我已重试设置为true。我的理解是,信息应该不断地传递给消费者。相反,它只是坐在那里不消耗重新排队的消息或任何新消息。我将com.budjb和com.rabbitmq以及org.springframework.amqp的日志记录一直转到TRACE,并且看不到任何断开连接...... Heeelppp
rabbitmq {
uri = new URI(System.env.CLOUDAMQP_URL ?: "amqp://test:test@localhost/test")
username = uri.userInfo.split(":")[0]
password = uri.userInfo.split(":")[1]
connections = [
[name : 'main',
host : uri.host,
port : 5672,
username : username,
requestedHeartbeat: 10,
automaticReconnect: true,
virtualHost : uri.path.substring(1), //remove leading slash
password : password]
queues = [[name: com.coco.jms.RabbitQueues.INDEX_TRANSACTION.destinationName, autoDelete: false, durable: true, exclusive: false]]
class IndexTransactionConsumer implements MessageConsumerEventHandler {
static rabbitConfig = [
connection: 'main',
consumers : 1,
queue : Boolean.valueOf((String) System.getProperty("is_amqp_consumer")) ? RabbitQueues.INDEX_TRANSACTION.destinationName : null,
transacted: true,
autoAck : AutoAck.POST,
retry : true
def handleMessage(Map body, MessageContext messageContext) {
log.info("RABBITMQ - *CONSUME* Received event to index transaction (Map). " + body)
throw new Exception("Force fail")
更新 看来,当transacted = true和autoAck = AutoAck.POST时,在AbstractConsumerContext.groovy内部触发的txRollback()会阻止basicReject nack到达RabbitMQ服务器..
if (configuration.getTransacted()) {
if (configuration.getAutoAck() == AutoAck.POST) {
context.getChannel().basicReject(context.getEnvelope().deliveryTag, configuration.getRetry())
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我解决了我的问题,不允许异常逃脱听众并自己管理ack / nack。我认为在rabbitmq-native插件中有一个很大的地方,其中transacted = true。在我看来,当它发现异常时,它会回滚那个想要解雇的傻瓜。
def handleMessage(Map body, MessageContext context) {
log.info("RABBITMQ - *CONSUME* Received event. " + body)
try {
//ensure casting by JMS to Integer is reverted
body.conflictIDList = body.conflictIDList.collect { ((Number) it).toLong() }
//do work
context.channel.basicAck(context.envelope.deliveryTag, false)
} catch (Exception ex) {
ConsumerUtility.handleMessageException(rabbitMessagePublisher, body, context, ex)
static handleMessageException(RabbitMessagePublisher rabbitMessagePublisher, Map body, MessageContext context, Throwable ex) {
log.warn("E_ception caught attempting digest message sent to " + context.envelope.routingKey + ". body=" + body + ", reason=" + ex.message)
if (body.retryCount < 3) {
//pull current message off queue, sleep thread and republish onto back of queue
context.channel.basicAck(context.envelope.deliveryTag, false)
body.retryCount = body.retryCount + 1
//upon failure sleep for 3, 6, then 9 seconds
sleep(3000 * (Integer) body.retryCount)
rabbitMessagePublisher.send {
channel = context.channel
routingKey = context.envelope.routingKey
} else {
log.error("Rejecting message after three failed tries onto DLQ. body=" + body, ex)
context.channel.basicReject(context.envelope.deliveryTag, false)