我是JavaScript编程的新手,所以我想做一些练习,但我发现了一个我想要使用的代码。 所以我找到了下面的代码,并希望运行作者所说的运行它的信息 但是当我试图运行代码进行测试时,它表示newPuzzle函数是未定义的但是该函数是在placeword函数的返回中定义的,所以现在我只想清楚地运行代码来对它进行一些练习 如何使用此代码运行它:
var words = ['cow'];
var puzzle = WordFind.newPuzzle(words, {
// Set dimensionas of the puzzle
height: 3,
width: 3,
// or enable all with => orientations: WordFind.validOrientations
orientations: ['horizontal', 'vertical'],
// Set a random character the empty spaces
fillBlanks: true,
preferOverlap: false
我在使用严格'之后使用了此代码。但它说newPuzzle在undefined 代码:
(function () {
'use strict';
* Generates a new word find (word search) puzzle provided a set of words.
* Can automatically determine the smallest puzzle size in which all words
* fit, or the puzzle size can be manually configured. Will automatically
* increase puzzle size until a valid puzzle is found.
* WordFind has no dependencies.
* Initializes the WordFind object.
* @api private
var WordFind = function () {
// Letters used to fill blank spots in the puzzle
const LETTERS = 'abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwyz';
* Definitions for all the different orientations in which words can be
* placed within a puzzle. New orientation definitions can be added and they
* will be automatically available.
// The list of all the possible orientations
var allOrientations = ['horizontal','horizontalBack','vertical','verticalUp',
// The definition of the orientation, calculates the next square given a
// starting square (x,y) and distance (i) from that square.
var orientations = {
horizontal: function(x,y,i) { return {x: x+i, y: y }; },
horizontalBack: function(x,y,i) { return {x: x-i, y: y }; },
vertical: function(x,y,i) { return {x: x, y: y+i}; },
verticalUp: function(x,y,i) { return {x: x, y: y-i}; },
diagonal: function(x,y,i) { return {x: x+i, y: y+i}; },
diagonalBack: function(x,y,i) { return {x: x-i, y: y+i}; },
diagonalUp: function(x,y,i) { return {x: x+i, y: y-i}; },
diagonalUpBack: function(x,y,i) { return {x: x-i, y: y-i}; }
// Determines if an orientation is possible given the starting square (x,y),
// the height (h) and width (w) of the puzzle, and the length of the word (l).
// Returns true if the word will fit starting at the square provided using
// the specified orientation.
var checkOrientations = {
horizontal: function(x,y,h,w,l) { return w >= x + l; },
horizontalBack: function(x,y,h,w,l) { return x + 1 >= l; },
vertical: function(x,y,h,w,l) { return h >= y + l; },
verticalUp: function(x,y,h,w,l) { return y + 1 >= l; },
diagonal: function(x,y,h,w,l) { return (w >= x + l) && (h >= y + l); },
diagonalBack: function(x,y,h,w,l) { return (x + 1 >= l) && (h >= y + l); },
diagonalUp: function(x,y,h,w,l) { return (w >= x + l) && (y + 1 >= l); },
diagonalUpBack: function(x,y,h,w,l) { return (x + 1 >= l) && (y + 1 >= l); }
// Determines the next possible valid square given the square (x,y) was ]
// invalid and a word lenght of (l). This greatly reduces the number of
// squares that must be checked. Returning {x: x+1, y: y} will always work
// but will not be optimal.
var skipOrientations = {
horizontal: function(x,y,l) { return {x: 0, y: y+1 }; },
horizontalBack: function(x,y,l) { return {x: l-1, y: y }; },
vertical: function(x,y,l) { return {x: 0, y: y+100}; },
verticalUp: function(x,y,l) { return {x: 0, y: l-1 }; },
diagonal: function(x,y,l) { return {x: 0, y: y+1 }; },
diagonalBack: function(x,y,l) { return {x: l-1, y: x>=l-1?y+1:y }; },
diagonalUp: function(x,y,l) { return {x: 0, y: y<l-1?l-1:y+1 }; },
diagonalUpBack: function(x,y,l) { return {x: l-1, y: x>=l-1?y+1:y }; }
* Initializes the puzzle and places words in the puzzle one at a time.
* Returns either a valid puzzle with all of the words or null if a valid
* puzzle was not found.
* @param {[String]} words: The list of words to fit into the puzzle
* @param {[Options]} options: The options to use when filling the puzzle
var fillPuzzle = function (words, options) {
var puzzle = [], i, j, len;
// initialize the puzzle with blanks
for (i = 0; i < options.height; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < options.width; j++) {
// add each word into the puzzle one at a time
for (i = 0, len = words.length; i < len; i++) {
if (!placeWordInPuzzle(puzzle, options, words[i])) {
// if a word didn't fit in the puzzle, give up
return null;
// return the puzzle
return puzzle;
* Adds the specified word to the puzzle by finding all of the possible
* locations where the word will fit and then randomly selecting one. Options
* controls whether or not word overlap should be maximized.
* Returns true if the word was successfully placed, false otherwise.
* @param {[[String]]} puzzle: The current state of the puzzle
* @param {[Options]} options: The options to use when filling the puzzle
* @param {String} word: The word to fit into the puzzle.
var placeWordInPuzzle = function (puzzle, options, word) {
// find all of the best locations where this word would fit
var locations = findBestLocations(puzzle, options, word);
if (locations.length === 0) {
return false;
// select a location at random and place the word there
var sel = locations[Math.floor(Math.random() * locations.length)];
placeWord(puzzle, word, sel.x, sel.y, orientations[sel.orientation]);
return true;
* Iterates through the puzzle and determines all of the locations where
* the word will fit. Options determines if overlap should be maximized or
* not.
* Returns a list of location objects which contain an x,y cooridinate
* indicating the start of the word, the orientation of the word, and the
* number of letters that overlapped with existing letter.
* @param {[[String]]} puzzle: The current state of the puzzle
* @param {[Options]} options: The options to use when filling the puzzle
* @param {String} word: The word to fit into the puzzle.
var findBestLocations = function (puzzle, options, word) {
var locations = [],
height = options.height,
width = options.width,
wordLength = word.length,
maxOverlap = 0; // we'll start looking at overlap = 0
// loop through all of the possible orientations at this position
for (var k = 0, len = options.orientations.length; k < len; k++) {
var orientation = options.orientations[k],
check = checkOrientations[orientation],
next = orientations[orientation],
skipTo = skipOrientations[orientation],
x = 0, y = 0;
// loop through every position on the board
while( y < height ) {
// see if this orientation is even possible at this location
if (check(x, y, height, width, wordLength)) {
// determine if the word fits at the current position
var overlap = calcOverlap(word, puzzle, x, y, next);
// if the overlap was bigger than previous overlaps that we've seen
if (overlap >= maxOverlap || (!options.preferOverlap && overlap > -1)) {
maxOverlap = overlap;
locations.push({x: x, y: y, orientation: orientation, overlap: overlap});
if (x >= width) {
x = 0;
} else {
// if current cell is invalid, then skip to the next cell where
// this orientation is possible. this greatly reduces the number
// of checks that we have to do overall
var nextPossible = skipTo(x,y,wordLength);
x = nextPossible.x;
y = nextPossible.y;
// finally prune down all of the possible locations we found by
// only using the ones with the maximum overlap that we calculated
return options.preferOverlap ?
pruneLocations(locations, maxOverlap) :
* Determines whether or not a particular word fits in a particular
* orientation within the puzzle.
* Returns the number of letters overlapped with existing words if the word
* fits in the specified position, -1 if the word does not fit.
* @param {String} word: The word to fit into the puzzle.
* @param {[[String]]} puzzle: The current state of the puzzle
* @param {int} x: The x position to check
* @param {int} y: The y position to check
* @param {function} fnGetSquare: Function that returns the next square
var calcOverlap = function (word, puzzle, x, y, fnGetSquare) {
var overlap = 0;
// traverse the squares to determine if the word fits
for (var i = 0, len = word.length; i < len; i++) {
var next = fnGetSquare(x, y, i),
square = puzzle[next.y][next.x];
// if the puzzle square already contains the letter we
// are looking for, then count it as an overlap square
if (square === word[i]) {
// if it contains a different letter, than our word doesn't fit
// here, return -1
else if (square !== '' ) {
return -1;
// if the entire word is overlapping, skip it to ensure words aren't
// hidden in other words
return overlap;
* If overlap maximization was indicated, this function is used to prune the
* list of valid locations down to the ones that contain the maximum overlap
* that was previously calculated.
* Returns the pruned set of locations.
* @param {[Location]} locations: The set of locations to prune
* @param {int} overlap: The required level of overlap
var pruneLocations = function (locations, overlap) {
var pruned = [];
for(var i = 0, len = locations.length; i < len; i++) {
if (locations[i].overlap >= overlap) {
return pruned;
* Places a word in the puzzle given a starting position and orientation.
* @param {[[String]]} puzzle: The current state of the puzzle
* @param {String} word: The word to fit into the puzzle.
* @param {int} x: The x position to check
* @param {int} y: The y position to check
* @param {function} fnGetSquare: Function that returns the next square
var placeWord = function (puzzle, word, x, y, fnGetSquare) {
for (var i = 0, len = word.length; i < len; i++) {
var next = fnGetSquare(x, y, i);
puzzle[next.y][next.x] = word[i];
return {
* Returns the list of all of the possible orientations.
* @api public
validOrientations: allOrientations,
* Returns the orientation functions for traversing words.
* @api public
orientations: orientations,
* Generates a new word find (word search) puzzle.
* Settings:
* height: desired height of the puzzle, default: smallest possible
* width: desired width of the puzzle, default: smallest possible
* orientations: list of orientations to use, default: all orientations
* fillBlanks: true to fill in the blanks, default: true
* maxAttempts: number of tries before increasing puzzle size, default:3
* maxGridGrowth: number of puzzle grid increases, default:10
* preferOverlap: maximize word overlap or not, default: true
* Returns the puzzle that was created.
* @param {[String]} words: List of words to include in the puzzle
* @param {options} settings: The options to use for this puzzle
* @api public
newPuzzle: function(words, settings) {
if (!words.length) {
throw new Error('Zero words provided');
var wordList, puzzle, attempts = 0, gridGrowths = 0, opts = settings || {};
// copy and sort the words by length, inserting words into the puzzle
// from longest to shortest works out the best
wordList = words.slice(0).sort();
// initialize the options
var maxWordLength = wordList[0].length;
var options = {
height: opts.height || maxWordLength,
width: opts.width || maxWordLength,
orientations: opts.orientations || allOrientations,
fillBlanks: opts.fillBlanks !== undefined ? opts.fillBlanks : true,
allowExtraBlanks: opts.allowExtraBlanks !== undefined ? opts.allowExtraBlanks : true,
maxAttempts: opts.maxAttempts || 3,
maxGridGrowth: opts.maxGridGrowth !== undefined ? opts.maxGridGrowth : 10,
preferOverlap: opts.preferOverlap !== undefined ? opts.preferOverlap : true
// add the words to the puzzle
// since puzzles are random, attempt to create a valid one up to
// maxAttempts and then increase the puzzle size and try again
while (!puzzle) {
while (!puzzle && attempts++ < options.maxAttempts) {
puzzle = fillPuzzle(wordList, options);
if (!puzzle) {
if (gridGrowths > options.maxGridGrowth) {
throw new Error(`No valid ${options.width}x${options.height} grid found and not allowed to grow more`);
console.log(`No valid ${options.width}x${options.height} grid found after ${attempts - 1} attempts, trying with bigger grid`);
attempts = 0;
// fill in empty spaces with random letters
if (options.fillBlanks) {
var lettersToAdd, fillingBlanksCount = 0, extraLetterGenerator;
if (typeof options.fillBlanks === 'function') {
extraLetterGenerator = options.fillBlanks;
} else if (typeof options.fillBlanks === 'string') {
lettersToAdd = options.fillBlanks.toLowerCase().split('');
extraLetterGenerator = () => lettersToAdd.pop() || (fillingBlanksCount++ && '');
} else {
extraLetterGenerator = () => LETTERS[Math.floor(Math.random() * LETTERS.length)];
var extraLettersCount = this.fillBlanks({puzzle, extraLetterGenerator: extraLetterGenerator});
if (lettersToAdd && lettersToAdd.length) {
throw new Error(`Some extra letters provided were not used: ${lettersToAdd}`);
if (lettersToAdd && fillingBlanksCount && !options.allowExtraBlanks) {
throw new Error(`${fillingBlanksCount} extra letters were missing to fill the grid`);
var gridFillPercent = 100 * (1 - extraLettersCount / (options.width * options.height));
console.log(`Blanks filled with ${extraLettersCount} random letters - Final grid is filled at ${gridFillPercent.toFixed(0)}%`);
return puzzle;
* Wrapper around `newPuzzle` allowing to find a solution without some words.
* @param {options} settings: The options to use for this puzzle.
* Same as `newPuzzle` + allowedMissingWords
newPuzzleLax: function(words, opts) {
try {
return this.newPuzzle(words, opts);
} catch (e) {
if (!opts.allowedMissingWords) {
throw e;
var opts = Object.assign({}, opts); // shallow copy
for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
var wordList = words.slice(0);
wordList.splice(i, 1);
try {
var puzzle = this.newPuzzleLax(wordList, opts);
console.log(`Solution found without word "${words[i]}"`);
return puzzle;
} catch (e) {} // continue if error
throw e;
* Fills in any empty spaces in the puzzle with random letters.
* @param {[[String]]} puzzle: The current state of the puzzle
* @api public
fillBlanks: function ({puzzle, extraLetterGenerator}) {
var extraLettersCount = 0;
for (var i = 0, height = puzzle.length; i < height; i++) {
var row = puzzle[i];
for (var j = 0, width = row.length; j < width; j++) {
if (!puzzle[i][j]) {
puzzle[i][j] = extraLetterGenerator();
return extraLettersCount;
* Returns the starting location and orientation of the specified words
* within the puzzle. Any words that are not found are returned in the
* notFound array.
* Returns
* x position of start of word
* y position of start of word
* orientation of word
* word
* overlap (always equal to word.length)
* @param {[[String]]} puzzle: The current state of the puzzle
* @param {[String]} words: The list of words to find
* @api public
solve: function (puzzle, words) {
var options = {
height: puzzle.length,
width: puzzle[0].length,
orientations: allOrientations,
preferOverlap: true
found = [],
notFound = [];
for(var i = 0, len = words.length; i < len; i++) {
var word = words[i],
locations = findBestLocations(puzzle, options, word);
if (locations.length > 0 && locations[0].overlap === word.length) {
locations[0].word = word;
} else {
return { found: found, notFound: notFound };
* Outputs a puzzle to the console, useful for debugging.
* Returns a formatted string representing the puzzle.
* @param {[[String]]} puzzle: The current state of the puzzle
* @api public
print: function (puzzle) {
var puzzleString = '';
for (var i = 0, height = puzzle.length; i < height; i++) {
var row = puzzle[i];
for (var j = 0, width = row.length; j < width; j++) {
puzzleString += (row[j] === '' ? ' ' : row[j]) + ' ';
puzzleString += '\n';
return puzzleString;
* Allow library to be used within both the browser and node.js
var root = typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null ? exports :
root.wordfind = WordFind();
请帮帮我 谢谢你们所有人
答案 0 :(得分:0)
* Allow library to be used within both the browser and node.js
var root = typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null ? exports : window;
root.wordfind = WordFind();
定义的命名空间,并且全部以小写形式完成。而不是var puzzle = WordFind.newPuzzle(...)
,您需要编写var puzzle = wordfind.newPuzzle(...)