JS Image Compare按钮溢出

时间:2018-04-25 17:10:08

标签: javascript html css

我一直在编辑这个JS image compare示例,一切都很棒。我只是不知道如何改变一件事。




function initComparisons() {
  var x, i;
  /*find all elements with an "overlay" class:*/
  x = document.getElementsByClassName("img-comp-overlay");
  for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
    /*once for each "overlay" element:
    pass the "overlay" element as a parameter when executing the compareImages function:*/
  function compareImages(img) {
    var slider, img, clicked = 0, w, h;
    /*get the width and height of the img element*/
    w = img.offsetWidth;
    h = img.offsetHeight;
    /*set the width of the img element to 50%:*/
    img.style.width = (w / 2) + "px";
    /*create slider:*/
    slider = document.createElement("DIV");
    slider.setAttribute("class", "img-comp-slider");
    /*insert slider*/
    img.parentElement.insertBefore(slider, img);
    /*position the slider in the middle:*/
    slider.style.top = (h / 2) - (slider.offsetHeight / 2) + "px";
    slider.style.left = (w / 2) - (slider.offsetWidth / 2) + "px";
    /*execute a function when the mouse button is pressed:*/
    slider.addEventListener("mousedown", slideReady);
    /*and another function when the mouse button is released:*/
    window.addEventListener("mouseup", slideFinish);
    /*or touched (for touch screens:*/
    slider.addEventListener("touchstart", slideReady);
    /*and released (for touch screens:*/
    window.addEventListener("touchstop", slideFinish);
    function slideReady(e) {
      /*prevent any other actions that may occur when moving over the image:*/
      /*the slider is now clicked and ready to move:*/
      clicked = 1;
      /*execute a function when the slider is moved:*/
      window.addEventListener("mousemove", slideMove);
      window.addEventListener("touchmove", slideMove);
    function slideFinish() {
      /*the slider is no longer clicked:*/
      clicked = 0;
    function slideMove(e) {
      var pos;
      /*if the slider is no longer clicked, exit this function:*/
      if (clicked == 0) return false;
      /*get the cursor's x position:*/
      pos = getCursorPos(e)
      /*prevent the slider from being positioned outside the image:*/
      if (pos < 0) pos = 0;
      if (pos > w) pos = w;
      /*execute a function that will resize the overlay image according to the cursor:*/
    function getCursorPos(e) {
      var a, x = 0;
      e = e || window.event;
      /*get the x positions of the image:*/
      a = img.getBoundingClientRect();
      /*calculate the cursor's x coordinate, relative to the image:*/
      x = e.pageX - a.left;
      /*consider any page scrolling:*/
      x = x - window.pageXOffset;
      return x;
    function slide(x) {
      /*resize the image:*/
      img.style.width = x + "px";
      /*position the slider:*/
      slider.style.left = img.offsetWidth - (slider.offsetWidth / 2) + "px";

* {box-sizing: border-box;}
.img-comp-container {
  position: relative;
  height: 200px; /*should be the same height as the images*/
.img-comp-img {
  position: absolute;
  width: auto;
  height: auto;
.img-comp-img img {
.img-comp-slider {
  position: absolute;
  cursor: ew-resize;
  /*set the appearance of the slider:*/
  width: 40px;
  height: 40px;
  background-color: #2196F3;
  opacity: 0.7;
  border-radius: 50%;
<h1>Compare Two Images</h1>

<p>Click and slide the blue slider to compare two images:</p>

<div class="img-comp-container">
  <div class="img-comp-img">
    <img src="https://placeimg.com/640/480/animals" width="300" height="200">
  <div class="img-comp-img img-comp-overlay">
    <img src="https://placeimg.com/640/480/animals?t=1524676145713" width="300" height="200">


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

所以我有一个解决方案。非常简单。但是你必须知道.img-comp-container的宽度。当然还有overflow: hidden;

问题是,overflow: hidden;可以正常工作。但由于您的.img-comp-container是块样式元素,因此它跨越网页(或其父容器)的整个宽度。因此,为了不仅在垂直方向而且在水平方向上强制执行溢出,您必须将该div的宽度限制为“正确”隐藏它

function initComparisons() {
  var x, i;
  /*find all elements with an "overlay" class:*/
  x = document.getElementsByClassName("img-comp-overlay");
  for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
    /*once for each "overlay" element:
    pass the "overlay" element as a parameter when executing the compareImages function:*/

  function compareImages(img) {
    var slider, img, clicked = 0,
      w, h;
    /*get the width and height of the img element*/
    w = img.offsetWidth;
    h = img.offsetHeight;
    /*set the width of the img element to 50%:*/
    img.style.width = (w / 2) + "px";
    /*create slider:*/
    slider = document.createElement("DIV");
    slider.setAttribute("class", "img-comp-slider");
    /*insert slider*/
    img.parentElement.insertBefore(slider, img);
    /*position the slider in the middle:*/
    slider.style.top = (h / 2) - (slider.offsetHeight / 2) + "px";
    slider.style.left = (w / 2) - (slider.offsetWidth / 2) + "px";
    /*execute a function when the mouse button is pressed:*/
    slider.addEventListener("mousedown", slideReady);
    /*and another function when the mouse button is released:*/
    window.addEventListener("mouseup", slideFinish);
    /*or touched (for touch screens:*/
    slider.addEventListener("touchstart", slideReady);
    /*and released (for touch screens:*/
    window.addEventListener("touchstop", slideFinish);

    function slideReady(e) {
      /*prevent any other actions that may occur when moving over the image:*/
      /*the slider is now clicked and ready to move:*/
      clicked = 1;
      /*execute a function when the slider is moved:*/
      window.addEventListener("mousemove", slideMove);
      window.addEventListener("touchmove", slideMove);

    function slideFinish() {
      /*the slider is no longer clicked:*/
      clicked = 0;

    function slideMove(e) {
      var pos;
      /*if the slider is no longer clicked, exit this function:*/
      if (clicked == 0) return false;
      /*get the cursor's x position:*/
      pos = getCursorPos(e)
      /*prevent the slider from being positioned outside the image:*/
      if (pos < 0) pos = 0;
      if (pos > w) pos = w;
      /*execute a function that will resize the overlay image according to the cursor:*/

    function getCursorPos(e) {
      var a, x = 0;
      e = e || window.event;
      /*get the x positions of the image:*/
      a = img.getBoundingClientRect();
      /*calculate the cursor's x coordinate, relative to the image:*/
      x = e.pageX - a.left;
      /*consider any page scrolling:*/
      x = x - window.pageXOffset;
      return x;

    function slide(x) {
      /*resize the image:*/
      img.style.width = x + "px";
      /*position the slider:*/
      slider.style.left = img.offsetWidth - (slider.offsetWidth / 2) + "px";

* {
  box-sizing: border-box;

.img-comp-container {
  position: relative;
  height: 200px;
  /*should be the same height as the images*/
  /* Overflow must be here, and helping it up with width */
  width: 300px;
  overflow: hidden;

.img-comp-img {
  position: absolute;
  width: auto;
  height: auto;
  overflow: hidden;

.img-comp-img img {
  display: block;
  vertical-align: middle;

.img-comp-slider {
  position: absolute;
  z-index: 9;
  cursor: ew-resize;
  /*set the appearance of the slider:*/
  width: 40px;
  height: 40px;
  background-color: #2196F3;
  opacity: 0.7;
  border-radius: 50%;
<h1>Compare Two Images</h1>

<p>Click and slide the blue slider to compare two images:</p>

<div class="img-comp-container">
  <div class="img-comp-img">
    <img src="https://placeimg.com/640/480/animals" width="300" height="200">
  <div class="img-comp-img img-comp-overlay">
    <img src="https://placeimg.com/640/480/animals?t=1524676145713" width="300" height="200">