def load_features(self, audio_file):
def stereo_to_mono(x):
# stereo to mono
if len(x.shape) > 1 and x.shape[1] > 1:
print('Converting stereo to mono')
x = x.mean(axis=1)
return x
def cut_or_pad_to_length(x, duration, fs):
desired_length = int(round(duration * fs))
length = len(x)
diff = length - desired_length
abs_diff = abs(diff)
if diff < 0:
# put the short signal in the middle
pad_before = abs_diff // 2
pad_after = abs_diff - pad_before
x = np.lib.pad(x, (pad_before, pad_after), 'constant')
elif diff > 1:
# cut the beginning
x = x[0:desired_length]
return x
def adjust_input(x, fs):
x = stereo_to_mono(x)
x = cut_or_pad_to_length(x, 2.0, fs)
return x
#x is data, fs is samplerate
x, fs = sf.read(audio_file)
x0 = adjust_input(x, fs)
# pitchgram
x_features = self.ch.transform(x0)
if self.scaler is not None:
x_features = self.scaler.transform(x_features.reshape(1, -1)) \
# 1 data point with 2D features
x_features = x_features.reshape(1, *x_features.shape)
return x_features
def predict_class_label(self, audio_file):
x_features = self.load_features(audio_file)
instrument_class = np_utils.probas_to_classes(self.model.predict(x_features, verbose=0))[0]
label = self.instr_family_le.inverse_transform(instrument_class)
return label
File "C:/dipl0m/ml-master/instrument-classification/predict.py", line 104, in predict_probabilities
x_features = self.load_features(audio_file)
File "C:/dipl0m/ml-master/instrument-classification/predict.py", line 87, in load_features
x_features = self.ch.transform(x0)
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'transform'