
时间:2018-04-25 15:15:05

标签: label gnuplot

一切都在标题中。 我的MWE是:

set term post eps color enhanced "Times-Roman" 18
set encoding utf8

a = 0.5
f(x) = a*x/(1 + a*x)
c(x) = 0.95

set xrange [0:100]
set yrange [0:1.2]
set arrow 1 from x1,graph 0 to x1,f(x1) lt 2 lc 3 nohead
set label 1 at x1,graph 0 "{/Symbol q_1}" textcolor 3 offset 0.5,0.75 
set label 2 at 0,0.95 "0.95" textcolor 7 offset -3.5,0 

set output 'test-label.eps' 
plot f(x) with line lw 2 lc 3 ,\
c(x) with line lw 2 lc 7

我想将\ theta_1用蓝色和0.95用红色,但是当我使用这段代码(我从gnuplot 5.0手册,第133页获得)时,我收到错误: colorspec选项无法识别


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