python excel到csv转换生成错误的输出

时间:2018-04-24 17:40:38

标签: python excel csv


Domain ; State ; Industry; Simulation ; Simulation offers public quick access to  information and analysis – e.g., reports, news, data, and trends. 
Domain ; State ; Industry ; VT ; VR enables people to view simulation of virtual environement
Dynamic visualization increases analysis capabilities
Provides answers to questions such as:
- Where are the biggest opportunities for scaling?
- How should resources be aligned to increase performance?
- How much are people are spending per transaction or on a particular virtualization?


import xlrd
import csv

def Excel2CSV(ExcelFile, SheetName, CSVFile):

    workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(ExcelFile)
    worksheet = workbook.sheet_by_name(SheetName)
    csvfile = open(CSVFile, 'w',newline = '',encoding='utf8')
    wr = csv.writer(csvfile,delimiter=';')

    for rownum in range(worksheet.nrows):



在将excel工作表转换为csv时,如何确保单个单元格中的多个行数据保持在一起(我不关心来自Excel工作单的多行数据是否为单个) csv中的行数据?

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