C - char *'间接水平与' char(*)[200]

时间:2018-04-28 14:17:52

标签: c arrays pointers header-files double-pointer

对于C编程分配,我试图写几个头文件来检查所谓的" X编程语言"的语法。我最近刚开始,我正在编写第一个头文件。这是我写的代码:

#ifndef _DeclarationsChecker_h_
#define _DeclarationsChecker_h_

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#define CODE_LINE_LIMIT 1000

void checkDeclarations(char **code, int num_lines) {

    char *currentLine;

    for (int currentLineNum = 0; currentLineNum < num_lines; currentLineNum++) {

        if (code[currentLineNum] != NULL) {

            currentLine = code[currentLineNum];

            char (**tokenized)[LINE_LENGTH_LIMIT];

            for (int i = 0; i < strlen(currentLine); i++) {

                tokenized[i] = strtok(currentLine, " ");

                if (tokenized[i] == NULL) 

            char *currentToken;

            for (int i = 0; i < LINE_LENGTH_LIMIT; i++) {

                currentToken = tokenized[i];

                if (strcmp("***", currentToken)) 

                char (*nextToken) = tokenized[i + 1];

                if (strcmp("global", currentToken)) {

                    if (!strcmp("character", nextToken) && !strcmp("integer", nextToken) && !strcmp("double", nextToken) && !strcmp("string", nextToken)) {
                        printf("Declarations: unknown data type %s at line %d", nextToken, currentLineNum);


                if (strcmp("character", currentToken) || strcmp("integer", currentToken) || strcmp("double", currentToken) || strcmp("string", currentToken)) {

                    char *functionName = strtok(nextToken, '(');

                    if (strcmp("character", functionName) || strcmp("integer", functionName) || strcmp("double", functionName) || strcmp("string", functionName) || strcmp("while", functionName) || strcmp("if", functionName) || strcmp("else", functionName) || strcmp("global", functionName) || strcmp("equal", functionName) || strcmp("nequal", functionName) || strcmp("return", functionName)) {

                        printf("Declarations: naming violation of %s at line %d", functionName, currentLineNum);

                    for (int i = 0; i < strlen(functionName); i++) {

                        if (!isalnum(functionName[i]) && (functionName[i] != '_') && (functionName[i] != '?')) {

                            printf("Declarations: naming violation of %s at line %d", functionName, currentLineNum);





我收到了几个编译警告,我会在最后添加警告,当我尝试启动程序时,它会立即给出一个&#34;程序崩溃&#34;错误,但我认为可能是因为尚未编写的头文件。我能做些什么来摆脱我得到的错误?感谢您的回答,任何帮助将不胜感激。 (请注意,我是C的新手,我并没有完全理解数组与指针和双指针之间的可互换性概念(例如:** ptr))

...\declarationschecker.h(30): warning C4018: '<': signed/unsigned mismatch
...\declarationschecker.h(32): warning C4047: '=': 'char (*)[200]' differs in levels of indirection from 'char *'
...\declarationschecker.h(42): warning C4047: '=': 'char *' differs in levels of indirection from 'char (*)[200]'
...\declarationschecker.h(59): warning C4047: 'function': 'const char *' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'
...\declarationschecker.h(59): warning C4024: 'strtok': different types for formal and actual parameter 2
...\declarationschecker.h(66): warning C4018: '<': signed/unsigned mismatch
...\declarationschecker.h(47): warning C4047: 'initializing': 'char *' differs in levels of indirection from 'char (*)[200]'


#include "CodeReader.h"
#include "BracketsChecker.h"
#include "DeclarationsChecker.h"
#include "StatementsChecker.h"
#include "SSAChecker.h"

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
    if (argc < 2) {
        printf("Please provide X code file name\n");

    char **code = readCode(argv[1]);
    int  num_lines = getCodeNumLines();

    checkBrackets(code, num_lines);
    checkDeclarations(code, num_lines);
    checkProgramStatements(code, num_lines);
    checkSSA(code, num_lines);


    int terminalHung; scanf("%d", &terminalHung);
    return 0;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


以下两条评论中对您帖子中的以下错误的说明,以及底部代码中的内嵌评论: enter image description here


声明char (**tokenized)[LINE_LENGTH_LIMIT];后,您尝试使用char **的第0个数组元素而不先创建内存。充其量,你的程序会在运行时崩溃,更糟糕的是,它似乎工作。这称为 Undefined Unspecified behavior 。 (阅读如何使用 malloc )。因为您正在为字符串集合准备存储,所以您只需要两个diminsions,而不是三个。 char *[]char **可行。在任何一种情况下,必须初始化这些并在使用前创建内存。但是,由于您已经知道最大行数和行的最大长度,因此只需声明并使用:char tokenized[CODE_LINE_LIMIT][LINE_LENGTH_LIMIT];

另外,声明char *token = 0;与strtok一起使用。 (见原因评论)



static void checkDeclarations(char **code, int num_lines) 

    char *token = 0;//use with strtok
    char *currentLine;
    char tokenized[CODE_LINE_LIMIT][LINE_LENGTH_LIMIT] = {{0}};
    int i, len;  // declare multiply used variables once

    for (int currentLineNum = 0; currentLineNum < num_lines; currentLineNum++) {

        if (code[currentLineNum] != NULL) {

            currentLine = code[currentLineNum];

            //char (*tokenized)[LINE_LENGTH_LIMIT] = {0};
            len = strlen(currentLine);
            for( i = 0; i< len; i++ ) // corrected
            //for (int i = 0; i < strlen(currentLine); i++)  // don't do string comparison's in a loop
            {                                              // and avoid comparisons of different types
                                                           // return of strlen() is an unsigned int
                token =  strtok(currentLine, " ");

                if (token == NULL) break;
                else strcpy(tokenized[i], token);

            char *currentToken;

            //for (int i = 0; i < LINE_LENGTH_LIMIT; i++) {  // shadow declaration of previously declared variable
            for ( i = 0; i < LINE_LENGTH_LIMIT; i++) {       // corrected

                currentToken = tokenized[i];

                if (strcmp("***", currentToken)) 

                char (*nextToken) = tokenized[i + 1];

                if (strcmp("global", currentToken)) {

                    if (!strcmp("character", nextToken) && !strcmp("integer", nextToken) && !strcmp("double", nextToken) && !strcmp("string", nextToken)) {
                        printf("Declarations: unknown data type %s at line %d", nextToken, currentLineNum);


                if (strcmp("character", currentToken) || strcmp("integer", currentToken) || strcmp("double", currentToken) || strcmp("string", currentToken)) {

                    //char *functionName = strtok(nextToken, '(');  // strtok 2nd argument requires a string, not an integer
                    char *functionName = strtok(nextToken, "(");  // corrected
                // note: calling this in a loop will be a problem.  either Declare 'functionName' at top of function
                // or use 'token', already declared

                    if (strcmp("character", functionName) || strcmp("integer", functionName) || strcmp("double", functionName) || strcmp("string", functionName) || strcmp("while", functionName) || strcmp("if", functionName) || strcmp("else", functionName) || strcmp("global", functionName) || strcmp("equal", functionName) || strcmp("nequal", functionName) || strcmp("return", functionName)) {

                        printf("Declarations: naming violation of %s at line %d", functionName, currentLineNum);

                    //for (int i = 0; i < strlen(functionName); i++) { // "i" has already been declared above
                    for ( i = 0; i < len; i++) { // corrected

                        if (!isalnum(functionName[i]) && (functionName[i] != '_') && (functionName[i] != '?')) {

                            printf("Declarations: naming violation of %s at line %d", functionName, currentLineNum);





在将字符串分配给char *str之前(例如,通过使用strcpystrcat等),您必须创建内存:

int desiredStrLen  = 80;
char *str = calloc(desiredStrLen + 1, 1);
if(str)// test return of calloc before trusting it worked
    //use str 
    free(str); // always, when finished with any dynamically allocated memory, free it.  


char **currentLine = Create2DStr(numLines, longestLine);
    /// use currentLine (in your loop)
    strcpy(currentLine[i], code[currentLineNum]);
    // when finished with string collection, free it.
    free2DStr(&strings, numLines);  


char ** Create2DStr(ssize_t numStrings, ssize_t maxStrLen)
    int i;
    char **str = {0};
    str = calloc(numStrings, sizeof(char *));
    for(i=0;i<numStrings; i++)
      str[i] = calloc(maxStrLen + 1, 1);
    return str;

void free2DStr(char *** str, ssize_t numStrings)
    int i;
    if(!(*str)) return;
    for(i=0;i<numStrings; i++)
            (*str)[i] = NULL;
    (*str) = NULL;