
时间:2018-04-25 12:32:58

标签: java scala unit-testing generics scalamock

我正在尝试使用不同数量的参数来模拟具有重载方法的Java通用接口。 接口代码是:

if a[text.Text] then ...


import java.util.concurrent.Callable

import java.util.concurrent.Callable;

public interface GOInterface<T> {
    void send(T record);
    void send(T record, Callable<T> onComplete);


import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}

class JavaInterfaceTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers with MockFactory {
  behavior of "scalamock"

  it should "mock java generic interface with overloaded method (with different number of parameters)" in {
    var result = ""
    val m = mock[GOInterface[String]]
    (m.send(_: String, _: Callable[String])).expects(*, *)
      .onCall{ case(s: String, c: Callable[String]) =>}.once

    m.send("hello", new Callable[String] {
      override def call(): String = {result = "world"; result}

    result should be("world")

  it should "mock java generic interface with overloaded method (with different number of parameters) 2" in {
    var result = ""
    val m = mock[GOInterface[String]]
    (m.send(_: String)).expects(*).once


    result should be("")

查看ScalaMock git中的不同示例我可以看到没有测试通过具有不同参数计数的重载方法来检查通用接口。


error: value expects is not a member of (String, java.util.concurrent.Callable[String]) => Unit
[ERROR]     (m.send(_: String, _: Callable[String])).expects(*, *)
[ERROR]                                              ^

error: value expects is not a member of String => Unit
[ERROR]     (m.send(_: String)).expects(*).once


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



trait StringGoInterface extends GoInterface[String]
val m = mock[StringGoInterface]

答案 1 :(得分:1)

我设法克服了这个问题。不是最干净的方式,而是它的作品。 正如@PhilippM建议我需要修复类型,但不幸的是,这还不够,我需要创建一个虚拟类。 这是为我工作的解决方案:

class JavaInterfaceTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers with MockFactory {
  behavior of "scalamock"

  class StringInterface extends GOInterface[String] {
    override def send(record: String): Unit = ()

    override def send(record: String, onComplete: Callable[String]): Unit = ()

  val call: (String, Callable[String]) => Unit = { case(s: String, c: Callable[String]) =>}

  it should "mock java generic interface with overloaded method (with different number of parameters)" in {
    var result = ""
    val m = mock[StringInterface]
    (m.send(_: String, _: Callable[String])).expects(*, *)
      .onCall{ call }.once

    m.send("hello", new Callable[String] {
      override def call(): String = {result = "world"; result}

    result should be("world")

  it should "mock java generic interface with overloaded method (with different number of parameters) 2" in {
    var result = ""
    val m = mock[StringInterface]
    (m.send(_: String)).expects(*).once


    result should be("")
