invent it and ... donate ... old language ... and this is what my wife ... Toby would feel it ... so the second time round ... I like to face the post and picking ... them ... I went through very simple nine which was in the ways the rate is ... and in the Dato and and and I found ... an interesting thing to do will start to subtract often at ... two to ten in English that ... that we would ... use today ... but despite taking things out dramatically ... um ... I would end up ... with that kind of the language that had a strange syntax like the stilted Saudi foreign ... but cheap because it was some traction on condition that it was it was simple it was easy to ... follow the and ... off the lot of really come into this found that ... the kind of language could have its income this is ... losses that isn那得分深进入旧的日本食物凉爽将日本...故事即将到来......在恶魔和它是和并得到...在夏天我塞满了...约一些...然而这确实听起来像是咳嗽打喷嚏或者是雇佣企业的成本......发现自己当时正在竞争,知道那是什么......持续内战的时代以及那个地方是半成本......这让m at it as a child with a suit of armor samurai armor ... behind you ... and look at the thought of that ... will kind of stories ... that you get older daughter about ... grown up in Japan leading to the community of focused as he passed on ... December ... return pasta on the cement ... need as many stores as I shared but I mean the ... writing this book of the house a ... it is also set them there are ... some of that term some of the samurai stories like to up on ... this although I left it the most five hundred ... yes I carried on ... getting some rice stories tune for my parents and from that from the books that was sent to me the manga comics that was sent to me right right through to us a teenager and ... why is falling the sky ... that this um right stuff in ... them ... and so this the pots of tea that m ...那个时候我s talk to unemployment and yet there was a whole cops with this kind of values ... that have been built up through the generations but who will stifle it this is a great ... article you sentence about getting a new position in search ... of the convention that the Democrat U S the Japanese Bowen ... IBC been living in England for some time then and still those two primary identification ... in the local paper ... and led me to wonder ... what what was left linked to the wolves late late for you in school that I mean ... did you get into fights about ... racial background was a difficult ... childhood and his relationship with other kids ... that come a bit about that ... Nohria about all of the spontaneous older something about Assad been living in prison for five years having that seemed to pacify its ... own ... but ... but this is a very different kind of situation to one that you might imagine from the King of Britain today with the America today with the kit many places the well to that ... this is not hard to some sort of ... the confetti cake to society ... um I went off I mean little or no ... immigrants either knew we would just physically my father was a scientist with the British ... government and ... and we had expected to remain in Britain for two years in the show ... um and then use extended in funding for this work was extended in ... an age he just went home on the basis that ... I was that the Japanese seminar I had the houses Japanese citizen time ... when it got Ecovacs Japan at some point ... um I think I would see a need for and get ... it I需要在每一个结束时步入英语中的商场...社区中的孩子......所以那里没有明确......先例......对于如何...回应电话...我d ever seen and mm ... I don参加比赛是一个受人尊敬的人做了...在合唱团的视力中我成了耳机......他们......为什么没有m my memories in my my parents members fondest memories was that we would proceed with incredible ... post-attack incline despite the medical community has become a semi rule ... very English great church going into the community and ... the kind of ... in keeping things as town the police exist anymore ... milk was still do that by Paulson caught the silicon from ... and this is why I was I was in the local quiet no or that ... you we were Christians commitment to pay for my parents ... but but not terraces known religiously based upon this ... this is the custom an interesting unique and ... go don遭受......任何种类的种族主义在那一点上,除了我一直都知道......那......我认为他们t I didn已经......让我的差别在于配方罐头......因为美元钞票在...中先入为主......等着把我视为关注我的焦点。 ..我re different ... and if I met somebody new ... the very short period of time to time in which to I为我而去...禁止,如果我保持一个......糟糕的处理,也许是为了显示身份证或我的事情而不是...反对我那么为什么那么ve had died when the motive ... in this case it yet ... if you m ...谁将使用......移民而不是来自印度次大陆的移民和......移民他们可以做到这一点,但移民似乎也可以......在生产意识中发起候选人的耳机位置......关于那个...即便如此,他们也没有s a very quickly ... erm ... but it was the fall of Bill can is the large waves of immigration that ... um ... increase ... I remember when I was next to the nation when those soon ... in my late teens ... yet that the ... the climate sympathy change ... the enormously ... blend in March ... I ...非常迷人...他们的习俗在这个地区的日本人之间很有趣......很快就会...我需要进行t have to behave who is Japanese but they seem to be out of that ... um ... so it was an interesting growing up about say I grew up looking at pretty society from a slight distance is through the eyes of my parents ... the people who have come to set in the country but he found that it尊重需要做的习惯...而不是看他们做了什么......我s ... that这是对我父母的两次讨论这个国家的人们对他们如何去做了...我我认为...... m I想知道......如果那......没有s always ... gives me a certain kind of ... middle distance from ... from British customs of British society or their ... audit idea to take it produces ... this is in the image ... that those who studies because those deferred ... photo from the ... mid eighties ... and the ... cut ... there is the new to do now I我......我非常幸运,{珍惜这一点...... ..这样......列出的项目......哦,我开始写小说了我发布的内容非常丑陋,大部分内容都是在你构建的帮助下...... t this photo oh what did your ... parents think ... what hit them think of the decision become a novelist to they ... have another that in mind for you ... was a ... family tension ... choosing ... yet it is to pass because ... in her early books um there is another there are some debates within them is about to pass the ... kids speak ... especially the artistic but morning the same kind of ... been the one on in Europe ... that did not see a flat out say ... that my my parents or for my parents and ... becoming also was most of them ... by becoming also was a big relief I think because of the Ares one two PM began like a ... rock singer ... you know that this is why the client that you might think of all toking to be a ... Mexican bandit action in a bit psycho ... early on ... when to beef up the bankrupt Mexico something ... my first of passion bulls was this a songwriter and so forth between the age of fifteen to about one dollars about twenty to twenty three ... that was what I wanted to get out of sitting around ... playing my songs with ... guitar ... and singing ... I was thinking demo tapes in recording studios ... um ... and I kind of ... make the transition from biking songs to writing fiction around the time is twenty three twenty four ... I feel in many ways my apprenticeship is the right tools ... ISIS alright ... if my parents some of you that this is ... that this is much bl respectively and it did this as ... host of economic ... began academic awesome and that ... but also yet to member that I已经... {{1我的第一个更高价格的桌子的日期和紧张... ...我的母亲介绍我扔石头镇的人滑雪我d I didn的...所以只有当我试图成为一个......摇滚s right um and I was accepted by publishing house above those of you by publishing house now get their faith in favor of a famous in quite the publishing houses ... I was distinctly six years old to the effect it they时这才是好事我认为这应该意味着我ve ... given the profile of Student ... finishing ... off the ... favourite did that thing off ... um and I got an American publisher him with a rapidly often that for that so small full said ... it ... allows also rising in place of TV who own life ... the deal will rise to twenty seven twenty eight said ... the duo Michael Wright said ... and ... it sucked into that bucket a staple here ... in my pants I那是一个伟大的一年北美歌手作曲家三人中所有的男人都是Coen Joni Mitchell Neil年轻的冠军那一代......所以我很受其影响......那些人而不是看到那些工具......还有更多的学校美国他们......决定唱一首歌......这就是为什么呢......为什么我说我s it重新...重复在某种类型的玩具中,某些东西与某些东西非常亲密......或者是某些东西或者让我变成虚构的东西...我n是我的第一个手机,而不是一年......在某种程度上还有。 ..但是扩展的歌曲......以及... ... m sort of been much more nervous about that ... so ... that they who your favorite ... musicians and UTX is send a probe of dollars these ... three albums only ... by musicians represent her ... who uses all the scientific about a student of ... building the does and all of the Senate ... um because I like so many different kinds of music and if the aam sixty s or go through all these different faces fines of different kinds of the summit ... but there are um talk about what I was a teenager ... I d我向我们学习了我的歌曲,我ve learnt so much about writing fiction ... the Vikings song he says that the kind of song which is basically ... the first person that sits ... on ... it from somebody with ... a singer you跟我在一起的是我们......我们乘车到......那里有ve had all the way through my career my ... mind Noble d爱的Precidian美丽的雪想到...阿根廷探戈......我喜欢这种种族的爱尔兰民间音乐...嗯......我喜欢......欧洲正在使用中国的机器人杀戮......毫米......毫米......他们当前的国有企业......我m the kind of emotion that that you have to carry when you write in its own ... and that in the space is you have to leave ... for the performance and the music ... and if ... you use the card has been demeaning ... it did to vote in a song that the meaning is becoming notched into ... spaces between the lines so ... so I the ... eye of the site ... all these things Id I think they关了......她s a particular cynical Stacey Kent into the ... current singer who was because when the great exponents of ... the great American songbook and ... and of the kinds of songs ... I当然......它发生在亚瑟王统治后不久......嗯......想谈谈并思考......是......想知道她是不是m ... off to study revealed by ... this is an American woman called Gideon well ... she and her ... the man with a Rawlings I think ... the ticking up to decrease to ... do to some and beautiful ... I think she发生了......你有没有...你的星期五他们都想要拆除我们公司在... ......建筑师和另一种方式中的神话。什么s possibly my favorite ... song right to weigh in today and I think she对我很好但是,我并没有s not saying the dispute but that ... the McMullen ... will look at the cancer was that Martin will accept the bill ... the new new book The dairy giant真的关心我...嗯t had one of the heat on ... the ... thirty minute the new one just to show other aspects ... of the main and meaning in ... British culture because ... in this book ... about getting into way ... to make some choices that ... are necessarily honorable ... the so the right ones and he ... had visited ... the major head of Camelot of ... the super picky new ... housing as a ten person lead but ... makes the right choices ... by ... all of this people get ... in this book ... that doesn这个国家发生了什么......想到它是什么......我们知道必须{{1}因为这个故事发生了......在那个差距......并且它完成了堕落......凤凰......对于迈克尔的种族灭绝法案,在种族清洗方面做了什么......用英语制作,然后变成英格兰......并且......经常向国王点头......金钱......记住......这是一个知道可能系统全部的人人们认为有人喜欢这样的人......他是Marzilli向英国人s up across that that反对入侵的英语......我t that interested in the awesome yesterday I was interested in the holy I was interested in Quinn is an onslaught of it ... that ... didn正在成为那篇文章的应用......强加但s possibly ... a historical basis with the cat like to offer ... in in history but that the stores to third if about what happened ... in Britain off to the room and snapped ... in the romances ... and after on full ten a D ... and ... others Econa blanketed with other schools Sentry with milk what that强迫它...... ve happened ... is that the English tonight the people we know who the English ... you Michaels and the Angus taxes they came from ... the famous and they could see waves of immigration ... and somewhere along the way they would ... be wiped out ... the people who is here ... during that time of the rodents ... I是一个帝国,或者是某个或者某个...... s got one of the initial resistance fight against the waves and painting English ... who in London on the stools ... I and and oh so tired of the most Sobel student ... just a ... messy baffled ... but at some point there was a victory won ... by ... Britain ......的独裁统治在井里这样做似乎越来越难......所以这篇文章是作者在故事中长期死去的文章,但是当我们开始的时候m the kind of peace was enforced on them ... um and so my story takes place ... that下一个,现在我们s been imposed on violence and ... and all that can is that the pieces subterfuge ... I guess ... I soar in that situation some sort of ... Mecca for them it may be an ... analogy ... with many molten they situations when often seems that ... when we go through periods of peace ... that the practice arens premier eternity in falls the peace ... often there的前提......我看起来像是重复TUI的那种,因为那时很少有人会这些东西鉴于完全的外交......爱荷华s held down ... will these ethnic conflicts and Patriots ... and ... Adolfo wadded system that ... is to commit erupt again ... and and this is the case that peace can indeed be imposed ... you can of violence ... and force them is is it possible to meet sums of ... profit the piece ... I ...我re at the tail end of this strange and false peace ... in some kind was about to ... break out to ... him and the business doubt that on English so what我......我re working on ... a working and of the movie or ... will be another decade ... before we see you again while I很高兴看到我发生了什么m hoping all of that ... but the audio is have a ... iOS a whole batch of ... abstract ideas guys have stuck to the Ivy总是一个茎或者......让这可能是十年......我的意思是s have about two three all full ... ideas for stories like to repeat the can I can ... onto to use that tool three sentences ... that which would be to cuddle all ... of the project but ... as usual I haven对这类产品的感觉真的意味着... m going to come to be at the ... the al to surface ... all these things ... I那就是我m hoping this baby amid the edge of the page on your own ... the music store beneath ... the produces Gobin ... it has the rights that to the book and ... so I 1}我买了另一本书......嗯......我看过这样的电影......我想创造一篇文章说......我们没有任何欠它来创造这个。那个......刚刚超过八十六......我看到任何足以激励我的东西......但在任何时候都没有多少......好吧这本书是多种多样的饮食,这就是欧元,因为他们会非常感谢你很多克里斯感谢... ...就是......"

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