CKEditor从<a> in Inline editor

时间:2018-04-30 05:12:39

标签: ckeditor editor inline

Im using the Inline Editor of CKEditor. I want a link that opens a custom modal. So something like this:

<a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal" href="#" style="background: #c21313; color: white; text-decoration: none">DESCARGAR LOS VIDEOS AHORA</a>

The problem is that when I load it in the Inline Editor it shows like this:

<a data-cke-saved-href="#" href="#" style="background: #c21313; color: white; text-decoration: none">DESCARGAR LOS VIDEOS AHORA</a>

Im using the Inline Save plugin that saves the page that I edit in a new File. In that File the "data-toggle" and the "data-target" part dissapears. So my link does not open anything.

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